25 thoughts on “Maddow Calls out GOP Lies

  1. Thank you, Rachel Maddow, for having the courage that is so clearly lacking in much of the MSM to call them the liars that they are. And I applaud you for not being afraid to use the words “Lie” and “Lying”. The MSM really has no excuse for refusing to do the same thing. So what if John McCain refuses to appear on any network that calls him a liar? He can have Bill O’Reilly’s two million viewers and the other 298 million of us will know the truth.

  2. LOL. She just says the words, “LIES” and “MCCAIN” a bunch of times and you guys go nuts. Did she substantiate any of her claims about these lies? Nope. Not once. If these lies were so factually demonstrable, as she claimed, why didn’t she demonstrate them?

    To make matters truly ironic, she accuses the McCain camp of running away from facts, incidentally as she’s running away from facts to make that claim.

    Even funnier – if you’re so deadset about finding “lies” in Republican speeches, why not look for some where they exist instead of orgasming over the mere word “lies”? Huckabee claimed that Palin got more votes as mayor than Biden running for pres. Incidentally, that isn’t true. Biden got more votes in Florida alone than the entire population of Wasilla. Huck could’ve merely been wrong, he could’ve been lying, either way, I used facts to reach that conclusion. See how that worked? Try it some time! Facts are fun!

    Of course, if you just want some more mindless speculation, I can do that too:

    New Conspiracy theory: Barack Obama is the mother, Not Palin

  3. McCain has long since abandoned that stance on abortion. I wouldn’t advertise it because there are still women out there who believe it and don’t realize that a vote for McCain is a vote to repeal Roe vs. Wade. His campaign website states explicitly that he intends to appoint supreme court judges that will overturn it.

  4. I think it’s great that this news station is being so bold and straight up calling McCain a liar, because, clearly this i what he is, and if the news doesn’t call these issues out, many individuals, including myself, would take McCain’s words as truth… thank you for posting.

    Check out: http://getyoursorgohome.wordpress.com/

  5. fredshelm, Rachel has more than backed up her stance on GOP lies (and those of just about any part) pretty much each time she brings them up, but in this case you didn’t feel she did? So be it. Mind you, I find it kind of interesting since the bulk of the speakers at the RNC (and yes, even as a Dem and an Obama/Biden supporter I watched the RNC) had NO PROBLEM spewing out lies and half-truths ad naseum with no back-up (the truth comes out after the fact when other organizations point them out). Face it, there are lies enough to go around, but let those of us who have felt that for far too long the attacks on Dems have gone unchallenged, ENJOY the breath of fresh air that IS Rachel Maddow. I’m most definitely tuning into her new show on Monday.

  6. @fredshelm

    You claim Rachel Maddow did not substantiate any of her claims of lying by the McCain campaign but you did not mention what she said that was not correct. The facts are on her side not McCain’s baseless attacks on Obama. The Obama will tax us crap is a perfect example since does not jive with his official position.

    She is not talking about Huckabee because he is not running for President so who cares what he says.

    Rachel is a breath of fresh air who’s smarts and real journalism skills will make her new show a hit with the thinking people.

    Ideas and Revolution – If you’re not outraged you’re not reading this blog

  7. MJ, how wonderful to see you!!

    No matter what, there are going to be people who do not believe anything against St. John or the GOP.

    All one had to do was watch that abomination of a Republican convention to become very, VERY frightened. Fear, smear, condescension, anger, and hate. No ideas. Just more of the same.

    And they lie, lie, lie…and finally someone calls them out.

    The GOP is full of crap. Period.

  8. Hey fredshelm, did you hear McCain was a POW. Cindy says he doesn’t like to talk about it so we’re here to remind everybody, in case they forget. Yeah POW, no kidding!

  9. There’s plenty available on McCain lies. Yes, it requires reading. You too Fredshelm.

    “McCain Says He’s Been Baptist For Years”, by Bruce Smith, The Associated Press, September 12, 2007

    “Candidates invite questions about their faith”, by Stephen Dinan, Washington Times, September 18, 2007

    “The Pampered Politician”, by Amy Silverman, The Phoenix New Times, May 15, 1997

    “See John Run Off at the Mouth”, Phoenix New Times, October 1, 1998

    “Opiate for the Mrs.”, Phoenix New Times, September 8, 1994

    “Flashes: What’s Up, Murdoch?”, Phoenix New Times, September 17, 1998

    the US Veteran’s Dispatch web site.

    “Symington Gets Slammer”, Phoenix New Times, February 2, 1998

    Election 98: Arizona Governor, Fox News web site, 1998 coverage (no longer on web)

    “Keating Gets New Trial”, CNNfn Web Site, December 2, 1996

    “No More Wagging,”, (editorial) by Maureen Dowd, The New York Times, January 3, 1999

    “John McCain, rock-and-roll dad”, by Andrew Essex, The New Yorker Magazine, December 6, 1999 p52

    “Unmasking Darth McCain”, by William Cleeland, The Daily Illini, March 9, 2001

    “Famed McCain Temper is Tamed”, By Michael Kranish
    Boston Globe, January 27, 2008

  10. “LOL. She just says the words, “LIES” and “MCCAIN” a bunch of times and you guys go nuts. Did she substantiate any of her claims about these lies? Nope. Not once.”

    Oh I see. You can claim she hasn’t substantiated her claims but do you back that claim up? No. Not once.

    These claims are documented all over the place. I’m afraid you are a victim of wishful thinking.

  11. Roll on! No more Mr & Mrs Nice Guys with the Right. They want to play games then lets beat them in their own game. Only difference is that we have the truth to back us up. Keep on going on! We’ll get the White House back. McCane/McLame/McSame/McShame and Pale-One will NOT be getting anywhere close to ruin us (the world) for another 4 years. McTame, you can lie to some of the people some of the time…

  12. Don’t call it “mainstream media.” Call it corporate media. They are owned by and represent the corporations. Not the people. Benjamen Franklin must be spinning in his grave!

  13. This is definitely not a surprise. This is from a party that convinced people that Bush would be a great President because he’s the type of guy you can have a beer with while watching the football game. Now they’re setting up these new straw men to beat down and trying to convince the American people that Obama’s Harvard/Columbia education somehow specifically makes him unqualified for the Presidency.

  14. …trying to convince the American people that Obama’s Harvard/Columbia education somehow specifically makes him unqualified for the Presidency.

    Exactly!! At what point did this become a bad thing?? I want a president who is smarter than I am. Yeah, I have a lot going on upstairs, but I want someone who is SCARY smart, not just ok smart.

  15. It probably does not matter.

    The last two presidential elections were decided by election fraud.

    It is reasonable to think this one will be also.

    Nothing has been corrected to stop it.

    Beating dead horses that are not on the track do nothing one way or the other,

    aside from giving you something to do pretending it makes a difference.

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