Jon Stewart interviews Jon Krakauer

Jon Krakauer, author of “Into Thin Air“, explains how the Bush administration exploited Pat Tillman’s death for political gain. He discusses his new book on Pat Tillman called “Where Men Win Glory“.

Painful.. Krakauer talks about how General Stanley A. McChrystal was the point man for the coverup. McChrystal is the commander in charge of the war in Afghanistan right now.

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Colbert & Stewart’s take on the defeating of the Public Option

Stephen Colbert says “Send your medical bills to Max Baucus”.

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Jon Stewart wants to know why Democrats can’t pass the public option since getting a super majority in the Senate.

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I knew that both attempts at passing the ‘Public Option’ were shot down, but what I did NOT know until I watched this video was that the Senate Finance Committee voted to fund abstinence-only education to the tune of $50 million per year through 2014. Huh..?! Gotta love those priorities..

Rep Alan Grayson speaks plain English: The Right is taken aback

The wingnuts would have us believe the entire issue is Grayson’s use of the word “holocaust.”  No no no, it’s nothing about right wing policies or their bloodthirsty attitude about health care reform.  Not at all!

Over 44,000 dead EVERY YEAR because they don’t have access to health care until it becomes a dire emergency or entirely too late.  What would YOU call it?

Keep up the good work, Rep Grayson.  We’re proud of you.