The Watering Hole: October 26th – Marital Bliss

This is our open thread. Please feel free to offer your own comments on any topic.

Reuters: If you’re married and you’d rather be in the slammer than at home, chances are you are not going to stay married for much longer. A Sicilian man was sent back home to his nagging wife, after he showed up at the police station and asked to be put back in jail, rather than suffering through a house arrest.

17 thoughts on “The Watering Hole: October 26th – Marital Bliss

  1. Martial…Marital…
    the difference is where you put ‘i’.

    Don’t know Italian law, but he should have swore out a restraining order on his wife, forcing her to be a specified minimum distance away from him. Then she would have had to move. He was under a court order to stay there, and she wasn’t.

  2. Hi NWMuse,
    Are you keeping up with Bradblog on Sibel Edmonds? There was a development last week that Brad wrote on Oct. 21st. A writer with covered the story and there was some additional connection to the USDoD scientist recently arrested trying to sell nuclear secrets to what he thought was an Israeli agent.
    The next night after it appeared at Bradblog, Mike Malloy spent an hour reading it on the air and discussing it.

  3. TerrytheTurtle,
    Israelis are for Israel. Israeli-US dual citizens put Israel first over the US. There’s a Turkish factor in the Sibel Edmonds case, and maybe the arrested scientist too. Go to the Bradblog and read the whole series if you haven’t been following it all along. Your powers of comprehension are probably better than mine. 🙂

  4. Our post mill has been shut down by WP. We have found no copyright violations and are paid up until May 5th 2010. We have been waiting for a response from WP since 4:21 PM EDT. Needless to say, our daily open will be late on the 27th. It is now 10:16 PM EDT.

    • In plain English…WordPress has temporarily shut down our ability to post new threads. We don’t know why, and we are diligently trying to resolve the situation.

      So this is the open thread until further notice! Party on!

  5. Been following Sibel Edmonds story for some time… is anyone surprised? Thought BCCI was the only rotten edifice pointing to a much darker side to US corruption?

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