Music Night, May 25 2012

Special tip of the hat to Alyssa at Think Progress for her recent list of female pop performers. The particular video she offered is an interesting cover but I wanted something without any digital disguise, because singer-songwriter Ingrid Michaelson has a truly gorgeous voice.Oh, and glasses.

80 thoughts on “Music Night, May 25 2012

  1. Just a reminder if you have HBO…

    Bill Maher will have on among his guests Paul Krugman and Arthur Laffer, economic polar opposites.

    • Krugman is Hartmann’s guest on Conversations With Great Minds as well. Must be a taped interview, since Real Time is live.

      • Ya never know who’s on the panel, who comes out alone just at the start, or even a video remote interview. I’ll be amazed if Krugman and Laffer are sitting together on the panel.

    • One of the brilliant parts of this collection of themes is that there are three things going on: Irish themes, African themes, and the driving sound of a steam engine train.

  2. nwog, you can always play the songs you really like!

    I had to do a “drive-by”/bed check on some peregrines roosting spots.

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