3 thoughts on “Forewarned is Forearmed

  1. Makes me ask one more time my long-time and forever unanswered question: What is ‘money’, really?

    I know, ‘medium of exchange,’ etc. Sure. Ok. But what is it REALLY? Other than something a government ‘makes’ as much of or as little of as it feels like making. It has something to do with the means of accumulating, by those so inclined, massive amounts of power over others, of ‘position’ in society in one way or another; for the average person it’s the easiest way to obtain food, clothing, a roof, mobility, health maintenance, even a little ‘fun’ now and then. But even added together, all of that doesn’t really answer the basic question: What is money, really? A piece of paper with numbers printed on it alongside a picture of some old guy or dame, a stamped out piece of not-intrinsically-valuable-or-useful metal, a ‘record’ of some sort via a paper trail, a computer trail, etc. So? So what?

    I remain eternally baffled as to why something that is so fundamentally USELESS is seen by so many to be so intrinsically valuable when, really, a simple fart every now and then is probably more beneficial.

    And why is it that when a government makes enough ‘money’ so that everyone has ‘enough’ to live on, its ‘value’ drops off, sometimes dramatically? Are the words ‘money’ and ‘greed’ essentially equal in meaning?

  2. I’m not worrying about it. I get e-mails from Newsmax all the time and they are constantly hyping this guy. That article was less a work of Journalism and more a work of Advertising. Plus, when it comes to economic predictions, I’m wary of the ones that rely on an the “all other things being equal” mindset, Changing one factor will automatically affect others that won’t “be equal” to what they was before. I’ve seen other Newsmax economic predictions saying the Dow will hit 60,000, which I think will never happen unless they do keep printing money, which is why this other guy thinks the whole thing will collapse. For all I know (because I don’t scrutinize them), they could be the same guy!

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