As US Threatens Iran Over Enriching Uranium, Bush Promises to Give Enriched Uranium to Saudi Arabia

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Democracy Now!

The Bush administration has pledged to support Saudi Arabia’s nuclear power program, including supplying enriched uranium for nuclear reactors. The agreement came out of President Bush’s visit to the Saudi kingdom last week, during which Bush also pledged new US assistance in guarding Saudi oil reserves.

Let me see…

Iran hasn’t attacked us, but we are threatening to bomb them because we don’t want them to have any nuclear technology that can be used to possibly develop weapons.., and yet we are planning on giving uranium to Saudi Arabia so they can have nuclear capabilities that will enable them to develop nuclear weapons, even though 15 of the 19 supposed hijackers of 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia – as in: they DID attack us.. And now we are giving them uranium.. How much sense does this make?

Up is truly down… I’ve stepped through the looking glass…

27 thoughts on “As US Threatens Iran Over Enriching Uranium, Bush Promises to Give Enriched Uranium to Saudi Arabia

  1. I was thinking of the pre-1979 Iran myself. It’s just OK when said Middle Eastern nation is a fascist police state….or it seems, a mysogynist theocracy.

    Meanwhile…. if the Saudis have all this oil and gas… enough to fuel the SUVs of Joe Sixpack for the next 100 years…. why do they need nuclear power? /rhetorical questioning off

  2. Clarification: the US supported the Shah’s nuclear programme in the 1970s…

    “President Gerald Ford signed a directive in 1976 offering Tehran the chance to buy and operate a U.S.-built reprocessing facility for extracting plutonium from nuclear reactor fuel. The deal was for a complete ‘nuclear fuel cycle’.”[14] At the time, Richard Cheney was the White House Chief of Staff, and Donald Rumsfeld was the Secretary of Defense.”

    Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld – well there are some known, knowns eh?

    Here’s the punchline on that from Henry “What me? A war criminal” Kissinger:

    “Then-United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said in 2005, ‘I don’t think the issue of proliferation came up’.”

    Hardeharhar – these bastards make me puke.

  3. The greedy basterd’s in our administration love to give stuff away or trade for mango’s. what ever…I find this entire mess to be way over the top on toxic behavior…..Why in hell don’t they trade for lower perminent oil price’s?…Oh forgive me they are all in bed together or have their hand’s up the saudi dresses….Profit on both side’s as they lie they can’t make change’s or have no power over supply and demand….Lie’s all lie’s just like this GD war…Nothing will change untill this bunch is out of office…..

    Day’s like this make me wish we could do retro active birth control on this administration just like they are doing to all of us and the world…Blessings

  4. Lessee, the chympchump goes over to kiss Abdulla’s fat ass, comes away with a big FU on increasing oil production, but gives away nuclear material>
    Isn’t that appeasement?

  5. Good Morning RUCerious, I don’t know the answer to your question…..I keep thinking these guy’s are like street people…..Pimp’s and whore’s all but I can’t figure out which is the pimp and who is his whore…Or maybe it is the saudi prince that’s the pimp and cheney/bush and all this administration work’s for him…Hummmm I am confused…Blessings and a hug for Amber…

  6. So the boy Bush wants to give the Saudis enriched uranium, probably hoping that the Saudis will give the US more oil. HA! 😆 The Saudis will only laugh in the boy Bush’s face like they did last week.

  7. Hi WitchyOne! I’m home with Amber on a vacation day, so far we’ve had pancakes for breakfast, vacuumed the house, walked down to get the mail, and played hide and go seek (for an hour or so). More fun on the slate! Just gave her your hug!

  8. willy, I second that blockade. And an arms embargo, and complete cessation of all foreign aid.
    They’re sixty freakin years old, when are they going to be able to stand on their own?

  9. Hey RUC we’re going fishing this weekend at Kentucky Lake. Now if my husband will stop the boat and stop chasing walleye/sauger I have a chance of catching a monster crappy. The first one I ever caught was 2 1/2 lbs on that lake. My daughter would be thrilled to catch one of those.

  10. Thanks a lot Shayne. Waaaah. I’m gonna get back up to Sharon’s lake pretty soon, Amber can’t wait to go fishing again.
    Where do I go to catch a 7 lb perch?

  11. Meanwhile behind the scenes with the King.
    Oh great king, we would love to guard your oil wells. But, would you mind doing us a teeny tiny favor, oh great king? Open the oil spigot a little? Not too much, we don’t want to create any problems for you. No? You say no? OK, how about if we give you some uranium, too. Maybe, you say? Thats good! What else do you want, oh glorious king? Your wish is my command…

    May 21, 2008 at 9:16 am
    Isn’t that appeasement?

    Somehow the word appeasement that the neocons have been throwing at anyone who disagrees with them since 1950, is a pale explanation for Bush’s actions here. I am at a loss for a word bad enough to communicate the depth to which this puppet has sunk.

  12. RUCerious
    May 21, 2008 at 1:05 pm

    They’re sixty freakin years old, when are they going to be able to stand on their own?

    Someone ought to tell the country that the neocon Iraqi fantasy called the “sovereign Iraqi democracy” should look to this great example of how Israel is doing along those lines. Looks like we will be hooked into “servicing Iraq” until the 22 Century, just as McBush has proclaimed.

  13. europeanview
    May 21, 2008 at 3:05 pm
    absolute and unconditional surrender

    Well, that is how I read this as well.

    Problem is he has no idea that he is doing this, so lost in his fantasy is he. Even those who surrender know what they are doing. He simply has no idea that playing local politics, as he did in Israel, when visiting a foreign country is off limits.

    He’s the commander, see? The decider. The commander in chief who is bound by no law nor accountable to anyone but the corporatists that pull his strings.
    He is not in touch with the real world. A terribly loose cannon on a badly listing ship of state. A megalomaniac with powers granted by god…

  14. Problem is he has no idea that he is doing this, so lost in his fantasy is he. Even those who surrender know what they are doing. He simply has no idea that playing local politics, as he did in Israel, when visiting a foreign country is off limits.

    He’s the commander, see? The decider. The commander in chief who is bound by no law nor accountable to anyone but the corporatists that pull his strings.
    He is not in touch with the real world. A terribly loose cannon on a badly listing ship of state. A megalomaniac with powers granted by god…

    That’s what happens if you have too much power for too long, he only got it worse than others, due to his intellect…

  15. Good evening critter’s….Wow! a crappy that weighed 2 and a half pound’s..Unbelievable…They are catching lot’s of legal size here now off the dock Shayne.The limit’s here are none under 9 inches and 10 per day only..Some good sized triploid trout being caught as well as lot’s of bass most running 2 pound’s…Expect this holiday week end to be a mini mad house.Already had several people ask about over night camping, have one small group that we can manage…

    A soggy rainy day here, hope it let’s up for the week end..The owner came out for a few minute’s and I showed him the tree that I am going to have cut down…It’s a diseased cottonwood about to fall on the porta potty…Hope no one’s on the seat when it doe’s….

    Your day sounded great RUCerious, hope to see you and Amber one day soon… come you stayed home from fly fishing.?

    Happy posting all….Blessings

  16. That was my first one #1, and my last that size about 20 years ago.

    Ouch, what a place to get bopped by a tree. I’ve lost all my willow trees in the last few years to carpenter ants. Big pieces just started falling off it, probably old age.

  17. One aspect of this that people don’t notice is that presidents these days aren’t what they used to be.

    Sure, they appear to be all powerful and “the leader of the free world” to the average Joe, but really, they’re just front men… like the talking heads on nightly news shows.

    They are subserviant to the ones with the real power and in Chimpy’s case, unfortunately he’s just a high-powered “yes man”.

    To him, handing over complete control of this country to the super wealthy set is his in-road to the big time. He was born for that job; to be the president that finally rolled over completely. Hell, even Reagan and Bush 41 had their limits.

    They held back something for the honor of the office. Chimpy just washed his hands of the whole thing and let Cheney sell out the Executive branch on someone elses watch.

  18. Willy, I think that was the pre plan of this entire bunch…..It was a set up long before he got the position handed to him….Blessings

  19. I agree witch1. That would be George P Shultz, friend and eternal sycophant to the Rockefellers (Standard Oil, AKA Exxon) who set up Chimpy’s election team of Wolfowitz, Rice, Rumsfeld, and Cheney (to pick the Vice President).

    And look how well it worked out for the Rockefellers…

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