Rove blows off ANOTHER subpoena!

Karl Rove was due to appear for a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee today, and he was once again a no-show. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by this, yet I hope THIS time the House Judiciary Committee will not stand by and just let him thumb his nose at them…

I wonder if they have any idea just how stupid and powerless he is making them look…

The rule of law still matters, or it doesn’t. If it still matters, then enforce it! Accountability is essential to moving this country forward.

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6 thoughts on “Rove blows off ANOTHER subpoena!

  1. I agree, nwmuse..

    If one doesn;t show up for traffic court, the original fine increases, as a punishment.
    If income taxes go unpaid garnishment of wages is instituted.
    The punishment for an ignored subpoena is supposed to be compulsion, by arrest.
    These are the rules for private citizens. Rove is a private citizen and should be subject to the same sanctions as the rest of us, with which most of us agree to abide-by. .

  2. Thanks for the thread Lady Muse…..I can only say WTF is going on with the congress that they continue to let this slide?…Enough already, lock the basterd up..P.B. & Justice.

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