Music Night, July 18, 2014

Choosing the musician to highlight this time was, unfortunately, too easy. Johnny Winter died yesterday at the age of 70. The man was one of the most incredible guitar players ever, and a brilliant bluesman. He also had a perfect voice for the blues.

50 thoughts on “Music Night, July 18, 2014

  1. No intro needed…. day of judgement for Strelkov and his handler needs to come on earth and delivered by men of justice.

  2. I can’t let this week go by without acknowledging that brassiest of old broads (and who reminds me of my Mom):

  3. Struggling tonight….. angry… frustrated and powerless…. Nirvana can help….. they are calling Angela Merkel ‘Frau von Ribbentrop’ for here toadying to her buddy Vlad and despite events of this week…. doing nothing…. seek out #FrauRibbentrop and #DankeFrauRibbentrop …..

  4. For the German national football team – Die Mannschaft – the team of the Brazil World Cup – no posers, no overpaid prima donnas, no biters, no tattoos…… a team and the best team…. captain Philip Lahm a model professional and role-model for the game – retired from international football at the peak….. congratulations…

    • That’s Mr. Moore at his most dramatic, and quick fingered approach. I too love Paris, Gary Moore, and probably Tanya too. That song reminds me of Carlos, and this song..,

  5. tommytheturtle’s musical education continues…… after downloading most of Nirvana to the cloud for his Kindle….

  6. I don’t know how close everyone has been following the MH17 story and who was on that plane. There were 108 top AIDS researchers on the plane on their way to Melbourne to a conference. “The cure for AIDS was on that plane” – I think that was Bill Clinton, already in Melbourne to speak at the conference.

    And … there were 80 children on that plane…..

  7. Some classical. An excerpt from Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. But the conductor (who I think looks like David Byrne of Talking Heads fame) really makes this fun to watch.

  8. I wish that this was coming again to Gorky Park….. but the Czar of All the Russias needs to be in the past…. will it happen with price of 298 innocent souls and that is all ? There were 100 souls who lost their lives freeing their country from Yanukovych….and that was not enough… and then hundreds of young Ukrainian servicemen and now?

  9. Ok sports fans…. been a gnarly week for the Turtles…… the world simply sucks the wad this week…… all around…. here’s a little hope for the future…..

  10. KZOO, Portland affiliate, signing off. Remember to be cool, but if you can’t be cool, be as cool as you can be…

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