Stop lying to yourself. You love Dennis Kucinich

via: Salon
by Rebecca Traister

(Excerpt): But here is the truth: If you believe in universal, single-payer healthcare and that campaign finance and electronic voting are corrupt; if you hate the Patriot Act and believe it erodes civil rights; if you believe that gay people should have the same rights as straight people, that America should rejoin the Kyoto Protocol and take steps to halt global warming, that we should invest in alternative fuel sources, that our water and air need to be protected from pollution and overuse, that the government should reduce the amount of money it spends on war and instead work to improve the country’s education system, and that going to war in Iraq was a terrible and tragic mistake, then you are that guy playing air guitar, and he is you.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. It’s time to come clean and admit that we are a Dennis Kucinich-loving party trapped in Hillary Clinton-supporting bodies.

This was a fun article to read..

Photo by mozzercork. Used by permission.

76 thoughts on “Stop lying to yourself. You love Dennis Kucinich

  1. Yes, I love Dennis Kucinich because he’s trying to stop Darth Cheney and his evil plan of destroying America.

    This link is about how our veterans are faring.

    Something to think about this weekend.

  2. I think I love him for standing up for the Constitution (a copy that he carries in his pocket), and he seems one of the only members who is willing to stand up and fight for it – whether it is popular or not, because it is his duty. He is also one of the few people in Congress who is actually LISTENING to the American people right now and willing to put them before his own interests, the special interests, corporations, the military industrial complex, this rogue administration, and the global elitists. He is fighting for all the right things while swimming against the current.
    Not an easy thing to do. It may not get him the presidency, it may not get Cheney impeached (though it should), but it will sure garner a lot of respect from the ones that count – Americans.

  3. If anything destroys America it will be the stock market fraudsters sucking the life out of the middle class with its FED backed welfare schemes.

  4. Same here, true. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I don’t post as much as I want, but I read TPzoo almost everyday. It has been great reading you.

  5. If I were a congressman, Dem or Pub, and voted for the quagmire, and up for re-election, I’d be like hell yah, lets blame Cheney!!!

  6. Heh. Iโ€™ve been working almost 12 hours straight on this paper. I think Iโ€™m almost psychotic. -Z

    Yeh, them zig-zags are hard to roll with sometimes. =P

  7. The American Pursuit of Happiness Through Overspending and Overconsumption.

    Overweight, dumb and happy are no way to go thru life – but it sure feels good!!

  8. the amount of land required to sustain humanity has swelled to more than 54 acres (22 hectares) per person. Yet, Earth can provide only roughly 39 acres (15 hectares) for every person living today
    Sciam article

    Maybe this will help your paper Zoo?

  9. I am a new man but only about 2/3 as big. Thanks for all your support when I needed it. -CTR

    Glad to hear ya feeling mo’ better. I could always send you some of my mass as I am a old man twice as big as I used to be 8)

  10. Heh. Iโ€™ve been working almost 12 hours straight on this paper. I think Iโ€™m almost psychotic. -Z

    Yeh, them zig-zags are hard to roll with sometimes. =P

    Zooey doesn’t need those papers, she spends all her time in the math lab.

  11. I have never found happiness thru material possessions nor exquisitely named foods. A drive thru the country, walking around the block, talking to people. Ya know, happiness is just a complete lack of bias and maybe people should stop trying to find happiness and concentrate on forgetting bias and materialism.

  12. Huh huh… interesting perspective.

    I guess that means there will be more cookies for the rest of us then, huh?


  13. Would you have anyone else to eaโ€ฆ I mean, ANYTHINGโ€ฆ anything else to eat w/ them? -tros

    Naw, I gave up cannibalism people eat to much junky foods nowadays..=0p

  14. Talk about happiness, it’s the singing polar bear!


    You’re right, Zep. We will never find happiness in material things, and if people are really honest with themselves, and really think about it, they know it.

  15. Huh huhโ€ฆ interesting perspective.

    Well, dont get me wrong, for example Bush is not a good leader by any means, and I totally disagree with his neokook policies/ideology- but I’m not gonna waste time running around espousing vitriol for the guy. Aint worth it.

  16. Zooey doesnโ€™t need those papers, she spends all her time in the math lab.

    I never figured Z for a math type what with all those Zooey zingers flying about!

  17. Youโ€™re right, Zep.

    Heh. Used to drive the ex-wife crazy when I proposed living in a hut on a small island like Gilligan.

  18. Algebra. It’s required. I don’t mind it, it just takes a long time to re-sink in after all these years. Next semester is pre-calculus. Not looking forward to it…

  19. Algebra. Itโ€™s required. I donโ€™t mind it, it just takes a long time to re-sink in after all these years.

    Thank Gawrsh.I worked with some mechanical/computer engineers and was hoping you didnt become one of those, for the most part, humorless souls! Heh.

  20. Ah hell no, I wouldn’t take it if didn’t have to. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have to take all this math in order to get into the required Statistics class. It’s required for my major.

  21. Well, it’s not like I’ve eaten anybody here RECENTLY…. geez… make one small mistake aand people never ferget…

  22. Oh, BTW, what’s w/ the comment about cannibalism?

    I don’t eat other bears, fer cryin’ out loud.

    A friend of mine once ate a clown, but didn’t like it very much.

    Said it tasted funny!

    Ka-BANG! (rimshot…) thank yoooo, thank yoooo very much… yer a wunnerful audience.

  23. Last time what?

    Geez, ya’d think I did sumpin’ wrong here, the way yer actin’ all nervous ‘n everything.

    I’m jes a simple bear, doin’ what bears do…

  24. But this reminds me of a story. A 727 has a small oval fuel panel in the center of the fuselage and we had this guy working with us who had this big beer belly and he got his belly stuck coming out of the fuel tank and his feet couldn’t touch the ladder..

    Anyway we see these legs sticking out of the bottom of this airplane just dancing, madly, away. So we called him dancing Bear from then on after getting him unstuck from his predicament

  25. Humpf… tain’t one o’ my kin. We may not use silverware, and we may eat w/ our paws, but we got our limits…

    Friend o’ mine once ate a Republican, and he was sick fer days afterwards. Eventually, all his fur fell out. Man, did we all tease him about that.

  26. A friend of mine once ate a clown, but didnโ€™t like it very much.

    Said it tasted funny!

    THANK YOU! for the laugh…I needed it!!!


  27. “And is there a statute of limitations for eating posters?”

    All campaign posters must be eaten within 30 days following the most recent election, or otherwise disposed of.

    Special event posters must be devoured within one week of the special event. In the event the event does not occur on the date specified on the posters, the posters need not be consumated within the seven day period, but must be gestated within the appropriately deferred time.

    All other posters must be eaten on a regular basis. Posters not eaten may be left on the curb for routine pick-up.

  28. Great BnF! But I’m afraid your legal expertise probably just makes that bear hungrier. That bears just crazy.

    Consumated? Gestated? Routine pick-up? Where’s Zooey? And where’s your kilt?

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