Open Thread Saturday July 4 – What Happened on This Date?

On this date in history, three former Presidents passed away – Thomas Jefferson and John Adams in 1826 (This was the 50th aniversary of the signing oif the Declaration of Independence.) and James Monroe in 1831.

John Adams
John Adams
James Monroe

James Monroe

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson

Also on this date in 1976, the United States celebrated its bicentennial.

135 thoughts on “Open Thread Saturday July 4 – What Happened on This Date?

  1. “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

  2. Good morning America! Happy Birthday! My birthday wish for America is to NEVER repeat the history of the past 8 years. Now, blow out the candles everyone!

  3. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day – hours apart. The last words that John Adams spoke were speaking the name of his old friend and once bitter rival Thomas Jefferson (who he was unaware had already passed).

    It was very moving for me to learn that they both died on Independence Day (the 50th anniversary), so close together, given they were both so instrumental in the creation and adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

  4. I believe Adams said, “Jefferson survives me.” Sad that his last words on Earth were wrong, but he couldn’t have known that then. It’s a well-known historical fact that Twitter was down for maintenance on Jul 4, 1826, so news of Jefferson’s passing hadn’t gotten out yet. 😉

  5. I was skimming through Kos and came across one of the funniest things I’ve read in some time. Warning, though, it’s not for the easily offended.

    Some of the guys over at The Beast perpetrated a big hoax at the Creation Museum’s opening day ceremonies, one as a wheelchair-bound guy called Dougie, born with Asperger’s Syndrome by Proxy, who was run over by a disillusioned born-again journalist named Roy, who became Dougie’s caregiver. It must be read to be appreciated.

  6. Hi Lady Jane! Lovely, just lovely here. What’s on tap for today up there in your neck of the woods?

    It’s such great weather here I’m going to finish painting the dining room. I’m feeding my newly found Feng Shui fetish.

    Ah, the madcap life of a single gal…

  7. Well, I need to continue weeding, luckily it’s not too hot with a nice breeze off and on. So I really should step away from the computer and get my lazy butt out there! 😀

    Have fun painting, see you later.

  8. Morning to all. Wasn’t it nice of Sara to give us such a wonderful gift for our nation’s birthday?

    It is threatening rain here but the grill will be fired up and the sausages cooked and the corn roasted as well. Tater salad is chillin and the watermelon spiking so even if it is thunderstorms, the celebration feast will go on.

  9. Good Morning everyone! What a beautiful day it is here. The temperature is perfect.

    I agree, Med, Sarah Palin gave us a great gift of retirement from politics.

    I have to do some patch work on my Japanese Wisteria tree today. So I’m off to Suncrest Gardens to buy some supplies.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic day 🙂

  10. It’s cool and rainy here in Illinois too med. You’re in Wisconsin right? fr is in the midwest too I guess she got all the good weather. I wish I could remember Michigan or Ohio or ?

    I don’t believe Palin is gone yet. I’ll believe it when they’re doing a cavity search when she starts serving her prison term.

  11. Yup,Shayne. I’m in central WI. We’ve got the cool but the rain is holding off for now.

    I just hope whoever gets tasked with searching the big cavity up behind her mouth has enough sense to carry spelunking gear. That void could make Carlsbad look good.

  12. Good grief, no! We were talking about Caribou Barbie. If that wasn’t clear, I was definitely NOT referring to Shayne.

  13. med, Zooey is nothing but trouble. 😆

    Anyhoo, at least that cavern behind that woman’s mouth is empty and dry. Not a speck of gray matter anywhere. I’ve known other people like her. Dumber than a box of rocks but they believe they’re pulling the wool over everybody because they’re so clever. It is my least favorite type of person and I blame McCain for foisting her upon us. Old bastard.

  14. med, beware of Zooey. She’s so tall and I’m so short she knows I could only whup her butt with a ladder. 😆

  15. Thanks for the warning, Shayne but I had already figured out that Zooey is the sort who brings two water balloons to picnic and asks someone very sweetly to hold one. Then she pastes the nearest person with the other, steps back and points at the poor rube holding the other with a sweet smile on her face.

  16. “In what respect, Charlie?”

    Are we having a water balloon fight? All I have are condoms… will they work?

  17. Yeah, Zooey. I was the poor rube. You remember, the one who let you have your 2nd balloon back. You looked very nice spluttering under the wet hair.


  18. Bernie Madoff has hired a consultant to help select the best prison for him. With what, I ask? And since when do convicted felons get to choose their digs?

  19. Levi Johnston is shopping a tell-all book, according to his bodyguard/publicist, Tank. That’s right his bodyguard/publicist is named Tank.

    What’s up with Alaska? Did they confuse Daniel Webster’s tome with The Big Book of Baby Names?

    • Did they confuse Daniel Webster’s tome with The Big Book of Baby Names?

      Yeah, The Big Book of Baby Names That All Start With The Letter “T”…. (Tripp, Trig, Tank, Track, etc..) :LOL:

  20. Zooey, I am. From HuffPo:

    Bernard Madoff has hired a veteran prison consultant to help him to find the best possible jail in which to serve his 150-year sentence for Wall Street’s biggest fraud.

  21. Good point, nwmuse. Perhaps what happened was an encyclopedia salesman wandered into Alaska and used the age-old technique of selling them just one volume, hoping to hook them for the set. The state chose “T” and decided that was all they needed.

    • Spencersmom, one of my FAVORITE episodes of “Friends”! (The one where Joey buys the one book out of the volume of encyclopedias because he only has $50 bucks— the letter “V”)

  22. So thats why you chased me all the way over to the mutton buster corral?

    It was hardly fair they made me ride that sheep just on your say so.

  23. Just how does this thief have enough money to hire anyone?

    And a prison consultant? There really is such a job?

  24. med, any bets it’s Abramoff’s next business venture? If we get our way and Holder acts in the interests of the nation, there will be plenty of ‘pubs looking for help selecting prisons.

  25. Mom, they deserve Alcatraz but I hear Gitmo might be available soon. Soap-on-a-rope might be the next booming industry in Cuba.

  26. Med, Gitmo may not be large enough to house all the Wall Street and all the BushCo crooks. Perhaps Abu Ghraib could serve as the overflow facility?

    One thing is certain… we don’t want those criminals on US soil!

    • I knew I’d catch some flack for that comment, Mom, but I felt like it needed to be said. That troll is tiresome, but he can piss and moan all he wants — he usually does. 😀

      I’ll be back later.

  27. Maybe we could bring back the chain gang. I think it would do Americans a world of good to see these white collar criminals picking up beer cans and used condoms from the ditch.

  28. Zooey, he’s an attention whore, but you can’t really blame him. He’s insignificant and seems to know it. After all, he’s just “Another Joe”.

    *apologies to anyone here who might be named Joe*

  29. “I Love Lucy”?

    And while one of the kids was channel surfing they found “Flash Gordon” on a channel that is advertising that the selection is ‘Movies that don’t Suck’.

    Maybe Zooey is a goddess. Just so she believes I really did want to tell those folks the tabasco in the first balloon was my idea.

  30. Tabasco in a water balloon? What are you, the San Diego police department responding the a disturbance call?

    Yes, Lucy is correct! And HoR, I doubt that… I have just determined that, if all my age spots were to connect, I’d have the best tan of my life.

  31. Well, mom, as much as I would like to have people believe differently, I’ve been known to have an inappropriate sense of humor.

    It sort of goes with the grumpy.

  32. “In what respect, Charlie?”

    Are we having a water balloon fight? All I have are condoms… will they work?

    Mom, you crack me up.

    The only thing I’d trust a condom for IS a water balloon fight.

  33. What I remember from federal prosecutions when a bunch of my friends who were state prosecutors and judges talked about the Graylord Judge scandal (I only knew one of those) is the only way to pick your federal prison is to rat out somebody else the feds are interested in preferably somebody bigger. My judge went to Duluth because he wouldn’t give up anything. Of course he’s Italian so he was probably more familiar with what happened when you rat somebody out. Yes that’s politically incorrect but I have a Sicilian mother so maybe I can get away with it.

  34. Shayne, Another Joe reminds me of Eeyore, without the charm.

    “oh my… another day of bad tp threads… why do i bother coming here…”

    Which begs the question, why does he come there?

  35. Shayne, Willy Loman is a little too conspiracy-theorist for me to connect them. Willy would have to become a centrist to get to where Another Joe is.

  36. Because Eeyore wanted people to notice him.

    Shayne, buying a cushy prison spot is an old established practice. And really wrong. A man who has defrauded millions of billions should be digging ditches in bayou country but odds are he will be playing golf in some minimum security facility.

  37. If Another Joe and Hanshiro are the same person, there’s a lot of masturbation going on over there right now.

  38. Willy did know how to temper his behavior when he chose to so we can’t be sure. Today though freeman showed up and Another Joe left and freeman cited willy loman’s blog so who knows?

  39. Walt, that was funny as shit!

    Med, I LOVE grumpy….. don’t ever change!

    Zooey, do Goddesses wear tiaras?

    Mom, I adore Eeyore. But I get it eeyore = pathetic! 😉

  40. spencersmom,

    I tied with you on that citizenship test, right down to the same wrong answer! I’d like to see some of my redneck coworkers take that test. The results would be hilarious!

    We had a liberal test here some time ago, I couldn’t get below 375 out of a possible 400 when everyone else was scoring around 350.

  41. houseofroberts, I’ve come a long way from my days of civics ignorance. I’d love to see the members of congress take that test, too, because I doubt they’d all pass. Of course, Batshit Bachmann would refuse to take it because she’d be afraid her ignorance would force her into one of those liberal re-education camps she keeps talking about.

  42. I got the Suzie Creamcheese reference, but where did Db come up with the cherry peppers on cheese steak from?

  43. Med, I grew up the only girl among five brothers, I’ve seen it all, Tabasco is rather benign comparing to what I was subjected to. 😉

    HOR, I remember taking that liberal test. I scored above 375. It made me feel very proud.

  44. Zooey, I just read the latest bullshit posted on TP about “clique-ish crap.” How infantile! What’s going on over there? I think many of those who stalk you do it because they are jealous of your popularity. No one is forced to join the Zoo. We do it because this is a pleasant place to hang out and the camaraderie gives this site an inviting aura. IJS

    • krystal,

      The fabled “clique” shit has been going on for a while, and it’s completely ridiculous from my point of view. People who know anything about me know that I don’t go for cliques — never have, never will. I guess since I’ve been around TP for over five years, and people have a certain amount of respect for me (go figure), that means I’m the head of some sort of bully cabal. That’s on them. I never encouraged that sort of thing.

      Re katy’s comment to me about the “clique” thing. katy and I have actually met (while I was stuck in Illinois last summer) and I think she’s a great person. She does come off as rather irritable and brusque, but I know what she’s trying to get at. That’s part of the reason I left the thread — I’m in a mood to get into a real flame war, and I didn’t want to get into it.

      I consider “Another Joe” a troll — not because I disagree with him all the time — because I don’t, but because of his constant bitching and assholierthanthou attitude. Damn, if we’re progressive, he’s MORE progressive. And he knows best what TP ought to be posting. He should start his own damn blog and take hanshiro with him.

  45. Not so awful long ago I took one of those tests, I think it was from Wayne’s site.

    He and I scored within a few points of each other. Somewhere to the left of Gandhi.

  46. That and they can’t help drooling over an intelligent woman, krystal. Makes them yearn for the momma who put the in the dumpster.

  47. Are you saying their momma was an intelligent woman BECAUSE she put them in the dumpster?
    I like that!

  48. Zooey, “I guess since I’ve been around TP for over five years, and people have a certain amount of respect for me”

    I had no idea TP has been around that long. Where have I been? Oh yeah…..grinding my teeth!

    Personally, I think you have more than earned that respect. You project a no-nonsense, well-informed attitude. I love that about a person. I don’t have too many friends, (I live in Texas, remember?) but I always gravitate towards an intelligent environment.

    • krystal,

      I remember TP when a thread with more than 20 comments was really hot stuff! 😀

      I appreciate your kind words. I love that people respect me over there, but it has brought on a certain amount of weirdness. I feel lucky to have learned so much from the great commenters at TP, and proud that we were able to lure so many of them to the Zoo. Heh.

      I think it’s so cool that you, Mom, and more recently Leftside Annie, have come here. I’ve always loved your comments, and you add to the richness (and sometimes sleaziness) of this place.

  49. Zooey, you have gained respect ( and fear from certain quarters) because you rock. You are intelligent in your comments, thoughtful in your assessments and wicked bad when you call fool.

    I haven’t been around all that long but I would challenge anyone to say different.

    Plus, you have a wicked sense of humor.

    • Thank you, Med. 🙂

      My Mom taught me to always be polite, but never suffer a fool — especially if it’s me.

      Yours are some of the comments that help me temper my…um, temper… Seriously, I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned from TPers and Zoosters.

  50. I suspect the TP trolls live in fear that you and the other ladies (like Jane, Shayne, Freedom, and the other zoophilists of long standing as well as Mom, Krystal, KD and the rest of the newcomers) are going to bury the misogynist trolls.

    I’m investing in popcorn, just in case.

    • Med, the sheep enjoyed it, at least… 😉

      db, I know the trolls don’t get you — that’s the beauty of your work — but I don’t think some of the “normals” get you either. That’s where the problem comes in.

  51. I apologize as I often make matters worse. For what is worth I really am interested in the social dynamics and I try to just keep my rougher stuff targetted to only a selective grouping. Still I can see how it can be annoying…

  52. This place rocks and I’m proud to be member of the community here. Smarts always outranks certainty, and at TP I too often finds posters arguing over who’s right on a Rorschach test.

    I first came to the Zoo the night Kucinich was reading his Articles of Impeachment, and I transcribed each one, because, well, I wanted to pay him the respect he was due as he stood there in an empty room, one man trying to shine a bright light on a criminal administration.

    Don’t know why I then stayed away so long because I belong in a zoo, and at least this one doesn’t have bars. Or at least it has the right kind of bars!

    • I too often finds posters arguing over who’s right on a Rorschach test.
      Or at least it has the right kind of bars!

      Mom, I love how you think. 😉

      And I’m glad you’re back here.

  53. dbadass, your social dynamics research is one of the things that make it so much fun. Trolls never know what to make of you much they cower nicely.

  54. I think it was 5th who made the comment this Zoo group is like a classic pub. Come in, sit down and talk.

  55. Zooey, have you ever noticed that those who speak ill of cliques are often themselves defacto members of a clique of outsiders?

    And I could have sworn that katy once told us she was a gay man, that katy was an old Irish or Scottish name. Guess she must think me odd for occasionally referring to her as “old chap”!

    • Yep, Mom, the self-annointed outsiders who get to have things both ways. They are on the outside, by choice or not, and they piss and moan about it. But then they take pride in the fact that they on on the outside, and take the opportunity to feel justified in their constant pissing and moaning. Oy…

      katy is a red-haired woman in Illinois. Kay used to post on TP, and he’s the gay guy.

  56. Med, I’ve never been here for the cesspool, just the threat of it. I was warned about the chimps serving drinks, but that was lost on me, too. Call it my Palin moments.

  57. This place reminds me of my CB radio days in the 70s. Everybody hung out on the same channel during the week, going to work and school, and partied together on the weekends and holidays. All the regulars show up and people from other channels (blogs) periodically visit and sometimes stay as regulars.

  58. the wii still elludes me and in a sort of comical way but it exists and I just have to make the transfer. I have two who are goingto freak on it. I really encourage everyone to consider freeganism in these and all times

  59. Shit. Steve McNair and an unnamed woman were found shot to death this afternoon in Nashville.

    More gun violence.

  60. Dbadass, I scored two Wii’s, freegan wise and passed them on to a guy I work with and my son so my grandkids could have fun. Up here we call freegan barter.

  61. Med, gentlemen are the most dangerous, I’ve found. BTW, do you post over at TP or are you too grumpy to be seen in public? Does grumpy=badmoodman?

  62. db, freeganism should be a new religion in these economic times. Tip of the hat to you for mastering it.

  63. mastering it? The other dude got a mint mazda miata hardtop. Still it is about what you have to swap and what you wanna swap for. It also is community friendly and carbon negaitive in many cases

  64. Med, you don’t come off as grumpy at all! Insightful and articulate – yes, grumpy – no.

    It’s nice to put a name with a name.

  65. There’s this headine on MSNBC web site:

    “Palin cites ‘higher calling’ in quitting as govenor”
    The article goes on to say:
    “in a statement posted on Palin’s Facebook account, she suggested that she had bigger plans and a national agenda she planned to push after she resigns at the end of the month.”

    So… it money or does she really believe she can run for the presidency?

  66. Krystal, she also says:

    “We have accomplished more during this one term than most governors do in two”

    Um, Sarah? You didn’t serve one term. You bailed on your office, the people who believed in you and worked to get you elected and the entire state of Alaska.

    And she’s blaming the media:

    The response in the main stream media has been most predictable, ironic, and as always, detached from the lives of ordinary Americans who are sick of the “politics of personal destruction”.

    It’s not the media’s fault that you came off as hyper and rambling yesterday. They only recorded your speech. Personal accountability begins with self-reflection and owning one’s actions. Try it, it may help you on your journey through life.

  67. Mom, I loved that “media” comment, specially since she is so good at her own “personal destruction”

    What a twit!

    I dying for the other shoe to drop.

  68. Krystal, she’s trying to preemptively blame to media for the scandal that’s about to emerge. Since when do pitbulls play the victim card?

    She’s Batshit Bachmann without the pearls.

  69. I consider “Another Joe” a troll — not because I disagree with him all the time — because I don’t, but because of his constant bitching and assholierthanthou attitude. Damn, if we’re progressive, he’s MORE progressive.

    Zooey, this is what made me think willy loman.

  70. I’ve met Katy too and while I didn’t get to read the whole thread it seemed that she was off her feed or something today.

    db and joe cantwell are both artists. Not everybody is going to get it.

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