Watering Hole: Monday, December 19, 2011 – An Unexpected Place of Healing

This is a remarkable story that comes to you by extreme radical collaboration.

This is our Open Thread.  Do you have a story of extreme radical collaboration?  Speak Up!

137 thoughts on “Watering Hole: Monday, December 19, 2011 – An Unexpected Place of Healing

    • “Turn the page, will you please Pickles?”
      “There’s only one page, Dumby dear…”
      “OK, but I don’t like this one.”
      “Would you like to hear another comic?”

  1. Trump to Run for President of North Korea
    Promises Continuity of Leadership

    PYONGYANG (The Borowitz Report) � Within hours of the deatth of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il, real estate mogul Donald Trump roiled the political situation in that Stalinist country by announcing that he would run for its presidency.

    “Kim Jong-Il ruled North Korea as the egomaniacal leader of a personality cult,” Mr. Trump told reporters en route to Pyongyang. “I can offer continuity of leadership.”

  2. The passing of Kim Jong-Il provides an example of how effective media is. It seems like just about everyone in the Western world, regardless of political persuasion, is pretty happy that an enemy is gone but one is left to ask; “what did he do that was so evil?” Little, if any, reliable news comes out of N. Korea but it seems like everyone “knows” that Kim was guilty of wanton atrocities. This does not bode well for a country that makes a pretense of being a Democracy. Too many people “know” things that may not be true.

    • pete, take a tour of the UN, Human rights watch, Amesty International, and many of the smuggled videos from N Korea. The starvation, the arms propagation, the gulags and slave labour – the evidence from sources other than your government are not that hard to find.

    • As his front runner status inflates his ego who wants to bet that the Newter is just going to be forced to slip off somewhere and do something ‘patriotic’?

  3. Giant Rabbits and Double Rainbows: The 10 Most Insane Delusions of Kim Jong-il

    1. North Korean schools teach children that Jong-il’s birth was “supernatural.” He was born in a log cabin inside a secret base on the sacred Mt. Paekdu, the story goes, and his arrival was accompanied by the apparition of a new star. The seasons then spontaneously changed from winter to spring, and a double-rainbow appeared, followed by a talking iceberg. (Western accounts say he was born in a guerrilla camp in Russia.)

  4. T’would appear that Spaeker Boehner is in deep doo-doo.
    He’s being asked by Repuglycan Senators Brown and Lugar to PASS THE DAMN EXTENSION!
    Senate Republicans call on House to pass payroll tax cut extension

    Quoting said article:
    “He’s obviously under a lot of pressure,” Lugar told NBC’s Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports. “I’m hopeful that … they will proceed,” he added, going on to call it “best for the country.”

    Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown, who, like Lugar, is running for re-election in 2012, called House Republicans “irresponsible and wrong” for planning to vote down the Senate’s two-month payroll-tax-cut extension. We cannot allow rigid partisan ideology and unwillingness to compromise stand in the way of working together for the good of the American people.”

    Is your SpeakerShit in trouble, Boner?

  5. Delusions of grandeur – that’s what the Repugnant nominees suffer from (Mitt with exploiting his wife’s illness and never, once, states he’d assist with the cooking, keeping house or helping out in anyway).

    And now we have

    Huntsman: ‘I Probably Did More Than Anybody’ To Overturn China’s One-Child Policy

    • Willard and his wife’s illness. Either she has the flu or some non life threatening illness, in which case it has no reason to be mentioned. Or she is seriously ill and he is willing to blow it off and keep campaigning. The first is a cheap shot. The second is just miserably nasty.

    • He adopted a Chinese baby, which was apparently a revolutionary act. So few people do that, you know. According to this dipshit, Chinese should go ahead and make all the babies they can, because rich Americans will adopt any extras.

      This sort of “thinking” makes me furious. The one-child policy was developed in China because their population explosion would lead to increased famine and poverty. They can’t afford, on a family or national level, to breed like rabbits as wingnuts would prefer.

  6. When are the GOP debates done? Criteria:

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Sarah Palin says it’s not too late for someone to jump into the Republican presidential race.

    Asked by Fox Business Network about the likelihood that she’d become a candidate, the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee said it’s not too late for “folks” to jump in. Said Palin: “Who knows what will happen in the future.”

    • Any Repuglycon who tries to back out on Grover’s grovel will be the target of millions of dollars of Kochfuel as they are primaried out.
      They’ve screwed themselves into a corner, let them wallow in their bed of thorns…

  7. Imus: Mary Matalin ‘Smoking Meth’ To Think Gingrich Can Win

    Fox Business host Don Imus says you would have to be high to believe former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) can win against President Barack Obama in the general election.

    On Monday, Imus told Mary Matalin, a former advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, that she must be “smoking meth” if she thought Gingrich had shot a(sic) beating the current president.

    “Can Newt Gingrich beat President Obama?” Imus asked Matalin.

    “Yes, he can,” Matalin stated without hesitation.

    “Oh, well you’re smoking meth or something,” Imus declared. “You’re insane.”

    This campaign just keeps getting better and better! 😀

  8. Did we really need more proof that GOoPers are childish? Here it is anyway. At least one New Hampshire GOoPer want’s to put up road signs “warning” motorists that they’re about to enter Massachusetts. If it goes through I hope that Massachusetts’ lawmakers reply with signs warning motorists that they are entering “lawless” New Hampshire. Something like: “Libertarian paradise ahead, enter at your own risk”.


  9. ok, the crazies have invaded the southern hemisphere:

    Wind farm opponents ‘aided and abetted’ by climate sceptic group

    THE anti-wind farm movement that is gaining influence in the NSW Parliament is being ”aided and abetted” by climate sceptic groups and some mining figures.

    The Shooters and Fishers Party, which shares the balance of power in the upper house with the Christian Democrats, said yesterday it wanted a moratorium on new wind farms.

    Industry sources said a US Tea Party-style ”astroturf” campaign, which mimics grassroots local opposition but is at least partly directed from elsewhere, was being waged against wind energy in NSW…

    • The local paper ran a story about the opposition to a wind farm in the rural county I used to call home. One of the stupid trolls used a claim that wind turbines have to be shut down if it’s below -20 degrees or the blades shatter and those shut downs would mean that no one would have power in the interim. I would assume that anyone building a wind farm would use materials suitable for the local climate but, just in case he was right, i did a little research into weather records. As nearly as I can figure; the county in question has spent 23 hours below -20 since 1991. Combined with the fact that wind is used as a supplemental power source and anyone who depended on wind alone would have to be an idiot I told him I was willing to take the risk of having the generators shut down an average of about an hour per winter.

      I can understand skepticism but the visceral objection that so many people have to alternative power sources really blows my mind. My guess is that they are the same people who whined about replacing wood with coal, oil lamps with electricity, and horses with cars. I also suspect that most of it stems from a few owned politicians ginning up fear of change. Of course, FAUX”News” and Reich-radio are more effective than the Hearst papers but yellow journalism is still the delivery system.

  10. I really hate the “librul media”. Our largest local paper, The Minneapolis Star and Tribune, is so “librul” that the Reichwhiners call it the “Red Star Tribune”. If true? That would be a definite improvement.

    I’ve had some clashes with their editorial policy which I have recounted for your amusement and I have been banned for, among other things: calling Batscat Bachmann “Crazy Shelly”, using the term “Buybull”, and any comment comparing GOoPers to Nazis by using “Reich” in place of “right”. Oh yeah. “GOopers” is not allowed either. I find it just a bit irksome in light of the fact that people are allowed to call the POTUS: “Obummer”, Obomber”, and “Oh-brotha”. “Dumbocrat” and “democRAT” are also common.

    I can take it. I always get my account reactivated and, every time, the nice lady in charge of moderating comments claims that I was reported by someone I pissed off. Needless to say; such a claim fails the sniff test when most of the “offensive” comments were never posted because they review all posts. But? I try to retain my good humor about it while trying to find new subtle ways to dig at Reichwhners. None of that has anything to do with my biggest complaint.

    My biggest complaint is that the Reich-wing Psychochristians who run the paper cover for GOoPers. They frequently disable all comments for stories about Batscat Bachmann and utterly refuse to ever suggest that she lies and/or repeats the fantasies of an addled mind. And now they are protecting the feelings, apparently, of a State Senator, the new Senate Majority leader (you can guess which party), who is being forced out because she had an affair with a Senate staffer. I happen to think that it’s good for a community to be able to express our feelings about leaders who fail their trust but the local paper, apparently, thinks it’s more important to avoid offending Reichwhiners who are, almost all, “good Christians”. It’s especially galling that they protect “good Christians” who have devoted themselves to condemning the sexual practices of others, all in the name of “family values”, while screwing the help. It disgusts me.

    Sigh… Rant over. G’night, good people. I just needed to vent.

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