Muslim Women & Children Gassed In Dayton After “Obsession” DVD Hits Ohio

You may have heard that millions of copies of a right-wing, terror propaganda DVD have been mailed or bundled in newspaper deliveries to voters in swing states. This 60-minute DVD, titled Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West, landed on Ohio doorsteps last weekend. Funding for this hate-based DVD is coming from a New York-based group called the Clarion Fund. Huffington Post has some background on the Obsession DVD.

The program was orginally shown on Fox News in the days leading up to the 2006 mid-term elections, and far right-wing activist David Horowitz toured the country screening the film on college campuses during 2007. Mainstream religious groups have called Obsession biased and divisive. It cuts between scenes of Nazi rallies and footage of Muslim children being encouraged to become suicide bombers.

On Friday, two men according to a child eye witness, gassed a Dayton Mosque. These men sprayed a “chemical irritant” into a window of the Islamic Society of Greater Dayton, where 300 people were gathered for a Ramadan prayer service. From a Daily Kos entry, the room that the chemical was released is where babies and children stay while their parents participate in prayer services.

This is the report from the Dayton Daily News on the incident.

The 300 or so inside were celebrating the last 10 days of Ramadan with dinner and a prayer session, but the prayer session was interrupted so those suffering from tearing, coughing and shortness of breath could receive treatment. Wiley said an adult and juvenile were taken to area hospitals and others had their eyes or faces washed on the scene. He did not know how many people were treated at the scene.

Chris at the Daily Kos received an email from a friend of the victims that tells an even scarier story of the incident compared to the unfeeling one that the Dayton Daily put out.

Panicked mothers ran for their babies, crying for their children so they could flee from the gas that was burning their eyes and throats and lungs. She grabbed her youngest in her arms and grabbed the hand of her other daughter, moving with the others to exit the building and the irritating substance there. “The paramedic said the young one was in shock, and gave her oxygen to help her breathe. The child couldn’t stop sobbing.

“This didn’t happen in some far away place — but right here in Dayton, and to my friends. Many of the Iraqi refugees were praying together at the Mosque Friday evening. People that I know and love.

Huffington Post has the complete state-by-state list of most of the 70 newspapers in swing states that have agreed to deliver this garbage to their subscribers. My suggestion would be to email and make phone calls if your newspaper is on the list.

This hate filled DVD was put out with one goal in mind and that is to instill fear and hatred against the Muslim community. I can’t even put into words how horrified I am that this happened at all and in my own state. I am ashamed and appalled that the southern part of my state listens to hate filled “religious” services-given by pro-McCain evangelists-and embraces this form of propaganda. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to the families that were terrorized by these men.

(H/T) to Cats & Shayne for bringing this to my attention!!!

8 thoughts on “Muslim Women & Children Gassed In Dayton After “Obsession” DVD Hits Ohio

  1. Looks like the terrorist arrived despite the fact that Bush shipped our military to Iraq.

    When caught, these terrorist need to be prosecuted under the Patriot Act. But send them to Gitmo while they await trial.

  2. Pennsylvania – Bucks Co. Courier Times, Erie Times-News, Morning Call, Philadelphia Inquirer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Reading Eagle, The Patriot-News
    OMG – These are all the local newspapers on both the eastern and western part of the State. The will be notified and disgraced for this behavior.

  3. Cats, thank you so much for letting me know about this. I had no idea. It was not reported on the local news. Which is not only reprehensible but saddens me that they didn’t find this important enough to report…

    Most of the newspapers in Ohio were from the southern district which is to be expected here. Which is appalling and you can’t fix stupid in that part of the state no matter how hard you try. The two that I was speechless over were The Toledo Blade and the Canton Newspaper. I will be sending emails and giving a phone call to the editors to find out why they would pass along right-wing hateful propaganda…

  4. The presidential campaign edition of the Obsession DVD, currently being distributed by the Clarion Fund, carries the endorsement of the chair of the counter-terrorism department of the U.S. Naval War College… – Daily Kos

    John McCain attended the US Naval War College when he returned from Viet Nam.

    It would seem that the victims are entitled to a big fat lawsuit against the groups that sent out this dvd and incited the retards to violence.

  5. Jeebos, it’s getting worse out there…Now our own home grown crazies are gassing huge gathering’s of people…I was reminded of the old scene’s from Kent state, then what has been going on in Lebanon and Palestine for year’s….We have become a banana republic, facest state that encourage’s war’s with in and world wide..We need lot’s of Blessings..

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