Naomi Wolf sounds the warning again – louder this time!

In Naomi Wolf’s The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot (NY TImes Bestseller), she describes the “ten classic steps dictators or would-be always take when they wish to close down an open society.” Wolf makes abundantly clear that “each of those ten steps is now underway in the United States today. She gives a number of examples in recent history, and talks of the ten steps always seen in a ‘closing’ society as it slides into fascism.

Here is the video of Naomi Wolf speaking on “The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot“.

Naomi Wolf has now come out with a new, and far more urgent book called “Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries“. 

In Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries, Ms. Wolf illustrates the breathtaking changes that can take place when ordinary citizens engage in the democratic system the way the founders intended and tells how to use that system, right now, to change your life, your community, and ultimately, the nation. 

With the events of this last week, especially October 1st, she has a new sense of urgency that she articulates clearly in the following video as she sounds a loud, urgent warning

This video is startling and terrifying. I read her earlier book “The End of America”, and I find her very credible. She is clearly upset and yet totally coherent and focussed on the message she is trying to get across to all Americans.

The following video is of Rep. Brad Sherman  from the 27th District of  California, (that Naomi Wolf referred to in the above video), standing on the floor of Congress saying that some congressmen were threatened with Martial Law if the bailout bill was not passed.

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