Saddam Hussein was Involved in the Oklahoma City Bombing?

According to Frank Gaffney, yes, indeedy.

Yesterday, we had Ari Fleischer on Hardball saying that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11 and “how DARE” anyone say that 9/11 happened on Bush’s watch. Today’s Hardball brought us Frank Gaffney, neocon extraordinaire, saying that not only was Saddam responsible for 9/11 but he had ties to the Oklahoma City bombing.

You can watch the video here (be prepared for a LOT of cross-talk as David Corn from The Nation tries to call Gaffney on his many, many lies.)

This begins at the 1:41 minute mark:

Gaffney:  He [Saddam] kept saying he was going to try to get even against us for Desert Storm, so it wouldn’t be unreasonable for people to conclude maybe that that’s what he was doing. There is also circumstantial evidence, not proven by any means,  but none the less some pretty compelling circumstantial evidence of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq being involved with the people who perpetrated both the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center and even the Oklahoma City bombing.

Really?  Saddam Hussein was involved with Timothy McVeigh in blowing up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995?  I imagine this is another attempt at “It’s All Clinton’s Fault!” which is the biggest bunch of rubbish to spill from these rubbish-filled neoconservatives yet.

I cannot believe that there are so many people out there on this Bush Revisionism Legacy Tour ™ who can easily spit out such lies, lies I might add, which have been repeatedly debunked – this one (Iraq and 9/11) by George W. Bush, no less!

I hope Chris Matthews brings this up tomorrow and slams Gaffney for this outrageous lie.

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11 thoughts on “Saddam Hussein was Involved in the Oklahoma City Bombing?

  1. Wayne, you’re getting closer. You’re only ten years off tonight!
    Or are you competing with Gaffney for telling whoppers?

  2. I think that Ari was just waiting for an opportunity to trot out that “How dare you?” line. His face and his body language certainly didn’t reflect real outrage or offense, in my opinion. I think that he planned that response to the first interviewer who mentioned “9/11 was on George Bush’s watch.”

    All that aside, I think that the perfect one-word description of Ari Fleischer is “lickspittle.”

  3. My bad. Brain not working tonight. I’m going to stick to playing Solitaire and Mahjong.

    Still, I find it hard to believe that Saddam was involved with an American terrorist’s desire to exact revenge for what the American government did two years before.

  4. I heard that Saddam Hussein also forged the Hitler Diaries.

    Hey how about a thread? What do *you* think we could pin on Saddam?

  5. pretty compelling circumstantial evidence of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq being involved with the people who perpetrated both the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center and even the Oklahoma City bombing.

    what, are we talking six degrees of Saddam Hussein here? Saddam knew someone who knew someone else who knew someone else who knew someone else who had once been in the same greasy spoon diner as Tim McVeigh?

    One of the things that made me smell bullshit about the Iraq war sales job, was the extreme emphasis on this one meeting which supposedly happened in Prague between Mohammed Atta (ringleader of the 9/11 terrorists) and some Iraqi foreign agent.

    This was mere innuendo, and if there were in fact a conspiracy there ought to have been more to it than just this one single alleged meeting (which never even happened, as it turned out). For instance, if this Atta/Iraqi agent meeting happened, then surely there would have been other actions and movements which could have been traced to further prove the connection.

    This Gaffney BS sounds exactly the same, some lame innuendo intended to influence the gullible into jumping to conclusions.

  6. Haul him into a Norfolk Brig and stick a broomstick up his jacksy, even Hollywood tough-guy Kevin will crack, we’ll find out what he knows about Saddam’s involvement in the Madoff Ponzi scheme!

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