Rachel Maddow looks at the history and connections of Dr. Tiller’s accused killer

This is a good followup to the excellent post by 5th Estate from June 3, 2009:

Religious White Christians Can’t Be Terrorists

From Raw Story:

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow interviews an employee of the Central Family Medicine clinic about the startlingly recent history of terroristic acts by Scott Roeder, accused murderer of Dr. George Tiller, and his connection to Operation Rescue.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

8 thoughts on “Rachel Maddow looks at the history and connections of Dr. Tiller’s accused killer

  1. So, during the “Law and Order” Bush administration, the Justice(?) Department ignored the terrorist activities of this Roeder whackjob? Who was the head of the DOJ at that time? Could he be held culpable for Roeder’s crimes? How about the head of the FBI? How about the President? O’Reilly? The leaders of Operation Rescue? How about the convicted terrorist who was in contact with Roeder just before the killing? It’s a damn sure bet that Roeder shouldn’t be the only terrorist charged in this case.

  2. Radio host Hal Turner — accused of hosting a website that incited Connecticut Catholics to “take up arms” and singling out two Connecticut lawmakers and a state ethics official — was taken into custody in New Jersey late today after state Capitol police obtained an arrest warrant for him.

    Now, if Turner can be arrested for inciting violence against government officials, why has nothing been done about the individuals and organizations that have incited violence (and continue to do so) against abortion clinics.

    It can’t be because the one situation involves public officials, whilst the other involves private citizens, because threatening anyone is an ‘arrestable’ act.

      • Ugh, I’m sick. 😛

        House, I’ve got a couple wingnutty head-spinning, spittle-flecked stories on my tabs, and I’ll put something together tomorrow.

  3. thanks for the correction Zooey…. did I ever tell you you have ‘zaz’?

    ‘cos you do!

    Sick? Broth, and then hot honey/lemon/Scotch.

    doesn’t hurt, can help.

  4. Sorry you’re sick, Zooey. I felt a bit ill this afternoon myself, so I bailed out of work for tonight and took a nap. Don’t tax yourself, it will all keep ’til you feel better.

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