Plame, Wilson to take CIA leak lawsuit to Supreme Court

Raw Story

Former CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson and her husband, former ambassador Joseph Wilson, plan to take their civil lawsuit against Bush administration officials to the Supreme Court after a federal circuit court refused to rehear the case on Monday.

Wilson v. Cheney, filed in 2006, charges that Bush administration officials such as Vice President Cheney, and aides Karl Rove and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, violated Plame’s constitutional rights in allegedly engineering the outing Plame, who was undercover at the time, as retaliation against her husband, an Iraq war critic, who had been sent to Niger in 2002 to investigate the possible sale of yellowcake uranium to Iraq. While Wilson reported back that such sales were unlikely to have taken place, President Bush asserted to the contrary in his 2003 State of the Union address, prompting Wilson to speak out publicly in a July 6, 2003 New York Times piece entitled “What I Didn’t Find in Africa.”

Read on..

Their chances might be getting better now that Scott McClellan has started speaking out..

In this clip, Scott McClellan is speaking at the (November) 2008 Miami Book Fair on C-SPAN Book TV, and he SAYS that George Bush admitted authorizing the leaking of parts of the classified NIE which resulted in the  ‘outing’ of Valerie Plame. Outing a covert CIA operative in a time of war is treason. George Bush, while President of the United States, committed treason by authorizing leaking of classified intelligence in order to destroy his ‘political enemies’.

Will he and Dick Cheney ever be held to account?

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5 thoughts on “Plame, Wilson to take CIA leak lawsuit to Supreme Court

  1. Good for them! I don’t hold much hope that the SCOTUS will do anything, nor do I hold any hope that Bush will be tried for the treason he committed. But one can dream.

    I would like to try Bush et al for the crimes against US, too.

  2. Will he and Dick Cheney ever be held to account?

    Yes, as joanne said, we can dream. I’m sure in a few years Bush will be a commentator on Fox News like all the other right-wing criminals (Rove, North, Fuhrman, Liddy) and Cheney will continue spreading evil for centuries to come after having devoured some poor soul and inhabiting a new host body.

    That said, I truly hope these people have their day in court, the Plames and the crooks.

  3. Well the snag about Bush committing treason is that the president can change the rules. Come with the office. But others involved in this story like Libby, like Armitrage, like Novak could very well be.

    I don’t think the Supreme Court has the intestinal fortitude to take on Bush and Cheney but some of the lesser guys could be good targets and they might just pay for their offenses.

  4. The only problem with your (and their) theory is that the guy who “outed” Plame admitted it to the special prosecutor even before they filed their lawsuit and was not what you’d call the Administration’s best friend.

    Why not ask when he will be held to account?

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