28 thoughts on “Not Exactly What I Was After But Still A Good Bird

  1. The sounds of shorebirds in the background are so peaceful … and if there is an ID on the videopost (it doesn’t show up on mine) many apologies to you all in the know … is this a snipe of sorts, db?

  2. Good morning dbadass…

    This was a mystery bird to me for a long time, every spring in northern Michigan I would hear this ululating / whistling eventually annoying sound at dusk.
    After long hours I found out what it was.
    I even ate one once.

  3. I followed the video posted to another by the same photographer.
    Lots of barnyard noises in the background; chickens geese and such.

  4. Raven driving back after the trip I had the weirdest noises coming from the flat snow covered roof of a factory next to a place I stopped for gas. It was just at the change from twilight to dark. I have no idea what it was but it seemed very raptor like but also very consistant and repeateded in the same pattern every 2 to 3 minutes. I am clueless as to what it was but got scetched out because I was stomping around in the snow outside a private facility in the dark and really didn’t need to explain to local law enforcement why.

    We ended up with 50 vertebrate species but the alcids elluded us which was what we had set out for. Still Bald Eagle, 2 Peregrines, 6 harriers, a Kestrel, several red tailed, and 2 rough legged is a pretty good day for birds of prey. I got like 23 new species for the 2011 year list.

  5. I saw Inca doves at Goose Island State Park on the Texas Gulf Coast.
    Their patterning is beautiful and so small I mistook them at first for sparrow type LBB’s.

  6. in addition to all the alcids we also missed some white winged crossbills that had been seen the same day as well as a Nothern Shrike. Still 50 isn’t too bad for January. Still I can’t believe we couldn’t even come up with harbor seal. Porcupine, grey squirrel, and white tailed deers is sort of weak for mammals

  7. It still sort of pisses me off when ziplock and Tupperware and the like use sea lions for ads and present them as seals. It irritates the shit out of me. Seals have no external earflaps and can not support themselves upon their forelimbs

  8. Don’t even get me started on that polar bear penguin thing! Before you know it that will be calling it the Artic and Antartic…

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