Sunday Roast: Newt Gingrich, a legend in his own mind

GOP nominee for president hopeful, Newt Gingrich, thinks he’s this guy:

But he’s actually quite a despicable person:

“It doesn’t matter what I do. People need to hear what I have to say. There’s no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn’t matter what I live.”

~Newt being a hypocrite, since he was cheating on his wife, while hypocritically being horrified that Bill Clinton cheated on his wife.

“What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]? That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior….

….I think Obama gets up every morning with a worldview that is fundamentally wrong about reality. If you look at the continuous denial of reality, there has got to be a point where someone stands up and says that this is just factually insane.”

Newt being a racist.

“There’s no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate. And what I can tell you is that when I did things that were wrong, I wasn’t trapped in situation ethics, I was doing things that were wrong, and yet, I was doing them.”

Newt being a liar (who fucks the nation while fucking his staffer).

“I repudiate, and I call on the President to repudiate, the concept of the 99 and the 1. It is un-American, it is divisive, it is historically false…You are not going to get job creation when you engage in class warfare because you have to attack the very people you hope will create jobs.”

Newt hating most of the people in this country.

“The idea that a congressman would be tainted by accepting money from private industry or private sources is essentially a socialist argument.”

Newt letting us know he’s as corrupt as he ever was, if not more.

“Gingrich — Primary mission, Advocate of civilization, Definer of civilization, Teacher of the rules of civilization, Leader of the civilizing forces.”

Newt assuring us that he’s a bona fide megalomaniac.

With each of these quotes — and so many more — Newt Gingrich is telling us who he is:  Hypocrite, Racist, Liar, Cheater, Assholierthanthou, Mental Patient.  I think we should BELIEVE HIM.

Republicans, as well as Democrats, should be horrified that Gingrich is polling so well before the primaries.  Hopefully, he’ll pass like a nasty case of gas.

This is our daily open thread — Dish!

139 thoughts on “Sunday Roast: Newt Gingrich, a legend in his own mind

  1. Gingrich: I’ll ‘ignore’ any Supreme Court ruling I disagree with

    Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is doubling down from Thursday’s Fox News debate on his vow to abolish federal courts if he disagreed with their decision.

    According to The Hill, in a conference call with reporters, Gingrich indicated that it was in the president’s power as commander-in-chief to deem any Supreme Court ruling irrelevant if he or she in the White House disagreed.

  2. I’ve been reading the Constitution carefully, looking for the clause that specifies only (white) Republican presidents can become Unitary Executives with full power of the state. I know it’s gotta be in there someplace. George, Dick, and now Newt have each made it clear.

  3. So one of my Tea Party acquaintances on Facebook (keep your friends close, your enemies closer…) posted this Fox News article about the last US troops leaving Iraq. It’s an AP story, but in the first paragraph it reveals that our troops are all terrorists.

    The last U.S. soldiers rolled out of Iraq across the border into neighboring Kuwait at daybreak Sunday, whooping, fist bumping and hugging each other in a burst of joy and relief. Their convoy’s exit marked the end of a bitterly divisive war that raged for nearly nine years and left Iraq shattered, with troubling questions lingering over whether the Arab nation will remain a steadfast U.S. ally.

    Did you spot it? They were fist bumping. You see, according to Fox that’s a key sign that someone is a terrorist. Hill’s show was actually cancelled and her contract was not renewed. But that didn’t stop the right-wing noise machine from going on, and on, and on, and on about the terrorist fist bump.

    I wonder if we’ll hear a peep out of them about our soldiers doing the same thing?

  4. Dear John McCain,

    I truly apologize for thinking that you were the largest batshit crazy, hot-headed megalomaniac in U.S. politics.
    Newt just crawled out from under his rock and now makes you look like the voice of republican reason.
    I’m not asking you to come back and run again.
    You were too much comedic material for most of the U.S. to assimilate at once.
    I’m just saying that there is someone taking your place as the front runner in the race to be the most crazy.
    You have competition.

  5. Just finished watching This Week. They are having a Great American Debate series starting today. Amanpour paired up Barney Frank and Robert Reich against George Will and Paul Ryan. The topic was ‘Is Government Too Big?’, and I must say, that’s the most Progressive points made that I have heard on any Sunday talk show since I’ve been watching. It might be worth watching if it hasn’t been shown yet in your area, or, online later if you’ve missed it already.

    • And yet, and of course, the topic”Is the Government Too Big?” is a Conservative Republican construct predicated on the suspicion that the government IS “too big”, which RepubliCons insist is already the case, and which allows them to promote their agenda of shrinking the government’s “size”—supposedly to serve the practical cause of fiscal efficiency and the egalitarian cause of personal liberty. . .

      But this is all demonstrably bullshit.

      The RepubliCons have increased the size of the government specifically in those areas that allow it greater authority over individuals, and reduced it only in those areas that otherwise provide it with authority over corporations and their interests.

      Evidence is in their persistent attempts to legislate for control and discrimination of sexual behavior and social and economic public welfare and legal status based on political affiliation and tendencies, religion, and sexual proclivities (over which no-one has any control)—all without any actual regard for common personal freedom or common fiscal responsibility or efficiency.

      The fact is that the RepubliCons luurve “big government” as long as it is THEIR “big government” to manipulate, such as to steer government contracts into the hands of corporations and right-wing interest groups who return the favor by providing them not only with campaign financing but self-enrichment opportunities (some Democrats do this too, but they aren’t professional about it and usually have to resign as soon as they are caught, and NEVER get their own TV/Radio shows or media guest gigs/book contracts afterwards).

      An actually meaningful debate, notwithstanding the presences of Frank and Reich, would have asked not “Is Government Too Big?” but rather “How Big does Government Have To Be, and Why?”—in which case the the answer would be “big enough to satisfy the basic needs of its citizens to ensure their and their nation’s future and to facilitate a future better than the present, regardless of those citizens political/religious/sexual/ethnic backgrounds, realities and tendencies.

      Here’s a simple illustration of the nonsense that anchors this stupid “Is Government To Big?” farce:

      In 1970 the US population was 203 million, in 1980 it was 226 million, in 1990 it was 250 million, in 2000 it was 280 million and in 2010 it was 308 million.
      As the population has increased between over the last 40 years by 50%, wouldn’t the government that is supposed to serve the population ALSO increase in size and in some rational proportion? HAS IT? And if so, in what areas?

      The DoD budget and its proportion of the national economy has certainly increased in size under RepubliCons but has the land mass of America that needs to be defended also increased? NO! So why the increased budget? Because the notion of what constitutes “defense” has increased–and notably increased to include pre-emptive attack; and because the US military’s ‘role’ has increased to defend increased US commercial interests around the globe, and an increase in the population that needs to be controlled by an increasingly weaponized domestic authority via the confluence of MIC and provatized security interests as evidenced by forces applied to OWS, for example, to protect the narrow interests of corporate America and the conservative oligarchy/plutocracy enabled and strengthened by the RepubliCons—an alliance which has no interest in government except for its own preservation and promotion of ever-exclusive and ever-expanding privilege.

      So does the massive and ever-increasing DoD deserve to be as large as it is, and deserve to continue to be exempt from the supposed RepubliCon ‘principle’ of smaller government?

      Given for example the useless $trillion F-22 program—now thankfully ended at a cost of a mere $500 billion, roughly), the useless V-22 program, the useless ‘remotely disabled suitcase nuke’ program (a $10 billion dollar value and something you never heard about I’m sure), the useless Airborne Laser program (another multi-billion dollar program) and the useless ADS Microwave program (only $250 million, but only useful as a weapon against ‘kettled’ unarmed protesters who don’t have dustbin-lid shields) I’d say no, the “big government” that the DoD represents could and should be reduced by 25%—but the RepubliCons prefer to cut DoD costs not by eliminating stupid hardware boondoggles, but by cutting benefits for ordinary military personnel.

      None of that came up, I’m guessing.



  6. With our troops out of Iraq I fully expect the drum beat for a new war to become louder. And I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if sometime in the next 3-6 months if there wasn’t some horrific incident to reignite the panic mode.

    • “The revulsion against war . . . will be an almost insuperable obstacle for us to overcome. For that reason, I am convinced that we must begin now to set the machinery in motion for a permanent wartime economy.” Charles E. Wilson, president of General Electric (1940-42, 1945-50), head of the Office of Defense Mobilization (1951), and US Secretary of Defense (1953-57); in an internal memo, 1944.

      • Only makes sense. Why go to the expense and hassle of regearing the American economy to peace time like we did after WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Jest keep the war machine hot and rollin. Besides, since we’ve shipped most of the industry not directly related to the machine off shore there isn’t much left to retool.

  7. So the Des Moines Register thinks Willard is the one because he had RomneyCare before ObamaCare. I guess they missed the part where he is ashamed of it now. Time to update Spiro’s phrase:

    Babbling Boneheads of Buffoonery?
    Mumbling Morons of Mediocrity?
    Pandering Pundits of Pusillanimity?

  8. Gingrich is the guest on Face the Nation. I’m just starting to watch it.

    They played the clip of Christine O’Donnell saying that Romney had been consistent since he changed his mind. Gingrich complimented Schieffer’s researchers on finding that, as if it wasn’t everywhere on line and on the talk shows immediately after she said it.

  9. The War is Over.

    Thank FSM, it was never worth it, our troops’ lives were wasted, and we lost, because there was no way of ever winning.

    It’s not the troops’ fault, no, that lies with Bush/Cheney and all the greedy, war-profiteering neo-cons and complicit politicians, as well as all the Americans who supported this travesty.

    • We ring and run.
      (Rummy, you effen a-hole – here’s your candy and flowers nearly ten years on):

      We don’t think about America… We think about electricity, jobs, our oil, our daily problems,” said Abbas Jaber, a government employee in Baghdad. “They (Americans) left chaos.

    • I’m inclined to say, fuck it. If the Repubs won’t allow a clean bill to pass, give them no concessions but let them take the heat when the payroll tax holiday runs out and long-term unemployment benefits end. The Democrats have to make it very loud and clear that this is entirely on the heads of the Tea Potty.

  10. Ohio Landlord Refuses To Apologize For Posting ‘Whites Only’ Pool Sign Because It’s ‘Historical’

    “If I have to stick up for my white rights, I have to stick up for my white rights,” she said.

    Racist bitch.

    Hein, 31, was unapologetic about the racist origins of the sign that she displayed at the entrance to her pool. She said she collects antiques and was given the sign as a gift. She also said that even though the sign seems to indicate that the pool is public, the pool is on her private property and “everybody has to ask before getting in my pool.

    Don’t put a racist sign indicating that the pool is PUBLIC, if your fucking pool is PRIVATE, you stupid racist bitch.

    • Indoctrination – they throw that around, a great deal, to place ‘fear and loathing’. It doesn’t work.
      This hate-filled ‘mother’ should pal up with the Ohio “White Only” landlady.

  11. Good morning all. I’m just popping in and out here..
    I just finished watching a video of a discussion/interview with Newt Gingrich and Christopher Hitchens. It is from July 2002. Given that Hitchens died this week, and Newt is trying to get the nomination, I thought you all might find this interesting. I apologize if anyone has already posted this..

    • Newt Gingrich gives off this air of ‘crainial’ superiority that just rankles. He acts like he believes himself to be on such a higher level of thinking than anyone else that everyone else just bores him. Arrogance like I’ve never seen before.
      The man just annoys me as soon as he opens his mouth.

      • Muse, I think Newt actually does believe that about himself. Anything he happens to be saying at any given moment is “true,” and how dare anyone EVER question him. He’s a psychopath.

    • The three words that describe you are as follows, and I quote, “Stink, Stank, Stunk!”

      You’re a rotter, Mister Grinch,
      You’re the king of sinful sots,

    • That must be causing some coronaries – FSM being represented!

      The first comment on the thread was by a ‘boo-hoo’ we’re being repressed xtianist – to wit this great response:

      9:19 AM PST

      Oh, please. Christians are so repressed. Maybe someday we can stop the hate and elect an openly Christian president.

  12. The 21st century is seeing a revamping of the English language. Religious persecution now means people complaining when you try and shove your religion down their throats. And indoctrination is presenting opposing views. The list of new definitions just keeps growing!

    • One of the most glaring examples of the intellectual bankruptcy displayed by the Reich-wing is the way they use language. They throw out “scary” words designed for emotional impact rather than using words that actually describe things. Once they started insisting that the Nazis were “leftists” it became impossible to even argue with them.

    • They (the fundivangelistas) have certainly become very defensive. I remember them being more syrupy and condescending, secure in their position. Now they are faced with greater knowledge and awareness, and their fairy tales are starting to fracture.

  13. Just an observation.

    Here in Southern Minnesota it’s 47 degrees today. The skin of ice that had finally formed on the river is gone and we still have robins. So? The Reichwhiners are using last week’s light snow as “proof that global warming is a hoax”. Take it from an old naturalist; migration patterns do not change for trivial reasons.

      • Yes. The robins were here all of last winter. I thought that I had either found a new species or went out of my mind when I saw them in sub-zero weather.They show a fondness for frozen crab apples but I’m not sure if they were eating the fruit or finding grubs inside.

    • In conversation with one of my neighbors he said that the normal 100 inches of rain a year has only totaled 60 inches so far, and the year is rapidly drawing to a close.

      • The changing precipitation patterns are not good either. It seems like there are few places left on earth that are seeing normal precipitation. Lots of droughts and lots of floods.

        • Last year was very wet and wild.
          We are experiencing a dry spell – the wet weather keeps by-passing us and heading to southern California.

    • We’ve had such a warm fall and winter that I fear some of my plants will break dormancy. I know the difference between weather and climate, but this year has been very different from the seasons I remember and an illustration that it wouldn’t take much change at all to alter what I can and cannot grow.

      • That’s another one that just can’t be explained to the deniers. The fact is that every extant species on earth was shaped by and/or adapted to the “normal” conditions since the last ice age. We are already in a mass extinction event and such events tend to hit the top of the food chain the hardest. Some organisms will adapt but what happens to us humans when wheat won’t grow south of the arctic circle?

    • No, that is an actual raven, kind of out of focus, it was early morning and the camera was having a hard time distinguishing between basalt and bird. The ravens around here are rather more elusive compared to New Mexico. They tend more to the secluded beaches and aren’t found mobbing around on the docks. Something I’ve taken as a hint. :>

      • My vision isn’t the best – I do need to go by contrast – the head and beak seemed to blend in.

        That’s an interesting observation about their coastal habit!

        • Mine eyes aren’t so good anymore either, and between eyeglasses, viewfinder and low light sometimes I can’t tell if I’ve got the subject in focus or not. Hence I let the auto-focus give it a try, but it doesn’t know whether I’m looking at a bird or a rock or a piece of driftwood. The telephoto is very fussy besides.

          • My attempt at photographing goslings was downright depressing. I didn’t get a single decent pic in two rolls of film. Without sharp edges, something fuzzy goslings lack, I simply can’t focus anymore. Now that I have a new computer that should last me for years I’m thinking that my next major purchase will be a, mid-level, digital camera. I still love the best results from my old Konica SLR but my old eyeballs just aren’t up to it. I’m hoping that watching the little display screen will prove easier than using the viewfinder.

            • If it wasn’t for digital I wouldn’t be taking photos! About half of what I take gets deleted, and about one in fifty is actually a really good one. I still use the viewfinder, haven’t got the hang of looking at the display screen, which often doesn’t work very well in bright light.

      • Funny, I thought that was a characteristic of ravens and very unlike crows. Most of my experiences with ravens have been up in or near the San Juans and the Olympic peninsula, where they tend to be very solitary.

        • New Mexico had mostly Chihuahuan ravens, which tend to hang together in large flocks. My reference to mobbing on the docks referred to the fish crows.

    • Of course, Fucktard Fischer assumes that “heaven” and “hell” are real places, and “god” exists.

      Which, of course, he would.

      I love how these hypocrites take on the mantle of love and acceptance of one of the most sharp-witted and vociferous atheists on Earth — after death — when he can no longer tell them to go fuck themselves.

      • I’m pretty sure that Christopher Hitchens told Fischer to go fuck himself when he had the chance. Actually, I almost find myself wishing that Chris and I are both wrong about an afterlife. I never had a chance to share a cocktail with him during our lives and would welcome a chance to buy him a drink at Hell’s Pub.

      • Considering that Hell was invented by the early Church in order to control the masses and JC had absolutely nothing to say about it suggests that ….. its bunch of hocus pocus.

        What was that repsonse that a Zooster had for a time like this?

        Something like:
        “Well if Hell exists and I am, as you say, Hell-bound, then I’ll see you there. Because I can imagine no other worse idea of Hell than being forced to spend eternity with such an arrogant, condescending and sanctimonious hypocrite such as yourself”

  14. From TPM:

    Newt Gingrich on CBS’ Face the Nation on Sunday said he was “delighted” that Mitt Romney picked up an endorsement from the Des Moines Register. Gingrich earlier received an endorsement from the New Hampshire Union Leader. Gingrich called the Union Leader a solidly conservative paper, and the Des Moines Register a reliably liberal newspaper.

    “I think it shows who the conservative in the race is,” Gingrich said.

    Does anyone here have any info on how “conservative” or “liberal” these newspapers are? This seems like Newter claiming something is true, because he declared it to be so.

    BTW ‘Professor’ Newter, I’m calling the grammar police…

  15. Rough weather is causing deaths all over.

    Philippines Storm Death Toll Exceeds 650

    Tropical Storm Washi blew away Sunday after devastating a wide swath of the mountainous region on Mindanao island, which is unaccustomed to major storms. It killed at least 652 people and left more than 900 others missing, the Philippine Red Cross said.

    Russian oil rig sinks, leaving many missing

    At least four bodies have been found and 49 people are missing after an offshore drilling rig capsized in the Russian far east Sea of Okhotsk, the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry said Sunday.

    The television channel Russia Today reported that the rig was being towed into position when pumps failed, causing it to take on water and sink.

  16. Poor fundies.

    They find themselves forced to choose between a serial adulterer and a Mormon. The sad part is that even those who are uneasy about Newt don’t seem to care that HE”S FUCKING CORRUPT!

  17. Dammit, the fabric store shorted me on the cotton strapping for the bag I’m working on. Grrrr, I hate coming to a screeching halt when I’m working on a project.

  18. All you marine life fans should watch 60 Minutes tonight. Anderson Cooper is diving off Cuba on a pristine coral reef called The Gardens of the Queen. The report said it is nearly impossible to get permission to go there.

    • It is encouraging to see unspoiled reefs but they have become depressingly rare. I dove a reef in the Virgin Islands in the late 1970s and went back in the 1990s. It was like returning to a favorite bit of Forrest after a wild fire. The difference is that forests recover from fires and no one knows if dead reefs will ever recover.

  19. Here’s a case in point. I found this comment in at the local paper’s site I don’t think i need to elaborate on the points that demonstrate the complete disregard for ethics nor the flawed logic.

    ciamanDec. 18, 11 6:49 PM

    Let’s face it. One man in the Republican stands can beat our current President. That man is Newt. The man from Georgia. Did any of you watch the “Face the Nation” today? He fended off the moderate and really put on a fine show. Only he can really defeat the man in the White House now. So just stop the sloopy comments and become the force behind the former Spearker of The House. The only man with true experience and can make the Govt work again. Not one of the other candidates can really win the White House and all of you really should see that. If you really want another four years of socialism and yearning for the Euorpean model, then vote for Obama.

    • And not to say a total lack of awareness of history… ‘make government work’? by shutting it down? Paging George Orwell….

      • Just as Molly Ivins summed up Chimpy with: “Poor George, he was born on thrid base and thought he’d hit a triple.”

        Likewise this one sums up Newt:

        “He’s a stupid man’s idea of what a smart person sounds like.”

        America is filled with stupid people – between 30 and 40% of all of them…. sometimes stupid people even get (s)elected to be SPOTUS!

  20. Worth repeating from much earlier in the day:

    We don’t think about America… We think about electricity, jobs, our oil, our daily problems,” said Abbas Jaber, a government employee in Baghdad. “They (Americans) left chaos.

  21. “…on Saturday, Gingrich attended his wife Callista’s book signing at Mount Vernon in Virginia — where the couple sat next to an elephant mascot — then going to a holiday concert in which she played French Horn.”


    • He’s a pompous ass. Full of his damn self.

      Just read what a “sacrifice” he’s willing to make//// (note he never once said he’d help out with cooking or caring for the family).

      I mean, we were talking about a dramatic change in life. She was tired all the time. She couldn’t take care of the family in the way she had in the past. And a lot of that was — was what gave meaning to her, you know, day-to-day activities. And I said, “Look, I don’t care what the meals are like. You know, I like cold cereal and peanut butter sandwiches. We could do fine with that as long as we have each other.

  22. Could the Pope make three?

    Pope Benedict XVI seems worn out.

    People who have spent time with him recently say they found him weaker than they’d ever seen him, seemingly too tired to engage with what they were saying. He no longer meets individually with visiting bishops. A few weeks ago he started using a moving platform to spare him the long walk down St. Peter’s Basilica.

    But a decline has been noted as Benedict prepares for next weekend’s grueling Christmas celebrations, which kick off two weeks of intense public appearances. That raises questions about the future of the papacy given that Benedict himself has said popes should resign if they can’t do the job.

    Office of the Press Secretary
    December 18, 2011

    Statement by the Press Secretary on reports of the death of Kim Jong Il

    We are closely monitoring reports that Kim Jong Il is dead. The President has been notified, and we are in close touch with our allies in South Korea and Japan. We remain committed to stability on the Korean peninsula, and to the freedom and security of our allies.

  24. From TruthDig:

    North Korea’s current dictator has died. State television gives the cause of death as—and this is not a joke—exhaustion from working too hard.

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