Friday Night Music! – Back to the Future, Part I.

In my first post I started in a natural place, my rock and roll roots. I’d like to jump ahead 55 years to my two newest favorite bands. !Deladap has been on a quest since its beginnings in 2004 to mix roots Roma music and the contemporary electronic dance/club sound. They are ever evolving and the band had had many identities over its relatively short lifespan. The members range for a variety of central and eastern European countries. They are based in Vienna. Most of their songs are presented in Slovak, a language that seems to be meant to be sung. However, I have selected one of their few English ventures, Crazy Swing. Right from the outset you can detect the Roma influence wrapping around the American swing intention. The song was performed before a group of judges on a small stage for the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 for the Austrian nomination. Ultimately it was disqualified when it was found to have been published in advance of the contest date parameters.

Speaking of swing, the rage in many European cities for the past year and a half or so is the phenomena of electro-swing. As its proponents describe, it is a marriage of the best music of the first great depression with the best mixer technology of the second. This mix of swing and urban dance/trance enlivens the style so that today’s young audience can rock to live performances. Paris based, Django influenced Caravan Palace probably represents the best of a growing genre of fantastic musicians and performers of electro-swing. Hugely popular in Europe, they recently ventured to North America last year with stops in S.F and L.A.

Purists probably hate it. I love it. Let’s (Electro) Swing!

148 thoughts on “Friday Night Music! – Back to the Future, Part I.

  1. Great to hear the vibraphone in that second video! My 11 year old niece has been taking lessons for just about a year. So there’s another generation to keep it active.

    Chick Corea Gary Burton

    Reg Kehoe & His Marimba Queens

  2. Here’s the Brazilian social-musical movement Oludum playing drums. They are in the north-eastern city of Salvador, the earliest major European city in the New World. Salvador is wonderful fusion of Euro/American/African cultures – if this is the future of us all, its not so bad. I travelled to Salvador on business in 2004, I had a great time walking these streets and listening to this music and dance.

    You might remember Oludum from Paul Simon’s ‘Obvious child’ – I’m going to let Oludum do their thing without any frontpiece.

  3. At 19, Michael Schenker had already played with the Scorpions and then found himself on stage in Chicago in 1976 with Brit rockers UFO. If you can find their live cut from that gig ‘Strangers in the Night’ get it. And then when you’ve listened once all the way through, ask yourself – so who was UFO supporting on that US tour? Noboby remembers…..

    UFO – Doctor Doctor – one of *the* opening riffs in rock

    • It’s always fascinating how you put some alphanumeric gibberish into a little box, hit a button, and a moving picture with sound appears on the page…

        • Actually, I’m up in the middle of the night. I woke up about 1:45. I was supposed to give future-ex a ride home from the pet store at 2am, after the floor cleaners were done. She was able to borrow a car, but ‘forgot’ to notify me she didn’t need me to come get her. I texted her before I left the house, and she called me when she realized what she’d done.

          • She’s got her mom’s house sold, and should get the money by the end of the month. Then hopefully she can get her car back on the road, and I can reduce my support somewhat also. We counted up, and I have been averaging over $1100 a month since before Christmas, helping her stay afloat through executing her mom’s estate.

    • I do hope you can quell the coughing. Once in a while I’ll sneeze if I’m up going to the bathroom, and I have no choice but to sit up until I can flush the sinus drainage with some coke or tea. Good night/morning!

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