The Watering Hole, Wednesday, August 28, 2013: White Rage

Newton could have been a sociologist:

    I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.
    II. The relationship between an object’s mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F isF = ma.
    III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

A couple of hours after the Supreme Court struck down certain provisions of the Voting Rights Act, certain states began to implement their long-suppressed voter restriction registration laws.

Emboldened by their re-masculation, white males are coming out of the closet in impressive numbers. Bigotry, once lampooned in the TV sitcom “All In the Family”, is now quickly becoming mainstream.

White men who “stand their ground” are now heroes, even if especially if they started the altercation. Not only are they heroes, they are the true victims, as their life is put in the spotlight just because they killed someone who “threatened” them.

Misogyny is also on the rebound, as men, long victimized by cries rape are now fighting back. Women who accuse a man of rape are once again branded as sluts, whores or just plain liars, and shamed into committing suicide. Those who get pregnant from rape must have given their consent. They can’t get an abortion, the government won’t provide pre-natal care, and if they have miscarriage, they may be convicted of manslaughter. If the baby is born, the father/rapist gets visiting rights, maybe even custody, meaning the mother will have to pay child support for the next 18 years.

Meanwhile the professional class, Doctors and Lawyers, etc., are slipping into the middle class; the middle class is becoming the working poor; and the poor are becoming destitute. The rich are becoming the aristocracy.

This is the direction we are heading, and will continue down that path until acted upon by some external force. Force is mass times acceleration. The masses, slow to start moving, are picking up energy, as surely as a tropical storm gathers in strength as it moves across the ocean. Everywhere Republicans, emboldened by majority control, enact legislation to destroy unions, to limit the vote, to further take money and power away from the people and give it their rich overlords, the storm continues to gather strength.

The ruling aristocracy will be met with an equal and opposite reaction: REVOLUTION. it is but a whisper on the wind now, but it is like a force of Nature that cannot be dispelled. It must run its course. And in its wake, balance will be restored.


64 thoughts on “The Watering Hole, Wednesday, August 28, 2013: White Rage

  1. Intercepted Calls Prove Syrian Army Used Nerve Gas, U.S. Spies Say

    But the intercept raises questions about culpability for the chemical massacre, even as it answers others: Was the attack on Aug. 21 the work of a Syrian officer overstepping his bounds? Or was the strike explicitly directed by senior members of the Assad regime? “It’s unclear where control lies,” one U.S. intelligence official told The Cable. “Is there just some sort of general blessing to use these things? Or are there explicit orders for each attack?”

    The point is that the Syrian Government knows they have these weapons, and if they haven’t explicitly forbidden the use of them, they’re still to be held responsible.

  2. Store Camera Catches NJ Teens in Act of Honesty

    Surveillance video shows four men paying for items at the counter of a store that was supposed to be closed.

    A northern New Jersey shop is thanking four teens captured on surveillance cameras paying for batteries and headphones, even though the store was closed.

    The owners of Buddy’s Small Lots in Wayne, N.J., said they got a call that the store had been broken into about 7 p.m. Sunday night. They later learned a malfunctioning lock left the door to the closed shop open to anyone who wanted to walk in.

    But they were shocked by what they saw in surveillance footage of the supposed break-in.

    Thought we could use ‘a little good news today’.

  3. The Ed Show didn’t quite draw half a million viewers, but the prime-time numbers were up significantly from recent weeks. That could be due to the 50th anniversary of the March On Washington, or it could be Ed’s return to weekday TV.
    I still think Ed would have a more positive effect on the All In and TRMS ratings if he was Hayes’ lead in instead of Tweety, but I don’t know if Ed needs his workday extended two more hours.

  4. the Walton family, who by the way have as much wealth as 40% of the U.S. population COMBINED, announced yesterday, Walmart would allow the same-sex partners/spouses of FULL TIME employees to participate in the company’s health plan.

    isn’t there like 3 “full time” employees at each location??

    • Bachmann’s husband, Marcus, devised a test to determine whether she should run for president:

      “He instructed her to get off of their bed and go to the full-length mirror in the bedroom. ‘If you can look at yourself and say it, then you are ready to run and you should,’ he explained. She listened, nodding internally and then got off the bed. Traversing the bedroom, she stood in front of the mirror.
      Said Michele Bachmann, looking at herself: ‘I am President of the United States of America.’”

      holy shit!….i just became a Russian Cosmonaut !!

  5. He’s baaack, and he’s right:

    Airstrikes on Syria would turn the U.S. military into “al Qaeda’s air force,” former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) told The Hill.

    The outspoken anti-war activist said any such action would plunge the United States into another war in the Middle East and embolden Islamist militants fighting Bashar Assad’s regime.

    “So what, we’re about to become Al Qaeda’s air force now?” Kucinich said. “This is a very, very serious matter that has broad implications internationally. And to try to minimize it by saying we’re just going to have a ‘targeted strike’ — that’s an act of war. It’s not anything to be trifled with.”

  6. Mike Papantonio has subbed for Thom Hartmann for the last two days, and now he’s subbing for Ed Schultz today. When does he have time to be an attorney anymore?

    • Deep from the bowels of the feudal system that they call my workplace…. a light just shone in. Tomorrow is my career-changing review with more big dogs than I will ever see in my career here….. I am printing this cartoon out to take in with me to give me something to look at while those who think they know best do whatever it is they do ‘best’…. thanks for posting this Wayne and Bill.

  7. Jack Goldsmith asks why Obama doesn’t get Congressional approval to attack Syria:

    “Why is President Obama going to act unilaterally? Why doesn’t the man who pledged never to use force without congressional authorization except in self-defense call Congress into session to debate and authorize the use of force in Syria? Why doesn’t he heed his own counsel that “[h]istory has shown us time and again . . . that military action is most successful when it is authorized and supported by the Legislative branch,” and that it is “always preferable to have the informed consent of Congress prior to any military action”? Why is he instead rushing to use force in a way that will set a novel constitutional precedent for presidential unilateralism that will far outlive his presidency?”

    Why, indeed.

    • And why not wait for the UN team to bring back their report on whether or not chemical weapons were used? Obama seems determined to pull a “Bush” in Syria.

  8. I’m not 100% sure that military intervention in Syria is wrong (I’m at 99%).
    But it is true that:
    1. al-Assad is terrible
    2. ?????
    3. Bomb lots of stuff!

    And Paul Waldman mocks the Weekly Standard‘s call for war:

    “[I]n case you were on the fence about whether the American government should take military action in Syria, Kristol has returned with an open letter urging President Obama to get bombing post-haste, and go big. You can find the letter on the Weekly Standard‘s website, where it runs under the not-sarcastic headline, “Experts to Obama: Here is what to do in Syria.” Among the “experts” are not only Kristol himself, but a whole bunch of folks with a nuanced grasp of the subtleties of Middle East politics and a track record of wise counsel on matters of war. People like Iran-Contra criminal Elliot Abrams, evangelical leader Gary Bauer, former seat-warming senator Norm Coleman, French gadabout Bernard-Henri Levi, foreign-policy genius Karl Rove, and presidential laughingstock Tim Pawlenty, not to mention the hilariously named Arch Puddington, who apparently is an actual person and not a character from a children’s book.”

  9. I think our outrage on chemical weapons is as much to do with economics than any real morality. For example:

    If over the course a year, you bomb the hell out of a place and kill 10,000 people and destroy lots of buildings, and lose lots of tanks and use lots of munitions, we find that sort of war okay. The military contractors make a lot of money, and when the war is over, other people make lots of money rebuilding what was destroyed.

    If over the course of a month, you use a chemical weapon, and kill the same 10,000 people, but don’t destroy a lot of weapons and use a lot of munitions in the process, and damage to the area is minimal so clean-up and rebuilding is minimal, then the military-industrial complex hasn’t made nearly as much money.

    In either case 10,000 people died.

    In the moral outrage scenario, we actually make it worse by bombing to protest the use of the chemical weapons. So even more people die. But then again, the MIC makes even more money.

    So I truly wonder about our moral outrage. Is it due to profit?

    • The only way that I can see how this guy is still okay with the idea of arming more school teachers is that when he “accidentally” shot his instructor, he eventually decided that he hadn’t done anything wrong, or that what happened wasn’t a bad thing. Otherwise his own experience would teach him the stupidity of his idea. He’s in serious denial.

  10. Obama gave a great speech at the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.

    I’m sure the fucking wingnuts will have a major problem with the President asking Americans to have courage.

    • The black lab was well behaved – not going after the toy.
      Spaniel is a beauty, and intelligent to have learned those *hints* in one week!

    • I suggest they use more realistic names for storms. Names like:




      I can just see the weather reports:

      “YouGottaBeShittingMe is just off the east coast of Florida while Sonofabitch bears down on south Texas. Meanwhile Holy Shit is moving across the Atlantic….

    • Unless your a ‘friend’ of The Donald, any deal involving him is not designed for your benefit. It’s just that simple.

      Feel free to tweet that Wayne, I’m not a tweeter.

  11. I am completely in favor of bombing the hell out of whomever used chemical weapons. I’m concerned that they might be standing way to close to a lot of people who did not use chemical weapons. I also wonder if we’re sure we know who used chemical weapons, given that I remember a “slam dunk Mr. President” from the intelligence community when we thought Saddam had WMDs.

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