Nearly 600,000 Subject to Possible Caging in Ohio


by: David Rosenfeld, Miller-McCune

How many voter-registration mass mailers are “returned to sender” in the run-up to Election Day may determine how many Ohio residents are eligible to vote.

Ohio election officials are sending out a mass mailer stamped “do not forward” to all registered voters today (Sept. 5) with an absentee ballot application and other important notices for Nov. 4.

What’s important here is not so much what’s going out as what’s being returned to sender.

Unbeknownst to the would-be recipients, the same mailer – just 60 days before the election – has the potential to determine their eligibility to vote, challenged not by election officials but by partisan opposition.

A similar mailer in March netted nondeliverable mail from almost 600,000 registered voters in just five Ohio counties who could now have their ballots thrown out for voting under the wrong address.

The National Voter Registration Act prohibits any state from purging names from the voting rolls within 90 days of an election.

The law doesn’t, however, preclude mass partisan challenges on or shortly before Election Day – known as voter caging – based on the same returned envelopes from state-sponsored mailers like the ones in Ohio and others going out across the country.

Read this entire article…

If anyone wants to check the status of their registration, they can click here…

…to confirm whether their registration status is good to go in November. Check often. Your vote SHOULD and MUST count, and BE COUNTED! You do NOT have to be an Obama supporter to check your status!

Read more on Voter Caging at the websites of Greg Palast, BradBlog, and Mark Crispin Miller (one more video with Mark Crispin Miller that is a must-see).

Don’t miss this interview on BuzzFlash with Greg Palast called: How Rove May Have Already Stolen the 2008 Election

Photo: Matt Mahurin / Rolling Stone – Article: Was This Election Stolen by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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8 thoughts on “Nearly 600,000 Subject to Possible Caging in Ohio

  1. Imagine the results when millions of voters get turned away at the polls and McCain/Palin become the next Annointed Ones in the Imperial Presidency.

    Would we have a “democratically elected government” in the world’s eyes? In the eyes of the majority of U.S. Citizens? If not, what could be the consequences? We would have fulfilled all the preconditions necessary for another country to conduct a pre-emptive strike and depose our leaders, according to the Bush Doctrine.

    Anything less than a 60-40 margin for Obama will result in a McCain victory.

  2. That’s why we absolutely MUST have huge voter turnout in November. Many will be turned away, as we can see, but it’s harder to steal when millions of us turn out to vote. More millions.

  3. And then there is this:

    The New Von Spakovsky Voter Suppression Crusade: Absentee Ballots.

    …The most important lesson of Greene County is that absentee ballots are extremely vulnerable to voter fraud. The case shows how absentee ballot fraud really works, and it is a reality very different from the claims of partisans and advocacy groups. More broadly, the case shows how voter fraud threatens the right to free and fair elections and how those most often harmed are poor and minorities. This directly rebuts the usual partisan conspiracy theories about voter fraud.

    According to the self-appointed liberal guardians of the poor, practically every effort to legislate against or prosecute voter fraud is intended to keep minorities and the poor from voting at all. Concern over voter fraud, say some partisans, is simply Republi cans’ cover to intimidate voters and raise obstacles to minority voting. Indeed, groups like the NAACP argue that racism and intimidation are the motivation for voter fraud prosecutions, and some prominent Democrats dismiss voter fraud as virtually nonexistent. As a result, prosecutors are intimidated from fighting vote fraud for fear of the political conse­quences, and elections continue to be stolen.

    Greene County shows that these groups have it backwards. Voter fraud prosecutions do not intim idate voters; what does intimidate them is the knowledge that voter fraud is routine and goes unpunished. Too often, not only is no one willing to take action against it, but the organizations that victims expect to help them instead take the side of the vote thieves. In contrast to the views of such organizations, an overwhelming majority of citi zens support such common-sense and nonpartisan reforms as requiring voter identification when an individual votes….

    Who votes by absentee ballot? The elderly, the infirm, folks who are out of town on business, poll workers and political types, folks who can’t get off work on election day, folks taking care of elderly relatives and poor people…you name it. In other words, a whole lot of people all across America. That Hans Von Spakovsky considers suspect.

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