Women Say “No Sarah Palin” Speak Out

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These women are from all walks of life that have responded to the blog. Some are even Republican voters that abhor Palin’s views on abortion and her unusual religious beliefs has demonstrated Palin’s “intolerance for differing beliefs” have raised serious concerns for them. All of the life-long GOP voters that have responded will not be voting for John McCain.

With recent polls suggesting that women are flocking to the McCain/Palin ticket, there is a growing chorus of female voices who want to put a stop to this trend, and fast. Two women in New York felt so strongly that Palin was the wrong choice they created a blog called “Women Against Sarah Palin” and are using the site to post emails from women who write in from all over the country about why they think Palin is the wrong choice as for Vice President and the wrong choice for American women.

Shortly after Palin’s selection, Kilston and her co-worker Quinn Latimer, citing what they saw as ‘mounting disbelief, fury and dread’ among their female friends over the selection of Sarah Palin, sent out an email to forty of their friends soliciting reaction the Alaska Governor’s nomination for their blog.

Within a week they received up to 80,000 responses from women from Alaska to Florida, and now estimate they are receiving response emails at a rate of three per second.

Some of the best arguments against Sarah Palin, being the wrong choice, come from the GOP–including Sarah, herself. Kudos to Jon Stewart for a great collection of clips; why not to vote for a McCain/Palin ticket. Link to Video-Sarah Palin and Republican Hypocrisy.

Here are more reasons by Katha from The Nation why Sarah Palin is the wrong woman for the job.

After a stint as the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of less than 8000, and barely two years as governor of a state with more grizzly bears than people? She makes Obama’s resume look as thick as Winston Churchill’s.

She wants to force over one million women and girls a year to give birth against their will and judgment. She wants to use the magnificent freedom the women’s movement has won for her at tremendous cost and struggle–the movement that won her the right to run those marathons and run Alaska — to take away the freedom of every other woman in the country.

I want to help “Women Against Sarah Palin” blog as much as I can. Here is a link to their website, no smear campaign just facts. The blog is on target to have received a 100,000 responses today. Spread the word, Palin is a blatant pander for the women’s vote. I’m personally insulted that McCain thinks that women are collectively under-educated in the political arena not to see this for what it truly is.

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10 thoughts on “Women Say “No Sarah Palin” Speak Out

  1. No problem Shayne 🙂 It was a great find last night. ABC Blog had posted it around 6:15 and I found it around 7 and was amazed they had it. Considering the Charlie interview was being aired by them.

    I am going to put a post there soon. Haven’t had a chance yet. They are doing a fantastic job considering they started with only 40 emails… I’m impressed…

    Have a good day Shayne !!

  2. I find it funny that you would be so concerned about Sarah Palin. With the political climate what it is: Bush issues, media driving Obama, 6% unemployment rate (other countries it’s over 50% in may places), it’s hard to understand why the Democratic way cannot get a big lead. Maybe your post will help.

    Am I supposed to believe Obama is better than Palin? She made herself even with Obama in just 2 short weeks.


  3. Jeebers “pastor,”

    I would have thought someone with your qualifications would have critical thinking skills. Go figure…

    BTW, you do have qualifications, don’t you?

  4. Pastoralan, it wouldn’t be a problem if this were just a popularity contest. It isn’t. There is just too much at stake in this election than to have someone with such little experience and knowledge possibly being that close to being the president. Yes, she is running as VP, but given McCain’s age and health problems, it is not a stretch to think she could be president at some point. That is a very frightening thought with all we are up against in putting this country back together again, and working to rebuild our image and reputation in the eyes of the rest of this planet we all share.
    Her performance in the interview with Charlie Gibson (ABC) on Friday night spoke volumes about her lack of knowledge, experience, judgment, and understanding that one would seriously hope to find in our president.
    Others today said it better:

    Palin Falls Short of VP Standards


    The “lipstick pit-bull” goes to war


    Gov. Palin’s Worldview

    Educate yourself. This matters to ALL Americans, and the world.

  5. Woman, Women, Dykes, Femmes, Straight and Almost Straight women are offended to be associated with this snake charmer, Holly Roller. Please vote for communication not condemnation.

  6. I supported both Obama and McCain, because lets face it – regardless of who gets in, we’ll at least get a better public speaker. But now that Palin is on the ticket…I throw full support behind Obama. This woman is too full of hate and ignorance…women that follow her are just that…followers, sheep.

    peace – kc22.wordpress.com

  7. Hi there,
    good to see some views from the ‘minority’. However, the comments in your posts from women are those who actually know their politics and understand the issues. However, the minority, who don’t actually bother about background and stuff like that basically choose their future leaders blindly and would rather vote for someone that is somewhat in a similar position as themselves. So maybe that’s been the problem all this while. Good luck spreading your message!

  8. That’s one of the problems I see with voters LostAdolescence. People want to elect somebody just like them instead of somebody more intelligent and more educated. The fact that people haven’t learned to look for somebody with a plan after the last 8 years is shocking.

  9. Good to see you LostAdolescence 🙂

    I agree, I think that is part of the problem. Some people don’t educate themselves on Palin’s core issues. They are not good for women or the country. It is tragic more people don’t realize this. I would think everybody by now knows someone who has lost a job or their home during the last 8 years.

    Thank you for helping spread the word and visiting The Zoo.

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