CNN Ed Henry Hit with Pack Of Gum at McCain Rally

(Ed Henry in this grainy video (I apologize) is being heckled the entire time he is doing a live shot with the camera rolling.)

Ed Henry was talking to Bill Schneider, who was standing at another camera position at the rally, during Republican congressional candidate Keith Fimian speech.  Well that didn’t sit well with a woman who attended the rally in Woodbridge, VA.  More of the story from the Washington Post.

As Republican congressional candidate Keith Fimian warmed up the crowd at an afternoon rally with Sen. John McCain, CNN’s Ed Henry was co-anchoring his network’s weekend political coverage live from the press risers. Fimian was speaking about his personal accomplishments as Henry quizzed Bill Schneider, who was standing at another camera position at the rally.

A woman towards the back of the crowd angrily turned back and started yelling at Henry, asking him to stop talking during Fimian’s speech. The woman grew so angry that she threw a pack of Dentyne Ice gum at Henry, which hit his back as he wrapped up his conversation with Schneider.

Henry finished his live shot and turned in the direction of the woman, who gave him the cut sign across her throat. Henry turned back, bent over to pick up the pack of gum, shrugged and shook his head as he tossed it to his producer.

I’m just amazed at this woman’s audacity.  For Mr. Henry’s sake I’m glad it was only a pack of gum.  They really do need to have security around all the news reporters and anchors at these rallies.  So that they have some protection against some of the wing-nuts attending them.

Update: Ed Henry is viewed in a different light by Republican activists, more from Politico.

So when Fox’s Cameron and CNN’s Henry took to opposing risers today to a McCain rally, their receptions were starkly different.

“CNN sucks!,” yelled one voter at Henry. “Communists go home,” shouted another”

Toward the end of McCain’s speech — which a handful of especially passionate activists ignored to hurl insults at Henry and other reporters — a chant went up: “We want Fox, we want Fox.”

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33 thoughts on “CNN Ed Henry Hit with Pack Of Gum at McCain Rally

  1. “CNN Ed Henry Hit with Pack Of Gum at McCain Rally”

    Wow. I’m glad I found this ultra-informative story. These menaces to society MUST BE STOPPED! Next thing you know, they’ll start throwing beach balls!

  2. tsfiles,

    With all due respect, I do not believe you read the article in its entirety (even what was posted here.) They did more than just throw a pack of gum at Henry (one woman did), there were also the shouts of “Communists go home” that these clearly ill-informed people shouted. The story isn’t merely one of incivility on the part of the McCain supporters, it’s about a dangerous pattern of intense hatred being displayed that their ignorance has helped to foment.

  3. Wayne,

    Oh heavens! You’re 100% right, Wayne. The pack of gum was evil and vicious, but calling someone a “Communist” (even when it’s 100% true) IS part of a dangerous pattern of INTENSE HATRED. Hitler had nothing on these people.

    These Republican demons must be stopped before they start committing the kind of criminal acts that liberals normally commit!

  4. I’d like to see evidence such as signed Judgments of Conviction regarding the crimes you allege liberals are committing.

    You are correct — even though you were being sarcastic — the right is currently consumed with intense hatred.

  5. Hi, Zooey. You try to have a rational discussion with someone, and they have to go and throw Hitler out there.

    tsfiles, your assertion that it is “100%” true will have to be dismissed as mere fantasy on your part, or ignorance about what Communism is and isn’t.

    You really need to stop getting your facts from right-wing media figures (and networks). They are not interested in you knowing the facts. They only want you to know the spin.

  6. Wayne,

    You have yet to provide me with any facts.

    I’ve studied Communism and socialism for years. Based on his statements, Obama fits the definition. Don’t shoot the messenger if you don’t like the message.

    When you play the “right-wing media” card, you lose credibility in an argument.


    That rule is true when “Hitler” is directed it at the person with whom you are debating. Simply mentioning Hitler (I brought him up as a hateful figure) is hardly the same thing.

  7. It’s the RIGHT that is consumed with HATRED and MEANNESS!

    I’m glad you agree.

    My only consolation is that no one is reading the hateful trash on your blog.


  8. Zooey,

    Don’t let any facts, truth, or logic wake you from your comforting stupor.

    There is nothing “hateful” or “trash” on my blog. You merely disagree with it, are unable to debate its content, and smear it with inapplicable insults.

  9. You just keep telling that to yourself, silly thing.

    Meanwhile, people will keep coming here by the thousands every single day to read what we have to offer.

  10. Zooey,

    People visit your blog? Amazing that such a thing would happen. What would you like? A cookie?

    They may read what you have to offer, but if they’re looking for ideas, for logic, for research on anything pertinent, they’ll be disappointed.

    As for pettiness, it’s in droves here. Want a piece of gum?

  11. Now you’re just being a snivelling whiner, tsfiles. Very unbecoming.

    People aren’t looking for your brand of hate and paranoia anymore. Too bad you missed that memo.

  12. The right-wing candidates have done little to put a bad light on this type of behavior, and the right wing talking heads are very rude also. People look at thier leaders for behavior limits and and have received silence from the right when it comes to poor citizenship. I suppose when some nut case kills somebody we may start to take this hatred seriously. Unfortunately we will probably lose some of our rights in the name of protecting our freedom.

  13. stophate Says:

    I suppose when some nut case kills somebody we may start to take this hatred seriously.

    And that is precisely the point Congressman Lewis was trying to make. Let’s not let it come to that, and that is where it sure looks like it’s heading.

  14. I notice that two of my posts, both of which had links on liberals behaving badly, was removed.

    Nice job suppressing the truth, comrade.

    Do you behave like this outside of your blog too?

  15. I’m not spamming anything. You asked for evidence. I gave you tons. You proceeded to delete 2/3rds of it because the truth hurts. Unable to counter anything I say, you must resort to attacking ME.

    If calling me names like a child is the best you can do, I feel sorry for you.

  16. Actually, your posts contained too many links and landed in the spam bin all by themselves. I’m not inclined to retrieve them. You can post all of them on your blog.

    You feel sorry for me? I can live with that.

  17. Okay, let’s go back to what I said, tsfiles, which you have chosen to ignore.

    “The story isn’t merely one of incivility on the part of the McCain supporters, it’s about a dangerous pattern of intense hatred being displayed that their ignorance has helped to foment.”

    Look familiar? Or did you stop reading when I asserted that there is no evidence that Ed Henry and CNN are Communists. You do understand, do you not, that the calls of “Communists go home” were directed at CNN, not Obama. So, I will ask YOU once again, for evidence that these people know what they’re talking about. Who at CNN is a Communist?

    This is the kind of ignorance that is easily fomented into hate that leads to violence that leads to people dying.

  18. How many millions of people voted for Obama in the primaries? Isn’t it un-American for a man chosen by so many other Americans to be their candidate. I don’t like John McCain but I wouldn’t burn or defame a poster of him.

  19. 1. No, you don’t determine what spamming is. Spam involves a commercial message to a person who has not initiated the communication. What I posted did not come CLOSE to that. I know some of you want to invent things to conveniently suit your purpose at the moment, but it doesn’t work with me.

    2. Wayne, I don’t personally know any person working at CNN, I don’t watch CNN, I don’t work at CNN, nor do I view CNN’s website. If you’re asking me for a specific name, you’re not going to get one.

    Apparently, the person who uttered that opinion believes that, based on the news coverage that CNN typically features, it has elements which were also featured in the Communist media, or Communist beliefs, which I’d tend to agree with. If you understood Communism, you would not resist this as much as you do.

    Even if the guy was 100% wrong, so what? So the person is wrong. Whoop-dee-doo! You’re the one making Mount Everest out of a sand castle. Do you react this way when conservatives or Republicans are treated with contempt/hatred/disrespect?

    I doubt it.

    (If you really want to know what was going through that person’s head, why don’t find that person and ask that person. Why are you asking ME?)

    While you’re dutifully promoting the absurdity that throwing a pack of gum will lead to people dying, I would suggest all of you on this blog view the following:

    Please watch them both. I look forward to your responses.

    If you rather not post your response here, you may e-mail me at Thank you.

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