Sibel Edmonds: The Silence is Deafening

What does Sibel Edmonds know? If that question is left to our government, who gagged her using the “States Secrets Privilege,” or the so-called liberal media, we will never know. Here are a series of links regarding Sibel Edmonds — “The most gagged woman in America.”

From BradBlog: Sibel Edmonds is willing to tell EVERYTHING she knows to any major news network who will air her story in it’s entirety. ***crickets***

Interesting thing: A lot of links to Sibel Edmonds’ story are “no longer available.”

From WASHINGTON – The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of the National Capital Area filed an emergency motion Wednesday to open the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to the public during oral arguments tomorrow in a hearing over the termination of FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.

From Balkanalysis: In the enigmatic fashion that has characterized all of Edmonds’ under-the-gag-order limited disclosures, the outspoken whistleblower claims in the Jan. 28 interview that “…the criminal activities which I complained about were also threatening the Turkish people’s interest and Turkish national security.”

From the Baltimore Chronicle & Sentinel (interview): Current 9/11 investigation inadequate.

More to come…

UPDATE I: W. David Jenkins III, Counterbias: “One More Reason to Win: Letting Sibel Edmonds Speak.”

Robin E. Blumner, “The dangers of keeping secrets.”

Scott Horton, “Cracking the Case: An Interview With Sibel Edmonds.”

James Ridgeway, The Village Voice: “The Silencing of Sibel Edmonds.”

Statement of Sibel Edmonds, Before the House Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and Internal Relations, March 2, 2005

UPDATE II: Here’s a timeline of events from History Commons.

Our own nwmuse wrote this post recently on TheZoo: “Remember Sibel Edmonds?

UPDATE III:  U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton (the Judge in the Scooter Libby case) agreed with the government’s position that Edmonds’ lawsuit should be dismissed because much of the information needed to be considered for it was protected by the “state secrets privilege,” which is meant to protect classified national security information from being disclosed.  (CNN)

86 thoughts on “Sibel Edmonds: The Silence is Deafening

  1. USA = Developing Police State.

    Shocking. And sad. Damn, I have to get my passport done. (BTW: do you know how expensive it is to do these days?)

  2. Trueblue, we are doing it for my whole family right now. Waiting on my birth certificate to come in. It is $97 dollars unless you want expiditted processing. You can fill the forms out over the internet and through the post office. Print them off, then go down with your documents. You can get your photos taken at the post office and file it right there. Then only about 2-3 weeks to get.

  3. Good afternoon Ladies,…..Last I heard it take’s up to 6 month’s for some..In my case it no longer is an option, will stay here with my gun’s and fight…Not enough money to go any further than Canada and I live in Washington state and ya know if they got one look at the moving bill board of this old peace activest they would arrest me at the border….Nope, not going, this is my country dammit and I’m not gonna leave it, I want it back…Gonna join Uncle Ho and many other’s, we are on lock and load already..Blessings

  4. Trueblue,
    I thought it was a lot longer too. Like 6 months to process. I rechecked my documents, but can’t find the time now. I remembered being shocked that wouldn’t take as long as I thought, though. Ok…
    Went to this site and found out it was 4-6 weeks. 3 for expeditted. Sorry for the mis-info.

  5. You are a tough cookie, Sharon.

    On behalf of was once America, a proud and honorable nation, I thank you.

    I’ve got to do whatever I can to keep miniblue safe, however.
    …of course, once she’s safe I could come back and help you get some crazy neo-con butt!

  6. did you guys know the passports have the RFID chips in them? They have started that, right?

    I say we go to sunny Venezuela!!!

    He is making the work day 6 hours long!

    can’t beat that with a stick!

  7. “Nov 18, 2007
    RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA — Oil prices could double to more than $200 US a barrel if the United States attacks Iran, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez told OPEC leaders…”

  8. I got pass ports for my kids back in 1984. It took three hours and cost $12 a pop. Had to travel to the office in Stamford, but the process was quick and easy. That was back in the days when mainframe computers would make the thing on my desktop appear like a Blackhawk when being compared to a Curtis Jenney. My kitchen range has more computing power than existed in the world in 1952.

  9. Hell, Lady Z, we all are on a constant state of up date….My old brain is nearly exploding daily..Posted on a earlier thread here about marches in Georgia this past week end I didn’t know about, on an issue that has been going on since the 90’s I also didn’t know about….Just saw in a couple of my informative sites we backed and supplied nuke’s to Pakestan since the carter adm. and now today some asses are talking about bombing them…..Jesus H. I am realing…

    Trueblue..I went through the very same thing during Nam, Had kid’s was scared to death and looking to go to Canada…..After the initial shock wore off decided no place was safe or all were safe, it’s all relative…Didn’t have as many gun’s or ammo and no supplies but got ready for the fight because we coulden’t move. Do what ever work’s for you and your’s and if the basterd’s don’t blow the world up it will be here when you come back….Sure know how the Native Americans felt…Blessings

  10. everybody run over to my site for a click. i am trying to break 150!

    I know, it’s pathetic begging for hits. I have become subhuman. I am ashamed….

    now get over there. you got till 7.

  11. friend of mine went to Costa Rica for several week’s and loved it.Was her 3rd trip and she say’s they don’t have an army along with loving the ugly american’s..If I had the money and wasen’t so steadfast in my thinking I would go there.She had lot’s of offer’s for work also and not a young girl, in her 50’s..Yep! And they don’t have any oil under them for other’s to war on and steal, as far as I know….Blessings

    P.S. The thing with TP and Faiz today was bull shit. Sadly it is not the first time and I have questioned their loyalties for some time.

  12. Willy,
    I was over there earlier. Do two hits from the same IP address still count? I was away for a while because I took my first before dinner shower in about 15 years. Sweat like a pig in the workshop today. Only 30 days left until desk for GD must be finished. Bright side, lost six pounds. Dark side, shedded clothes weigh about 11 pounds and stink.

  13. You a wood worker, Walt?

    I did custom wood work for years and years.

    Theatrical stuff and cabnetry, desks and built-ins….

    I enjoyed it alot.

  14. Willy,
    I had a master cabinetry license in New Jersey. Work mainly in oak, walnut, birch, mahogany and poplar. Sometimes delve into pine or butternut and exotics like ironwood and ebony. I have a $600 veneer press that has my wife up in arms.

  15. Already left TP:

    Habeas Corpus, Sibel Edmonds, rational use of the word ‘Israel’ in a post. Buh-bye.

    willyloman – now is not a good time to head to Venezuela… Hugo is overreaching, he’s going to blow it. He does have some nice, shiny Russian jets though, I saw them a few months ago.

  16. Oh, and being bounced for impersonating Jesus Christ, Jesus H Christ, Sean Hannity, Charlton Heston, John Negroponte among others (although John Kerry is over there today…?)

  17. I did a set of ironwood castle doors and a walkbridge over a coy pond once.

    well, I designed it.

    Ironwoood is nasty to work with. Chews up carbide tipped blades like nothing. Hazzardous to your health too.

    Hey, 911truth site put up BradBlog’s Sibel Edmunds story!

  18. Think Progress stopped covering things that progressives are interested in a long time ago. They still put up some stuff that is interesting, but they have decided to go main stream once Judd got a job on the Hillary Clinton Campaign. TP doesn’t want people to get the impression that Judd comes from some liberal, left wing, whacko web site. SO, they censor and flat out don’t cover topics.

    It took pulling teeth to get them to cover one of the most important political events for the left in seven years: Kucinich putting forward articles of impeachment against Dick Cheney. It wasn’t until after it had been sent to committee that TP would cover it and they covered it as “See, we told you it wouldn’t work.”

    I have lost my faith in TP for covering anything but what the MSM will cover, but from a left side view.

    Sad really. I got politically active and motivated from going to TP.

    You know where I heard about TP? From Michael Moore’s left wing, liberal whacko site. They used to be different than they are now.

  19. Willy,
    Ironwood does not eat up carbide blades as fast as cypress – heavy sand content in cypress. I also have a shop atmosphere evacuator and wear a mask. Walnut and Butternut are more up on the alergic reaction scale. Redwood is disaster.

  20. Walt, I have worked in many diffrent job’s, first woman in cabinet shop, door factory and furniture building…Started out as a sander and went to assembly and the sprey finnisher in sprey booth’s…One of the worst for me was in Northern Idaho year’s ago worked for a little outfit that built display furniture for shoe store’s, kid’s stuff….All cedar…Even with a mask I only lasted 6 month’s and the Dr. made me quit, cedar dust was killing me…Love wood working but don’t do any now…Blessings

  21. Yep! they were Lady Z, and I was banned for week’s over the Lebanon thing..Any one else get banned or cut off on any issue.? Looking back I think I posted there over 2 year’s.Off and on..Stumbled on the site through another site…Blessings

  22. Remember James Risser? He managed to get the University of Kansas banned from TP. 😀

    That was over the Lebanon issue as well. He used to show up on TP as “anne coulter” now and then saying how “she” hated us all. Too funny.

  23. I, for one, say the HELL with TP. They’ve been coasting on inertia for quite a while now, and with this latest assault upon free discourse, they’ve coasted to a dead stop.

    witch, I’ve been banned from TP at least half a dozen times now, mostly for refusing to toe the line and keep quiet regarding 9/11 Truth. I regard every banning as a badge of honor.

    However, after each reinstatement, I had returned. Not this time.

    I’m done with TP. There are plenty of other blogs out there. I’m done contributing to the success of a blog with such a coercive agenda.

    I plan to redirect the time and effort I would have normally exerted at TP into this site instead. I urge all the other Zoo critters to do the same.

  24. witch1,
    I allways loved cedar! When you cut the stuff, the oils would enter the blood stream via the lungs and lower blood pressure. Gramps had a cedar oil inhaler and lived til he was 98. Perhaps you have a weak pump.

  25. witch1,
    I realize that that may have been a bit harsh. My mother had very low blood pressure – insured no strokes, but caused fainting spells at the most inconvenient moments. Like when she heard that she was bearing triplets.

  26. And the triplet matter brings to mind the fact that the doctor was able to detect three fetal heartbeats without the technology that we have today. To top that off, all three were born at 26 weeks and survived. Top weight was 2 pounds 1 ounce and the total for the trio was a bit under 6 pounds in 1944 (D-Day).

  27. Walt sez:
    And my spouse hit 9 and a half months and exuded a 12 lb 3 oz child. (2nd).

    Oh lordy. My 2nd was 9.5 lbs, and I was sure I was going to die. He was a week early, thank goodness.

  28. witch1
    I have had several Hillary posts deleted or not posted at all. I did write to TP and did not receive any response although I wrote several times, the last of which was framed as a demand that they give me an explanation.
    There is no question in my mind that TP has hidden agendas and are not at all responsive or responsible to their “base.” That point was made a number of times today on the “SE Affair”. Apparently, this was a serious enough issue that Faiz posted several times to try and soothe the angry beast. That beast, however, will not be easily calmed.
    TP would have to do the same thing that BushCo and the MSM (to name a couple) would need to do to regain credibility. That is to have the ideology of openness and honesty. Sadly, it seems, it would be easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than to admit their doings in an honest way. It is sad to me that TP is and has lost its base support as this blog shows. They have the reputation and standing that they no longer deserve.

    Its nice to find all you guys over here!

  29. Yeah Witch, I got banned.

    I got banned because I noticed they were scrubbing up comments about 6 months ago, and so I got pissed and started posting who owns Center for American Progress and his high powered “K-Street” Lobbying firm connections.

    That did it! I got banned and only went back after they started the registration thing.

  30. Sorry for the brief respit, after I fed and walked the critter’s, Bear and the new wild siamese cat I needed a short nap..

    Walt, you are correct. I have a very broken heart or bad pump as you say..Only 70% left to work with.. Oh well, it will get me there, where ever there is..

    Trip, I’m with you on the TP thing, I don’t give a shit about them any more..When I was banned it was my touch with reality and like minded folk’s. I worked hard to get back on. Reading and posting was my learning and keep up curve…Through the poster’s I have so many site’s I am signed up to now some day’s I can’t read all the new’s…This site is far better with all the diffrent content, music, art and great poster’s TP is no longer important in my life..Blessings all..

  31. Thank you Shayne and all….Can I go on the cider run next time, Please, pretty please.?…..LOL..

    Ya know, I just checked my mail and got a nice response from my state’s Kucenich chairman, along with 18 new’s letter from all over and a note from my Montana buddy.. Only have time to read an respond to the important 2, the rest will wait till tomorrow..

    Good to read you here Merlinps…..Blessings all.

  32. willyloman I forgot to tell you about the cat question you had. Craig Ferguson, my favorite Scotsman, says that if you die at home your cats will eat you. Maybe that’s a warning look that you better get some food.

  33. Muse you have turned into our Resource Center, I think you’ll be getting a 50% increase on your current salary!
    Question is why are we the only people, by that I mean some bloggers, who care about SE?

  34. Shayne stop asking awkward questions and set your Tivo for Dancing with the Stars! Did you see Posh Spice Beckham’s cameo in the semis? Look over here, another missing white girl on CNN, look over there, a dead basketball player…..

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