Sibel Edmonds – In her own words..

More at The Brad Blog.

More in-depth video from Erik Larson.

So now what…

How is it possible for our government, supposedly based on the rule of law, to continue looking the other way..? I’m not stupid. I know this monkey business (or treason and high crimes) has gone on for years, lucrative or not, but now that someone like Sibel is brave enough to stand up and speak out, exposing what has been happening with people in high places and in seats of power, authority, and influence, isn’t it about time to stop the pretense of standing for the law and do something about this? Actually STAND for the rule of law? (Which means, actually UPHOLD the laws—I know, a novel concept..).

It’s time to weed out the rot and plug up the holes. Time to hold people accountable, especially those who take the oath to protect and defend this country and the Constitution, and who instead, sell her out..

UPDATE: This from Huffington PostGagged Former FBI Translator Claims U.S. Rep Bribe Evidence

Isn’t it simply amazing how dead silent the MSM (corporate) media is on this story.. Not a whisper..

UPDATE 2: I forgot to add the article on Global Research that came out on August 1, 2009. This was before Sibel Edmonds gave her deposition.

Bombshell: Bin Laden Worked for US Until 9/11 – Sibel Edmonds on the Mike Malloy radio show

Sibel testifies under oath! So, what happens now…?

For more posts on Sibel Edmonds at The Zoo, go here.

BradBlog has done an EXCELLENT job of following this story:

LIVE BLOG: Deposition of Sibel Edmonds Completed, DoJ a ‘No Show,’ Bombshells Under Oath

EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: DoJ Pressures Ohio Election Commission to Block Edmonds Testimony

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Attempts to Block Edmonds Testimony in OH Election Case; Attorneys Say Effort Insufficient to Stop Her

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Subpoenaed, Set to ‘Break’ Gag Order Unless DoJ Intercedes

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All cartoons are posted with the artists’ express permission to TPZoo.
Paul Jamiol
Jamiol’s World

Spying on Congress

I’ve long said that there is something off about how Congress has, for the last nearly eight years, bent over for this administration. At first, I had assumed it was that each member had been Watergated (vis a vis illegal wiretapping AKA spying). I’ve even crawled under a tin-foil hat and wondered about that all too forgotten Anthrax attack just after 9/11 where several Democrats were on the receiving end. That, indeed, would be a mighty powerful message: play ball with this administration or die.

Now, it appears that Sibel Edmonds, an FBI whistleblower, will be coming out with proof that the administration did indeed spy on Congress. This from OpEdNews:

Edmonds and the group she founded, the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition, will be coming forward with hard evidence, obtained legally from third-party sources, demonstrating that the Bush administration has used FISA warrants to engage in unauthorized surveillance of members of Congress and their staffs, and allegedly the FISA court was not aware of this misuse of the warrants.

Don’t know much about Sibel Edmonds? You, and every American should. Read about this amazing woman below the fold.
Continue reading

Valerie Plame-Wilson stunned by Edmonds disclosures.


In a recent radio interview, Valerie Wilson says she’s been following Sibel Edmonds’ disclosures in the Sunday Times, and finds them stunning.

The previously covert agent, who had worked in the agency’s counter-proliferation division for years monitoring traffic in the nuclear black market under the guise of a cover company named Brewster Jennings until being outed by Bush Administration officials, was asked about the recent series of explosive stories in the British paper during an interview this morning with Florida radio host Henry Raines of American AM.

Those disclosures include allegations that Brewster Jennings’ real identity as a CIA front company was outed to Turkish officials by then-Asst. Sec. of State for European Affairs Marc Grossman as early as 2001…

No wonder this administration was playing fast and loose with Plame-Wilson’s covert status — her operation was exposed years earlier.  It sends a chill up the spine…

While Plame Wilson offered today that she has “no insight” into the story, other than what has been published by the Times, she joined Edmonds and other whistleblowers such as Daniel Ellsberg in her criticism of the U.S. mainstream media for failing to investigate and report on the story.

“I think it’s very interesting that it’s showing up across the pond and not here at all, in any of our newspapers,” Plame Wilson said.

“It’s fair to say that in general the American media has been extremely intimidated, it’s been supine, and I think it’s let the American people down,” she explained, pointing to the run-up to the Iraq War when the U.S. media, “took simply what the Administration was dishing up and didn’t question it, didn’t analyze it, didn’t go seek secondary sources. And look where we are today as a result of that.”

I guess it’s easy for the American media to fail to do it’s job when the goal is profit or access, rather than reporting actual news.

The rest of this article and a transcript of the radio interview with Valerie Plame-Wilson can be found on BradBlog.

Safeguarding ‘New-cue-lur’ Secrets, by Gordon Prather

According to the Sunday Times, Sibel Edmonds has revealed to them details – in defiance of several government gag orders – of how this and several previous administrations “monitored”, but did little or nothing to interfere with, the “infiltration” of Western states by “foreign states” seeking “nuclear secrets.”

Edmonds, a fluent speaker of Turkish and Farsi, was recruited by the FBI in the aftermath of 9/11 to help translate a backlog of recordings – thousands of hours of conversations dating back to 1997 – obtained during an FBI investigation into links between Turks, Pakistanis, Israelis and various Americans, in and out of government.

According to the Times, the Turks and Israelis had planted “moles” in practically every agency or institution involved in nuclear technology. The Turks and their American Turkish Council, Edmonds claimed, often acted as a “conduit,” passing nuclear secrets to Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, and receiving cash payments in return.

Sibel Edmonds stumbled onto long-standing treason — by doing her job. Did the “backlog” exist simply because it wasn’t a priority to “know” about such activities?

Way back in 1976, metallurgist AQ Khan, had stolen industrial – not “state” – secrets from Urenco, the world’s leading producer of enriched uranium, and returned to Pakistan. According to the Times, Khan then established a clandestine international network to obtain both materials and technology required for enriching uranium in Pakistan.

Why clandestine?

Well, Pakistan, India and Israel were not signatories to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, not wishing to subject all their activities involving “special nuclear materials” to a Safeguards Agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency.

That wouldn’t be convenient…but it could be made convenient.

[A]s a direct result of India’s underground testing of what it claimed was a “peaceful” nuclear explosive in 1974, the Nuclear Suppliers Group was established.

Comprised of 44 nuclear-supplier states – including China, Russia, and the United States – NSG members voluntarily agreed to coordinate their export controls governing transfers of civilian nuclear material and nuclear-related equipment and technology to non-nuclear-weapon states.

Why do we have the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty…? Isn’t it important?

This is from the Nuclear Suppliers Group website, regarding it’s purpose:

The primary purpose was to ensure that suppliers uniformly applied a comprehensive set of guidelines to ensure that nuclear cooperation did not contribute to proliferation, and to involve a key non-NPT supplier, France….

NSG members encourage all countries to adhere to the NSG Guidelines as the basis for responsible nuclear export policy….Although suppliers consulted regularly on a bilateral basis, the NSG did not meet throughout the 1980s. (emphasis added)

Brilliant. Continue reading

Sibel Edmonds: ‘Buckle up, there’s much more coming.’

Here is an interview by Luke Ryland with Sibel Edmonds via OpEdNews:

In the last few weeks, UK’s Times has run a series of articles about the so-called ‘Sibel Edmonds case.’ (‘For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets, ‘FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft’ and ‘Tip-off thwarted nuclear spy ring probe’)

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds stumbled into a world of espionage, nuclear black market, narcotics trafficking, money laundering, and corruption at the highest levels of the US government.

I interviewed Sibel yesterday regarding the current investigation and reporting by the Times, the failures of the US media, and last week’s decision by the Bush administration to legalize the sale of nuclear technology to Turkey, in an apparent to exonerate prior criminal activity by officials in his administration.

Sibel also has some urgent ‘action items’ so that we can stop these dangerous nuclear proliferation activities. I urge you to act on her suggestions.

Read entire article (4 pages)…

You might also want to read this article in by Justin Raimondo called ” None Dare Call It Treason
Who is stealing our nuclear secrets – and why are they being shielded by the authorities?

Raimondo ties in the Edmonds story to the Valerie Plame Wilson story, and its implications.

More on Sibel Edmonds

TheZoo’s EV reported on the Sibel Edmonds story this morning in the Sunday Times (UK). (Here’s the article again). There’s more that I’d like to add.

A number of people and blogs have come out with posts and articles on Sibel Edmonds this morning.

Here are several: The BradBlog, Raw Story, The Daily Kos (Luke Ryland), Democratic Underground, and from the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal “Holy nuclear secrets, Batman!

There is a very interesting article by Joshua Frank on called “Why Bush Wants to Legalize the Nuke Trade with Turkey – Exonerating Neocon Criminals“.

From the website Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in IRAN (CASMII), here is a very interesting interview with Philip Giraldi (former CIA officer who was once stationed in Turkey). Philip Giraldi is a recognized authority on international security and counterterrorism issues. He is a regular contributor to in a column titled “Smoke and Mirrors” and is a Contributing Editor who writes a column called “Deep Background” on terrorism, intelligence, and security issues for The American Conservative magazine. He is being interviewed by Scott Horton.

Giraldi wrote a review and analysis of the Edmonds story this past week at American Conservative Magazine.

Buzzflash “Wings of Justice Award” ~ Sibel Edmonds

via: BuzzFlash

The first thing you need to know about Sibel Edmonds is that she has been under a gag order by the Department of Justice for five years. The second thing you should know is that she worked for a time as a FBI translator of Turkish intercepts. The third thing that you need to know is that she claims to have uncovered a covert network of senior American officials who transferred nuclear secrets to third parties.

Edmonds has had closed-door hearings before Congress, but her testimony has apparently been dropped like a hot potato. So it took of all newspapers — one owned by Rupert Murdoch in London — to reveal the extent of Edmonds’ allegations in an article, “For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets“, and to further uncover that the FBI appears to be lying about the existence of a key piece of evidence that might corroborate Edmonds, in an article subtitled, “The FBI has been accused of covering up a file detailing government dealings with a network stealing nuclear secrets.”

It is hard to distill the importance of what Edmonds is alleging, except to say that, if true, the American government has been allowing the transfer of nuclear secrets that endanger our national security, particularly as it related to the information obtained by the father of the Pakistani bomb, Abdul Qadeer Khan. There is also a tantalizing potential tie into another reason why Valerie Plame may have been outed by the Bush Administration.

The BuzzFlash reader who nominated Sibel Edmonds praised her, “Because she is risking her life, her safety, her entire reputation, and her future for the national security and integrity of this country trying to get her story out to the media so that Congress will finally have to act on the corruption and criminal actions taking place at the highest levels of our government that have and continue to put our country at risk. It was incredibly brave of her to speak out through the UK Sunday Times yesterday. Now we’ll see if anything is done to start investigations and clean house.”

In a recent commentary on, the heroic Vietnam-era whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg noted: “For the last two weeks — one could say, for years — the major American media have been guilty of ignoring entirely the allegations of the courageous and highly credible source Sibel Edmonds, quoted in the London Times on January 6, 2008 in a front-page story that was front-page news in much of the rest of the world but was not reported in a single American newspaper or network. It is up to readers to demand that this culpable silent treatment end.”

Surely, Sibel Edmonds deserves to be heard. She accidentally ventured into an area of clandestine operations that literally may put her life at risk, and yet only overseas papers take her claims seriously.

For her courage and tenacity, BuzzFlash honors Sibel Edmonds with this week’s Wings of Justice Award.

I am posting this because it is one of our Critters who nominated Sibel Edmonds. I am glad Sibel is getting more exposure and recognition for her courage.

Contempt citations on hold as Dems, Bush craft stimulus plan

So, I guess they can’t walk and chew gum at the same time..

From Raw Story:

Last week it was “pretty certain” that House Democrats would quickly move forward with contempt citations against two Bush administration figures who were stonewalling Congress. Then the economy started circling the drain.

The planned citations now appear to be on hold as Congress and the White House work on a bipartisan economic stimulus package, the central tenet of which involves cutting virtually everyone an $800 check.

Democratic leaders and aides tell The Politico that pursuing the contempt citations in conjunction with the stimulus package would “step on their message” of bipartisanship.

The contempt citations against former White House counsel Harriet Miers and Chief of Staff Josh Bolten were approved by the House Judiciary Committee in July after the two ignored subpoenas requiring their testimony on the US Attorney firing scandal.

Continue reading..

I am going to ask an outrageous question here..

I want to know if Congress’s inability (or unwillingness) to deal with these citations of Contempt, their unwillingness to hold anyone to account for the outing of Valerie Plame, their unwillingness to move forward on the investigation for impeachment hearings for either Dick Cheney or George W. Bush, and their unwillingness to do anything with the information that they received from Sibel Edmonds in closed session (years ago now), has anything to do with the information that Sibel Edmonds holds in her head (including names of past and current members of Congress) that she is being prevented from sharing or testifying to… (currently Sibel is the most gagged person in history – why?).

Are members of Congress who may be complicit in this, as well as members of this administration and our State Department, watching each others’ backs (or being kept in line with that information of complicity) as they all continue to stall and drag their feet? Does Sibel hold the key? Are all these stories related?

And what makes the entire MSM deadly silent on this story – the most explosive story with the most far-reaching implications resulting in the greatest threat to our national security this nation may have ever known..? Thank God the Sunday Times has the courage to print it (with their most recent followup article), and people like Daniel Ellsberg have the courage to speak out. Thank God for blogs like BradBlog and Luke Ryland who have diligently stayed with her story since the beginning.

Perhaps there is still hope of the truth find its way to the light of day, regardless of the mammoth efforts to keep it concealed (to protect those who would put the national security of this nation at risk in order to put themselves and their interests first.)

In the meantime, it looks like it will be up to the people of this nation to spread this story ourselves, and press for action now!

Found in Translation

FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds spills her secrets.

by Philip Giraldi
via: The American Conservative

Most Americans have never heard of Sibel Edmonds, and if the U.S. government has its way, they never will. The former FBI translator turned whistleblower tells a chilling story of corruption at Washington’s highest levels—sale of nuclear secrets, shielding of terrorist suspects, illegal arms transfers, narcotics trafficking, money laundering, espionage. She may be a first-rate fabulist, but Edmonds’s account is full of dates, places, and names. And if she is to be believed, a treasonous plot to embed moles in American military and nuclear installations and pass sensitive intelligence to Israeli, Pakistani, and Turkish sources was facilitated by figures in the upper echelons of the State and Defense Departments. Her charges could be easily confirmed or dismissed if classified government documents were made available to investigators.

But Congress has refused to act, and the Justice Department has shrouded Edmonds’s case in the state-secrets privilege, a rarely used measure so sweeping that it precludes even a closed hearing attended only by officials with top-secret security clearances. According to the Department of Justice, such an investigation “could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to the foreign policy and national security of the United States.”

After five years of thwarted legal challenges and fruitless attempts to launch a congressional investigation, Sibel Edmonds is telling her story, though her defiance could land her in jail. After reading its November piece about Louai al-Sakka, an al-Qaeda terrorist who trained 9/11 hijackers in Turkey, Edmonds approached the Sunday Times of London. On Jan. 6, the Times, a Murdoch-owned paper that does not normally encourage exposés damaging to the Bush administration, featured a long article. The news quickly spread around the world, with follow-ups appearing in Israel, Europe, India, Pakistan, Turkey, and Japan—but not in the United States.

Read entire article.
(Philip Giraldi, a former CIA Officer, is a partner in Cannistraro Associates, an international security consultancy.)

This is one of the best articles I have read on this yet.

Don’t forget to read the piece from Daniel Ellsberg, (the legendary ‘Pentagon Papers’ whistleblower) as well.

UPDATE: I just found this opinion piece from the Portland Oregonian: Sandra Duffy: Journalism’s first loyalty is to citizens. Duffy points out the role of the journalist, and asks in the case of Sibel Edmonds, where are they??

DANIEL ELLSBERG: Covering Up the Coverage – The American Media’s Complicit Failure to Investigate and Report on the Sibel Edmonds Case

by Daniel Ellsberg
via: BradBlog

In an Exclusive BRAD BLOG Op-Ed, the Legendary ‘Pentagon Papers’ Whistleblower Calls on the Media to Perform Their First Amendment Obligations, on Congressional Leaders to Perform Their Oversight Duty, and for Insider Sources to Come Forward to the American Public…

For the second time in two weeks, the entire U.S. press has let itself be scooped by Rupert Murdoch’s London Sunday Times on a dynamite story of criminal activities by corrupt U.S. officials promoting nuclear proliferation. But there is a worse journalistic sin than being scooped, and that is participating in a cover-up of information that demands urgent attention from the public, the U.S. Congress and the courts.

For the last two weeks — one could say, for years — the major American media have been guilty of ignoring entirely the allegations of the courageous and highly credible source Sibel Edmonds, quoted in the London Times on January 6, 2008 in a front-page story that was front-page news in much of the rest of the world but was not reported in a single American newspaper or network. It is up to readers to demand that this culpable silent treatment end.

Just as important, there must be pressure by the public on Congressional committee chairpersons, in particular Representative Henry Waxman and Senator Patrick Leahy. Both have been sitting for years on classified, sworn testimony by Edmonds — as she revealed in the Times’ new story on Sunday — along with documentation, in their possession, confirming parts of her account. Pressure must be brought for them to hold public hearings to investigate her accusations of widespread criminal activities ,over several administrations, that endanger national security. They should call for open testimony under oath by Edmonds — as she has urged for five years — and by other FBI officials she has named to them, as cited anonymously in the first Times’ story.

And this is the time for those who have so far creditably leaked to the Times of London to come forward, accepting personal risks, to offer their testimony — and new documents — both to the Congress and to the American press. I would say to them: Don’t do what I did and waste months of precious time trying to get Congressional committees to act as they should in the absence of journalistic pressure. Do your best to inform the American public directly, first, through the major American media.

Continue reading

More on the Sibel Edmonds story..

In her post from this morning on TheZoo, EV linked to the story in the Sunday Times Online (UK) with more on Sibel Edmonds, the FBI whistleblower who has become the most gagged person in history.

In the Times’ article “FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft“, they write this:

The FBI has been accused of covering up a file detailing government dealings with a network stealing nuclear secrets”

THE FBI has been accused of covering up a key case file detailing evidence against corrupt government officials and their dealings with a network stealing nuclear secrets.

The assertion follows allegations made in The Sunday Times two weeks ago by Sibel Edmonds, an FBI whistleblower, who worked on the agency’s investigation of the network.

Edmonds, a 37-year-old former Turkish language translator, listened into hundreds of sensitive intercepted conversations while based at the agency’s Washington field office.

She says the FBI was investigating a Turkish and Israeli-run network that paid high-ranking American officials to steal nuclear weapons secrets. These were then sold on the international black market to countries such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

One of the documents relating to the case was marked 203A-WF-210023. Last week, however, the FBI responded to a freedom of information request for a file of exactly the same number by claiming that it did not exist. But The Sunday Times has obtained a document signed by an FBI official showing the existence of the file.

Edmonds believes the crucial file is being deliberately covered up by the FBI because its contents are explosive. She accuses the agency of an “outright lie”.

“I can tell you that that file and the operations it refers to did exist from 1996 to February 2002. The file refers to the counterintelligence programme that the Department of Justice has declared to be a state secret to protect sensitive diplomatic relations,” she said. Read on…

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More articles on Sibel Edmonds story

Following up with the two previous posts on the Sibel Edmonds story (here and here), I wanted to add a few more recent press stories.

The Bomb in the Shadows: Proliferation, Corruption and the Way of the World by Chris Floyd.
Chris ties in Bush and BCCI scandal into this story of Sibel’s:

This week, the Sunday Times lifted the lid on one of the most important stories of the last quarter-century: how American officials sold nuclear arms technology to illegal proliferators — including ideological allies of al Qaeda — in return for bribes and other inducements. This widespread corruption has been protected from exposure by the highest levels of the U.S. government, which has gone to enormous lengths to protect the truth from coming out. The entire planet has been put at grave risk by the greed — and geopolitical gamesmanship — that lies behind this criminal enterprise, which actually is even more extensive, and goes back further in time, than the newspaper’s remarkable revelations.

The Sunday Times story is based on the evidence provided by former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, who has been subjected to an unprecedented campaign of state-enforced muzzling by the Bush Administration since she first tried to speak out about the corrupt connections between American officials and foreign agents she discovered when reviewing transcripts associated with the 9/11 investigation. As even the leaders of the whitewashing 9/11 Commission themselves now admit, that investigation was deliberately sabotaged by the Bush Administration – in part to cover up the nuclear proliferation network that has directly or indirectly enriched so many in the American elite over the past decades – including the sitting president of the United States, George W. Bush.

More recent articles and posts:

Worldwide Coverage of Sibels Edmonds Story — With One Glaring Exception


Good news! The bombshell report on the front page of London’s Sunday Times on charges made by former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, has finally led to press coverage by the mainstream media!

From one side of the globe to the other, as expected, the explosive whistleblower allegations concerning highly-placed, well-known U.S. officials in the Departments of State and Defense involved in an illicit, for-profit scheme to develop and protect a network of spies, who then stole and sold American nuclear secrets to the international black markets via Turkey, Israel and Pakistan, is now worldwide news!

Ms Edmonds hasn’t even told most of her story, but she’s getting great coverage by The Times of India, Pakistan’s Daily Times, Iran’s PressTV, Israel’s Haaretz and even the Turkish Daily News. Absolutely fantastic!

And in the United States the coverage…….***crickets chirping***

Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada.

Edmonds told The BRAD BLOG last night that her phone had been ringing of the hook since the Times story hit. From reporters around the globe, she said. As to America: “Not a single mainstream media channel, not even a newspaper.”

Apparently American nuclear secrets, stolen by “moles” at America’s most sensitive nuclear installations, sold on the black market with the help and protection of highly placed American officials, which then found their way into the hands of America’s enemies, is not notable news to Americans. According to the American corporate mainstream media, anyway. We suppose they’re all too busy fighting the War on Terror in New Hampshire or something.

Why do I continue to be surprised…?

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds ‘Names’ Names

via: Brad Blog

Sibel Edmonds is now naming names. 21 of them. Or rather, just 21 photographs. On a page. Without comment. At her website. The page is simply titled “Sibel Edmonds’ State Secrets Privilege Gallery“.

Here are those names, sectioned into three groups, as Edmonds has grouped the photos in her own “Gallery”:

Current and former Pentagon and State Department officials…

  • Richard Perle
  • Douglas Feith
  • Eric Edelman
  • Marc Grossman
  • Brent Scowcroft
  • Larry Franklin

Current and former congressmen…

  • Dennis Hastert (R-IL), Ex-House Speaker
  • Roy Blount (R-MO)
  • Dan Burton (R-IN)
  • Tom Lantos (D-CA)
  • ? (Photo simply a box with question mark in it)
  • Bob Livingston (R-LA), Ex-House Speaker
  • Stephen Solarz (D-NY)

The 3rd group includes people who all appear to work at think tanks – primarily WINEP, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

For more information, visit Luke Ryland’s blog Let Sibel Edmonds Speak where he puts the names to the faces. Mr. Ryland has followed this story from the start.
I have had the news on all morning and not a single word on this explosive story! NOT A WORD! Though there ARE updates to the activities of a certain celebrity since being let out of the hospital..

Continue reading

Sibel Edmonds speaks to the UK Sunday Times

This is a MUST READ! (Especially the article in the UK Sunday Times)

via: The Brad Blog (Great job Brad!)


Former ‘Gagged’ FBI Whistleblower Alleges Pentagon, State Department Officials Overheard Receiving Payoffs in Exchange for Classified Info; Crimes Covered Up at Highest Levels of Government.

Sibel Edmonds, the former FBI translator who has been under a Bush administration gag order for the past 5 years, has now begun to disclose some of the classified information she has been prohibited from revealing.

“A WHISTLEBLOWER has made a series of extraordinary claims about how corrupt government officials allowed Pakistan and other states to steal nuclear weapons secrets,” reports Great Britain’s Sunday Times in the lead of their front page exclusive, headlined:

For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets

In the article, just filed tonight, Edmonds reveals details overheard on wiretaps she translated during her time at the FBI, just after 9/11. Her disclosures to the Times reveal a maze of nuclear black market espionage involving U.S. Defense and State Department officials, that resulted in the sale and propagation of nuclear secrets to Turkish and Israeli interests. In turn, that information was then sold to Pakistan and used by A.Q. Kahn for development of nuclear weapons. The secrets were subsequently proliferated to Iran, Libya, North Korea, and potentially al-Qaeda’s Osama bin Laden, just weeks prior to September 11th, 2001.

Continue reading…

This must be pretty threatening to some very high up people if our Congress continues to address this and allow her to testify. The worst part of all, this directly affects the national security of this entire nation. To me, this represents the greatest threat to our national security. There are traitors working freely in our government, and our leaders won’t do anything about it.

This would be a good thing to ask the presidential candidates about. Feels like its time to start writing some more letters..

What The Heck is the Sibel Edmonds Case? And Why Should You Care About It?

For those who are interesting in learning more…

What The Heck is the Sibel Edmonds Case? And Why Should You Care About It?
by Brad Friedman
via: BradBlog

Here is a follow-up posting to Brad Friedman’s post yesterday on Sibel Edmonds. There are several good links to learn more, including this one with a handy bullet-point version of the breadth of cover-ups that she is ready to risk prison in order to disclose in full by defying her absurd five-year long “gag order” by the DoJ.

This website called “Let Sibel Edmonds Speak” has a LOT of material to read, and a LOT of links to follow to learn even more.
Here is another excellent blog with even more information. I’ve included a series of videos blow the fold.
Continue reading

Sibel Edmonds: The Silence is Deafening

What does Sibel Edmonds know? If that question is left to our government, who gagged her using the “States Secrets Privilege,” or the so-called liberal media, we will never know. Here are a series of links regarding Sibel Edmonds — “The most gagged woman in America.”

From BradBlog: Sibel Edmonds is willing to tell EVERYTHING she knows to any major news network who will air her story in it’s entirety. ***crickets***

Interesting thing: A lot of links to Sibel Edmonds’ story are “no longer available.”

From WASHINGTON – The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of the National Capital Area filed an emergency motion Wednesday to open the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to the public during oral arguments tomorrow in a hearing over the termination of FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.

From Balkanalysis: In the enigmatic fashion that has characterized all of Edmonds’ under-the-gag-order limited disclosures, the outspoken whistleblower claims in the Jan. 28 interview that “…the criminal activities which I complained about were also threatening the Turkish people’s interest and Turkish national security.”

From the Baltimore Chronicle & Sentinel (interview): Current 9/11 investigation inadequate.

More to come…

UPDATE I: W. David Jenkins III, Counterbias: “One More Reason to Win: Letting Sibel Edmonds Speak.”

Robin E. Blumner, “The dangers of keeping secrets.”

Scott Horton, “Cracking the Case: An Interview With Sibel Edmonds.”

James Ridgeway, The Village Voice: “The Silencing of Sibel Edmonds.”

Statement of Sibel Edmonds, Before the House Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and Internal Relations, March 2, 2005

UPDATE II: Here’s a timeline of events from History Commons.

Our own nwmuse wrote this post recently on TheZoo: “Remember Sibel Edmonds?

UPDATE III:  U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton (the Judge in the Scooter Libby case) agreed with the government’s position that Edmonds’ lawsuit should be dismissed because much of the information needed to be considered for it was protected by the “state secrets privilege,” which is meant to protect classified national security information from being disclosed.  (CNN)

Remember Sibel Edmonds?

According to BradBlog, Sibel Edmonds, an FBI translator between December 2001 and March 2002, who was fired after reporting corruption, incompetence, and illegal (and treasonous) activities within the FBI and Departments of State and Defense, (who then became a whistle-blower and one of the most ‘gagged’ persons in US history), is now ready to talk.

“Here’s my promise to the American Public: If anyone of the major networks — ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, FOX — promise to air the entire segment, without editing, I promise to tell them everything that I know,” about everything mentioned above, she told us.

“I can tell the American public exactly what it is, and what it is that they are covering up,” she continued. “I’m not compromising ongoing investigations,” Edmonds explained, because “they’ve all been shut down since.”

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