Weekendish Gnuz

Tis the weekend, and here’s the GNUZ!

P.S. On vacation for a week starting Sunday, hope to read y’all when I get back.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: VA Restaurant Kicked Me Out ‘Because I Work For POTUS’
I’m pretty sure they had their RUC Lying-Bastard-o-Meter on, and turned up full blast.
With the Klaxons, bells, explosions and fou-gasse, the regulars probably insisted she leave them in peace.

Chinese leaders ‘absolutely confused’ by Trump’s demands on trade
H/T Politico
Yes, well… As we all are confused about his mental state, childish rants, incomprehensible fog on every issue.
Welcome to the club, expect CHAOS.

Senate left in limbo by Trump tweets, House delays
H/T The Hill
Hey! Better off in limbo, the rest of us are living through this HELL!

Open Thread, send the mutt out to pick it up and deliver it with your slippers!

RUCerious @TPZoo

Daily Gnuz

For Thurzdaze, Junish the twenty furzt

And Here’z the Gnudez

Tensions Run High For Republicans As House Heads To Doomed Immigration Votes
A do-nothing Congress is about to do what it does best: nothing.

H/T Huff Po
Complete kabuki theater. Foregone conclusion that none of the idiot Republican plans will pass. They might has well arm themselves heavily with squirt guns, do a right face and fire away at the idiot in front of them.

Trump falsely claimed for days that he couldn’t end family separations
The president is now reversing himself after facing fierce backlash for forcibly removing thousands of children from their parents.

H/T Politico
But, But, Butt, “Only I can Fix IT”, er, “Only Congress can fix it.” OK, I can sign something or other, but probably can’t spell seppereettllly write.

‘He has a gold toilet’: Ex-Obama advisor nails Donald Trump as a member of ‘the elites he decries’
H/T Raw Story
His dumas supporters don’t care that he’s the biggest hypocrite in the arena, they want to be just like Him!

Open Thread, pick it up and wipe your nose with it!

RUCerious @TPZoo

Daily Gnuz

For Tuezday, June 19ther

Here with is the Gnuz!

Judge Strikes Down Kobach’s Voter Law— And Orders He Take Legal Ed Classes
Classic slap down of the fascist SecState of Kansas. Learn the law goober. Yes, you have to be schooled.

Now It’s Up to Voters to Stop Gerrymandering
The Supreme Court declined to act to stop partisan gerrymandering, so we must act instead.

H/T The Nation
Absolutely correct. The Blue Tsunami needs to clean the Republican clocks in November, take back the House at a minimum, as well as state houses across the country.
The SCROTUS failed to draw the line defining what is the test for gerrymandering, Clarence declaring that none of the plaintiffs had been harmed. Lemmee see. I live in an area where my vote is meaningless because the district lines are designed to screw me over. No harm? You’ve gone senile Clarence, go away.

Senate candidate Richard Painter pledges to put out Trump’s ‘dumpster fire’ in eye-popping campaign ad
H/T Raw Story
Now HERE’S a guy I could vote for.
If I lived in the land of 10 zillion lakes…

Open Thread, pick it up and warp some fish with it!

RUCerious @TPZoo

Daily Gnuz

Thurzday, the Fourteenth of June

And here’s the Gnuz:

Report: Former ‘Vino Vixen’ Appointed By Trump Compiling State Dept. Loyalty List
For X sake, we know Trump loves him some authoritarianism, but he’s taking Kim Jung Un-ism much to much to heart.

Pressure on Michael Cohen intensifies as Mueller stays focused on the Trump attorney
H/T Wa Po
Well, his attorneys quit, he’s isolated and facing multiple state charges that no pardon will get him out of.
Time to give it up, and flip/roll over on The Dumpster.

Psychologist warns Trump’s mental state is rapidly deteriorating — and he may be ‘on the boundary of psychosis and reality’
H/T Raw Story
But we already knew that.
Just getting professional confirmation!

Open Thread, light it up if you’ve got it!

RUCerious @TPZoo

Daily Gnuz

Monday Edition, hot off the keyboard..(OUCH)

Flake On WH Adviser’s ‘Special Place In Hell’ Comment: ‘This Cannot Be Our Party’
Yes, Mr. Flake, this is what used to be the Republican Party. Now it has been taken over by the Brown Shirts. And you stood by while that happened. History will be harsh in its recollection of this political era.

White House employs an entire department ordered to tape papers back together after Trump rips them up
H/T Raw Story
Yes, we now have the Department of Kindergarten Bad Behavior follow up Department.

John Kelly: White House ‘A Miserable Place To Work’
Yes, General. And you own it. Why you haven’t run screaming from the building at this point is waaaaay the hell beyond me. You are an accomplice to this disaster, the longer you stay the deeper in feces you suck.

Open Thread, Run with it, sun with it, just have lots of fun with it!

RUCerious @TPZoo

Daily Gnuz

For Thurzday, The Seventh of Junius.
and Here’s the Gnuz:

Giuliani: Kim Jong Un Got On ‘Hands And Knees And Begged’ Trump For Meeting
Trump hired Giuliani thinking he would make a nice Goebbels. Looks like he got Von Stauffenberg instead.

Trump hit Mexico with steel tariffs. Mexico is hitting back — and targeting Republicans.
H/T Vox
Good for geese, gander and failing republican hog farmers.

Chuck Todd Introduces A Drug For Trump Fatigue
Hilarious! I could use a couple dozen dozens of …Oblivia! (Warning, you could fall asleep at the wheel…the roulette wheel. Do not gamble and take Oblivia at the same time.)

Open Thread, pick it up and sneeze on it!

RUCerious @TPZoo

Daily Gnuz

For Tuezday, the Fifth of June

And here’s the GNUZ!

Grassley Dings Giuliani: ‘If I Were President…I Would Hire A New Lawyer’
Your ass is grass if Grassley thinks you’re as worthless as Guiliani. Say that three times really fast!

WATCH: Kentucky valedictorian tricks his Trump-loving classmates into cheering for Obama
H/T Raw Story
Sweet! The smart kid dupes the rubes into cheering for an Obama quote, by saying at first it was a Trumpanzee pronouncement!

Black, Female Lawmaker Stopped By Security For Not Looking ‘Like A Legislator’
No shit, without her manacles and scythe, one might not recognize the slave, right massa?

Open Thread, Take it out for a test ride! But please recycle it when you’re done!

RUCerious @TPZoo

Smells Like Trump Spirit (A Song Parody)

Here’s Nirvana to tell you why Trump is dangerous.

Smells Like Trump Spirit
Based on “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana
Original lyrics and music by Chris Novoselic, David Grohl, and Kurt Cobain ©1991 Warner/Chappell Music, Inc
Additional lyrics by Wayne A. Schneider ©2018

They all got guns, warn your friends
They always lose but still pretend
He’s overboard and self-adored
You know he’s just a dirty whore
He’ll go so low, who knows how low
He’ll go so low, who knows how low
He’ll go so low, who knows how low
He’ll go so low, who knows

When he tweets out, he’s so dangerous
But he needs to entertain us
It’s so stupid but contagious
So we let him entertain us
A potato, a white rhino, a bandito, no libido
Yeah, hey

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