Sunday Roast: Man v. Food — Boise!

Adam visited Boise, Idaho, the home of hockey’s Idaho Steelheads, in mid-August 2009 with stops at Big Jud’s, Flying Pie Pizzaria, and Rockies Diner. At the first stop, Big Jud’s, Adam attempted to eat the Double Big Jud, which consists of two 1-pound burger patties stacked on top of one another with various toppings (Adam’s picks included blue cheese, Swiss cheese, mushrooms, onions and bacon) and stuffed inside a large bun.

There are reasons I stay out of Boise…this is one of them.  😉

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

One quibble:  It’s not Boy-zee — it’s Boy-cee!

Good luck, Adam!

The Watering Hole: February 27 – #22

In 1951 on this date, Amendment 22 was attached to the US Constitution. This was  a blatant GOP attempt to quash the popularity of FDR even after he had been dead for 6 years. They may have shot themselves in the foot as Ike could have easily won a third term if he was able to run.

Those who were not aware of events that occurred immediately after the advent of Sputnik, are also not aware of the turmoil that arose in our education system immediately after. Ike immediately provided the impetus that propelled our nation into the space age. I was a victim of that effort! I  left High School with the equivalent of  two semesters of college studies in physics and math.

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The Watering Hole: February 26 – A Project

For many years , I have been building portable support towers for those whose knees are not at their best. The total cost to me has been about $18.90 per  copy. I feel that it is about time to share my design.

It can be used as an aid when getting off the ground, a support in the shower or when rising or just about anywhere else extra support is needed.

I made the first one for my brother-in-law who suffers from MS.  In the ensuing 4 or 5 years, I have made 190 of the things. I made one for my spouse (pictured, no that is not her) after she developed sciatica.  Assembly and cutting instructions are below the line. Each one takes me about 30 minutes to cut and assemble.

When the local church has its annual yard sale, I make up about 5 and they sell out in the first half hour at $30 a pop. After that, the church purchases and delivers the materials and I pop them out on special order.

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Olbermann: A Cry For Help “Damn [Sarah Palin] To Hell”

In his “Special Comment” last night, Keith Olbermann began with this:

“Last Friday night my father asked me to kill him..”

And in a tortured, choked voice, he ends this comment with these words:

“Help… Help… Help… Help….”

This was a deeply personal, incredibly powerful comment. Don’t miss it.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Maddow: Reconciliation is NOT the “nuclear option”

Rachel Maddow calls out the Republicans on deliberately LYING by calling the reconcilliation process “the nuclear option”. She goes on to explain quite thoroughly the difference between the two.

Raw Story:

Senator Barbara Boxer joins Rachel Madddow to set the record straight on the difference between the so-called “nuclear option” and the Congressional process known as reconciliation, and call out Republicans for deliberately using those terms interchangeably to cause confusion.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

The Watering Hole: February 23 – “I shall return.”

This date marks the culmination of a promise made made in March 1942 when the Allied efforts most dire hours in WW II were at hand. Control of the Philippines passed into Allied hands with the recapture of  Manila, the Pearl of the Orient, on this date in 1945.

When Douglas MacArthur was granted the authority to rebuild the government of Japan, he became a benevolent conquerer and allowed tradition to survive in that proud nation.

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