Conditions Precedent to a Revolution

Before an armed insurrection takes place, three conditions must exist:

1. Socio-economic conditions of the masses must decline to the point substantial numbers must resort to violence just to meet subsistance needs.

2. There must be no hope that the political system is capable of addressing grievances.

3. There must be some hope that armed insurrection will achieve some measure of relief.

The nature of manunkind is such that those in power will naturally seek to accomplish #1. As more and more wealth is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, living conditions for the masses must of necessity decline.

Those in power, in order to remain in power, must maintain at least the illusion that the political system addresses the grievances of the masses.

Failing that, those in power must maintain at least the illusion that armed insurrection has no hope of success.

However, the greater the success in accumulating wealth, the greater the despair of the masses. The more the masses are repressed, the less likely they are to preceive that the political system is addressing their needs. Therefore, in order to maintain power, while maintaining the illusion that the political system is working, those in power must also lay the foundation for the inevitable collapse of hope in the political system. At that point, power is maintained solely by preventing any hope of improvement in the conditions of the masses. Thus repressive regimes are born.

We are in a unique position of witnessing the birth of a repressive regime in our lifetime.

154 thoughts on “Conditions Precedent to a Revolution

  1. And once the insurrection begins, the government will relieve the suffering of the people just enough to end the insurrection — and the people will be appeased.

    Begin the cycle again…

  2. I haven’t Spudge..Boy, guess I had better put it on my list for next month’s extravagant thing’s to buy..Thank’s for the hint…Blessings

  3. “We are in a unique position of witnessing the birth of a repressive regime in our lifetime.”

    I’m not sure about the tense of that sentence. I don’t know about the rest of you, but it seems to me that I witnessed the birth of a repressive regime 7.5 years ago. The regime operated unchecked for 6 years and has been more or less in stasis for the past 1.5. We are about to witness the elimination of that regime through peaceful, Constitutional means.

    The real questions is, what kind of regime comes next? Will it actively work to roll back the damage from the repressive regime, or will it cling to the unjust powers and corrupt policies currently in effect?

    Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

  4. Thank’s Lady Z, that helped…

    Had a good today, laughed till I almost….Never mind that fall’s into the TMI catagory..The marriage thingie alway’s doe’s that to me…Little known fact.I have gay and lesbian friend’s that have been together longer than any of my marriage’s..Just sent one couple a 25 year ann. Card…They are the coolest people on the planet.

    Got to talk on the phone to my buddy for half an hour, she’s jetting to Montana and going to drive a u=haul back to N.H. with all her stuff next week..All the result’s aren’t in but she’s already made her decesion..

    Went to the store and was mobed by 2 car load’s of people that followed me because of all my bumper sticker’s..Didn’t notice them untill I was in the parking lot and they charged at me…Scared the crap out of me for a moment untill I saw all the smile’s and thumb’s up…Stranger’s hugging me in a Safeway parking lot is a bit over the top…LOL..

    Well, I’m worn out..You all have a great Friday night the Bear and I are napping with the air conditioner on..Sorry for the book length..Blessings…Asprin’s are working today..Wow!

  5. We are about to witness the elimination of that regime through peaceful, Constitutional means.

    Are we, Gorn?

    I hate uttering this sentiment, but I must. Obama is hope. If Obama doesn’t make it to this election, hope will die, because as BnF says above, we are truly at that crossroad of having to fight or continue our slide to becoming the next Zimbabwe.

    The election hasn’t taken place yet. I still have my doubts that they ever will. The Neocons spent 20-25 years to accumulate the amount of power they have right now. They will not walk away from that lightly…if at all. This is not going to be simply another election.

    If there is a vote, we then have to worry about fraud at the hands of caging, the DoJ and their fake election fraud to keep voters from voting, and the Diebold and other voting machine companies who are all in the GOP pocket.

    I think we are far from being at that point of saying that we will have a Constitutional correction. And, as far as the Constitution goes, I think Obama shit on it. My hope right now, is no longer.

  6. Ms. Joanne,

    about a week or so ago, I got a bad feeling about Obama. Nothing objective…just a feeling.

    I drew a Rune last night. Focus thought: the next 4 years.

    The Rune:


    It’s not part of the Runic alphabet – it’s the blank Rune. It means Fate. It is the Rune of the unknown and unknowable. Some things are not meant to be known and some mysteries should remain hidden. All things will be revealed in time.

    Fate is unavoidable and unchangeable.

    For me, all signs point to seeking internal enlightenment, that is the way and the key to maintaining a sense of peace within while all around is turmoil.

    And, as I write, I see a cork on a storm-tossed sea. Tho’ the waves rise and fall, the cork remains balanced, with exactly the right amount above and below the waves.

  7. Hi MsJ (if you get back to reading this aging thread)…

    I can only give my opinion, which is worth about as much as you paid for it, give or take two bits.

    I guess I’m not as extreme in my views as others may be. I don’t have great despair that our country is nearing Constitutional collapse, nor do I have great hopes about what can be accomplished by a new regime. I don’t think either view is particularly realistic. It seems to me that our country fares the best when it is entangled in the political gridlock that results from its Constitutional makeup, when all the competing viewpoints are checking each other, and where progress is slow but comes from the hard work of strenuous compromise.

    I do agree that the Constitution has been under severe attack by the Bush administration and the prolonged disproportionate power grab by the neocons and their Republican / evangelical enablers, but our institutions will be strong enough to withstand it. I think Bush has pushed us to DefCon 3, bordering on DefCon 2, but he lacks the time to take it further than that. I also believe he lacks the will – he is a danger to us not because he is inherently evil, but because he is a stooge surrounded (and manipulated) by seriously deluded people.

    If you are suggesting that there will be a concerted effort by the neocons to put McCain into power, I would certainly agree with that too, even if they will hold their noses while they’re doing it. They will certainly mount a vigorous smear campaign against Obama, and may even try to manipulate voting if they think they can. But, they aren’t as all-powerful as we think. The 2000 election was essentially a draw, and would not have been close had America not been suffering from Clinton fatigue. 2004 was the peak of the neocon power, successfully using the national obsession with 9/11 to “catapult the propaganda” into a second term. Even so, it was still fairly close.

    It will not work again. This election will not be close. As power brokers, the neocons are on the edge of ruin. Their era of power has been a complete failure, and their games are now well understood by the centrist population that pushed them over the top in 2002/2004. They are despised not only by Democrats, but by most independents and many mainstream Republicans who recognize that they have completely ruined the Republican party, having hijacked it and left it in tatters.

    Although I believe Obama will win big, even if he somehow manages to lose if it is revealed that he may be Louis Farrakhan’s love child, McCain is (I’m sorry) no Bush. He is a hawk, he is confused about economics, he is a pandering cretin to the evangelical crowd, he is a hothead. All true. But, he is no Bush. He is smarter, he is not as ideological, and I believe nobody can match Bush’s incompetence. I do not believe he can come close to Bush’s divisiveness on social issues either. He panders to the far right, but that’s political convenience much more than ideology.

    Further, the Democrats already control Congress and almost certainly will increase their grip on it, to the point of perhaps being able to accomplish a few things, but certainly to the point of being able to keep McCain in check. Four years of mostly stalemate would be the likely result. Not ideal given that so much damage needs to be corrected, but a far cry from imminent Constitutional calamity.

    But let’s suppose even that it were true that he would somehow want to preside over the destruction of the Constitution. What are we suggesting, that he’ll declare martial law? Come on.

    As for Obama, sure he is positioning himself toward the center. This is normal presidential politics in the lead up to the general election. We may hate the game, but playing it effectively is necessary if you are going to win. In my view, winning the majority of the national vote is far more important than satisfying all of the checkboxes to the satisfaction of the Left.

    Politics is not the same as ideology. Politics is about successful compromise. Like it or not, the country is full of voters who disagree with most of our ideology. We cannot win every battle, certainly not in the short term. Success requires mapping a vision of principles to a message of moderation. There is a reason that the Kucinich campaign lost, and the Nader campaign lost, and Perot, and George Wallace, and Lyndon Larouche, and so many others who presented their ideology above compromise. As much as I like Kucinich and appreciate his positions on almost everything, as much as I respect his honesty, and as much as I would be delighted to see him win, I was never under the delusion that he had even the remotest chance to win, because his firm ideological stance by definition denies him access to those who don’t share that firmness of ideology – which is the majority of voters.

    Bush is the closest thing we’ve ever had, at least in my memory, to a president with ideology devoid of compromise, and look at what a nightmare he has been. Even so, he did not win as an ideologue. He won as the “compassionate conservative” positioned against the serial liar and adulterer. That pretense was dropped for the second election, but by then the mood of the country was whacked enough to give him an edge.

    So, yeah, I’m not going to agree with all of Obama’s positions, and I’m going to cringe when he feels it necessary to pander here and there. I will bite my tongue when he bows to the religious and opts out of the second amendment battle, because I have to accept compromise in some areas to achieve victory in others. I’m glad he’s smart enough to know that he needs to exhibit flexibility in order to get where we need him to go. It’s certainly something that the Clintons understand (a bit too well), but something that so many Democrats have forgotten and why they have lost so many times when victory was within reach. Obama gets it. That’s why he will win, and then we’ll see what he’s made of, and we’ll see if he can achieve meaningful corrections and then meaningful progress toward the highest priority ideological goals.

    Sorry for the stream of consciousness post, but in any case this is how I think. I know I’m not sufficiently ideologically “pure” for some people who frequent this blog, but that’s ok. I’ve often made it clear that I’m an independent, not a Democrat, and I’m a pragmatist, not an ideologue. If I believed that revolution against my fellow Americans was necessary in order to achieve a positive future, I would certainly align myself with a “progressive” ideology, but I don’t believe that such an outcome is even close to imminent. It is far preferable to achieve progress through diplomacy, negotiation, and compromise, than from the destruction that inevitably arises from ideological battles. Ideology should be a tool for organization and vision when battle is forced upon us, but it should not be the impetus for the war. Surely, history has taught us that, or it has taught us nothing.

  8. Gorn, excellent post. The point of this thread was not to advance the cause of insurrection, but to explain the conditions precedent required before one takes place.

    I am concerned over the invidious way the Democratic Party as aquiesced to the Unitary Executive concept. They have been, at the very least, enablers to an unprecedented power-grab of the Executive Branch. Now, presuming a Democrat is elected President, is it likely they will relinquish that power? In my opinion, no. If a Republican is elected President, will the Democrats in Congress be able to rein in the office of the President? Again, in my opinion, no.

    Meanwhile, the Executive Branch is being given the tools it needs to prevent the populace from having any hope of succeeding in an armed insurrection: the ability to wire-tap the entire country, thus the ability to identify those who, like us, dare to speak out against the government; the ability to use military force against civilians at the President’s say-so alone; Star Trek type weaponry, developed to use against a civilian population; the ability to aprehend any one, even a citizen, and hold that person in secret, without filing charges; the ability to torture; the ability to use statements elicited through torture as evidence to convict; the ability to torture individuals to death; the ability to flout international law and international human rights; the ability to politicize the prosecutors of the United States government. I’m sure there’s more to add to the list. The point is, the President already has these powers.

    “Obama gets it. That’s why he will win, and then we’ll see what he’s made of…” Very true.

    Meanwhile, the American people are a frog in a pot of very warm water.

  9. Good, interesting post’s…..I agree with all to some degree except when it come’s to the constitution and law…..There can be no neglect or dismanteling of our constitution and the law, if it continue’s we will have more of what we have now and worse..Those in power will continue and we really will be inslaved, our country could be reduced to work camp’s and prison’s….1984 for sure..

    I will not vote for a centerest, who has shown they will blow in the wind and move in any direction to get the vote…..Loosing the constitution to win an office is not a trade deal…That is treason….How can a civil right’s attorney throw away our civil right’s to get the office? Sorry, that show’s me this candidate, Obama, is as bad as Palosi, Reid and many in office now…

    Oh ya, I’m sure he will get voted in but not with my vote…I was back to square one when he said he would continue the war and backed Israel and their war like way’s 100%…If I make it to Nov..I’ll write in who ever I feel would support the constitution, none of the front runner’s fit that standard..When I vote for some one I expect them to do what I would do, follow the constitution and the law’s of the land not distroy them one at a time……Blessings all

  10. Gorn, as always, you are thoughtful and reasoned. Your words are comforting. And right now, I need comfort.

    BnF said it well in that our Dems in Congress have been complete enablers. My fears don’t just come from the myriad of things that the corrupt Neocons have done (and continue to and attempt to do) but from all of the executive orders and directives (especially HD51). HD51 in particular makes me fear martial law. I wish I could say I don’t think it could happen but I do.

    That power the PNAC crowd has come to accumulate over the last couple of decades will not be given up lightly. Desperate people do desperate things and while I can think of many words to describe them, stupid doesn’t come to mind (WRT seeing the obvious writing on the wall, e.g., voters already dislike McCain, we have Bush fatigue by far worse than a disgust of hearing about blow jobs 24/7, the economy is the worst in my living history [do remind me if the 70s recession was this bad…I was a kid then], etc., etc., etc.) They have to see that they are not just going to lose, they are going to be decimated. And I see that desperation being a lynch pin of their doing god only knows what.

    I do not trust these people. They are barely people. Honestly, if there is such a thing as good and evil, these people are truly evil. Sometimes I think they enjoy the suffering they inflict upon others. Greed is a terrible thing but they take it to almost a sexual level of enjoyment. There is no care for people in any regard. There is only them, their ideology, their way. Period.

    Yes, indeed. I am very afraid right now. For my family, my friends, my country. I watched V for Vendetta again last night* and I do not put it past these people to create a false flag; release some kind of virus release, blow up a building or a bunch of airplanes, who knows what – pick your best doomsday novel scenario (and how crazy would the populace go if something happened to Obama?), to stop the elections from taking place or if they do take place – but not to their desired end (assuming they actually want McCain to win), instilling martial law.

    Paranoid? Yup. I hope it winds up to be just paranoia. I will gladly say that I had my completely crazy moments from about 2005 to January 2009.

    That said, I don’t hold alot of hope that the dems will do much, even when they regain an enormous majority. I realize that they have been severely hamstrung in their numbers – a majority of one is not a workable number. I realize this. But, that said, they have been complete enablers. If I read about one more strongly worded letter I am going to hurl. That they let Miers and Bolton get away with saying Fuck you AND that they didn’t haul off Addington for contempt of Congress (remind me if we’ve had a more contemptuous person testifying in past history) is more than proof that they are rolling over. When are they going to get a backbone, once Obama takes office? I mean, honestly. So, with the way Congress has handled itself in the last many years, do I expect much to change? Not really. I don’t think that there is much US in the USA any longer. We’re nothing more than the United Corporations of America and Congress is fully a part of that.

    Doom and gloom, I know. Every aspect of our government depresses me. From moronic Bush to his puppet masters to the neocons which make up the cabinet and downstreams to the Supremes to Congress. Every aspect of our government is FUBAR.

    Meanwhile, the American people are a frog in a pot of very warm water.

    Great line, BnF.

    * I am in Canada right now and V for Vendetta was their Friday F’in Good Movie. Cute title, eh?

  11. I do, in fact, agree with what you all are saying. We are floating in very dangerous waters. There is an real chance that even if Obama wins he will find the power too intoxicating to take the opportunity to turn back some of the executive power grab. I continue to hope that will not be the case. We’ve skated on thin ice in the past and yet managed to recover our bearings. (Too many metaphors, I know. Oh well).

    Regarding martial law, I consider that possibility quite remote. To have effective martial law, you need more than just corrupt bastards in charge. You need to have a compliant military all the way to the field level, willing to ignore the Constitution they are sworn to defend, and to take up arms against their own family, friends, and neighbors. If things came to that point, I believe a coup or military civil war would be far more likely than a successful martial law implementation. Most military people feel strongly about the rights and freedoms that make the US what it is.

    We are fortunate to be a nation blessed with strong institutions of deep democratic tradition. They can withstand a lot of abuse before breaking down. My feeling is that the US military is far more reliable and uncorrupt as an institution than either the executive or the legislative branches of the government.

  12. Gorn, I hope you’re still here (I always hope you’re still here, you sweet silver thang you 😉 )…

    I agree 100% about a compliant military. I also highly doubt that any of our volunteer military (few, very few) would ever acquiesce to this type of situation. But Blackwater would. And Dynacorp would. And KBR would. They already did in NOLA. That’s who ran the show down there. And it was completely chilling!

    It is the components which make up the whole that scares the shit out of me. No Blackwater, et al, no martial law. No HD51 and EO (I think it’s) 11490 (maybe 11921, I forget), no martial law with solitary authority going to the president and his Homeland Security Coordinator (give ya 2-1 odds that would be Cheney). And those are the EOs and HDs that I know of. Then there are these double secret probative executive orders (sorry, had an Animal House moment there) which few people know of (even Congress keeps trying to get a look and the one guy – whose name escapes me right now, has the clearance to see ANYTHING – and they are refusing him access) and those secret documents could say anything.

    The whole thing creeps me out on levels I can only start to explain. First they came for the Jews…and all that. Well, I’m a dissident. And if I have to die for my country, so be it. I hope that doesn’t happen but as I have said previously, I trust this administration, no, this government (which right now includes these damned Dems!) about as far as I could pick up and toss an aircraft carrier.

    I hadn’t seen V for Vendetta in a while and I was reminded last night of just how far we have come in eight short years. They did a really good job with that. It’s spot on. It was watching the rise of Fascism in our country in the span of 90 minutes or so.

    I agree with you that Bush has no heart for it. He wants to stop working…the last years of more vacation than work time has killed him. He needs a long vaca after fucking up this country as badly as he has. But Cheney? Do you honestly put ANYTHING past Cheney? I do not.

    But do sooth me, darlin’…I need a good reality check sometimes.

  13. MsJ, I don’t put anything past Darth either, much less his private armies. But, if it comes down to it, I believe the real military will back the people and roast Blackwater and their fellow thugs.

    IMO, we need to be always vigilant, always wary, always skeptical, but never scared.

    And you can be just as probative as you want, hon.

  14. Zooey, what a fascinating article! Wow! Thanks for posting that. Food for thought, to be sure.

    BnF, it depends on what you mean by scared. I fear for my country. I fear for what has happened. I don’t think I am afraid afraid, if you catch my meaning and I hope I didn’t come across as wanting some “daddy” to protect me. That wasn’t my intent. My fears are not for me, but for us collectively. But, do tell.

    Gorn, tempt me you big, hairy thing you. Such sweet dreams I shall have tonight, eh? (Since I am still in Canada and all.) 😉

  15. Canada sounds good to me. Why don’t you start the commune, and we’ll all come up and join you when the Darth hits the fan. I’ve got plenty of thick, snuggly fur to keep you warm on those frigid Canuck nights.

  16. Oh, be still my heart! (fanning self)

    I have actually given serious thought about moving to Windsor, Ontario. It’s right on the other side of Detroit and since I could work anywhere I have access to a decent sized airport, migrating north wouldn’t be such a bad thing. I have close friends in Ottawa (I asked them to adopt me…would make the whole immigration thing so much easier 😀 ) and have always loved the great white north.

    And with an offer like that…I’m eagerly awaiting the next winter!

    Come join me one and all! Hugs all around!


  17. Z, I don’t know if you read all the comments, but this was my fav:

    ‘Nother thing. Unless Hillary is a contortionist, “Angling her belly button towards him” means she was FACING HIM AS HE SPOKE.


    And yes, I tried to work out how it would possible to aim JUST my navel until the S.O. came in and gave me a look.

  18. I scanned them, but missed that one.

    Jeebers, how very sensible. Heh.

    I’m one who studies body language, but the angling of the navel signifying anything is a true stretch.

    The hands as fig leaf mean something to me, not the navel angle.

  19. I got a chuckle thinking about a guy wiggling around so that the navel is one place and the eyes or goods are in another.

    o/` Swing low, sweet chariot o/`

  20. Funny. 🙂

    I think there is such a thing as over analysis, but I guess the news networks don’t mind spending their money on trivial shit — as long as they don’t actually have do any real news.

  21. It was more than that, to me. This was further attempts to polarize HRC supports against Obama. The horserace crap keeps going even though the primaries are done.

    When I was watching Fox last week when I was in TN (so others didn’t have to…one day I will blog about that experience), every show of each of the four days I watched had Clinton supports going to McCain. Not once did Fox every give Obama a positive mention. Not once did Fox ever say anything positive about a Dem. Not. Once.

    This was CNN going for more polarization. Period.

    Makes me fucking sick.

  22. I have no doubt of that, MizzJ.

    The media (except Fox) doesn’t care who wins this election, they just need to stir up enough hate and discontent to keep the sheeple watching their dumb shows.

  23. That’s why blogs and the internets are the future. 😀 The teevees are a dying breed. And they did it to themselves. I’d actually watch the news if it was real news. I watch Olbermann and TDS (Colbert sometimes) and that’s it. Other than that, if I watch the tubes it’s usually CSI or Law and Order (what can I say? 😀 )

  24. I hear you on Olbermann. I didn’t see the segment as I haven’t had MSNBC for two weeks now, but what I read was highly disappointing.

    I understand that Obama has to do some pandering to get elected…but to me, that was the wrong ideal to pander on. My hair is still standing up about that.

    I called Durbin and Feingold and begged them to put a hold on that disaster. I will call each of Feingold’s offices throughout WI when I return and ask (they don’t need to know it’s one person calling, right?) for I think he (or Dodd maybe) could be the only one(s) with the nads to do it. There isn’t a single other Senator worth a shit including my Durbin.

    Obama screwed the pooch on this one, in my mind, big time. Really, really big time.

  25. I doubt it.

    I actually understood Olbermann’s concepts better than Obama. I can forgive Olbermann. He understands politics for what it is. I do, too. But this issue was too important for Obama to fuck up as he did (and fuck up badly as he did in my mind).

    I read Olbermann’s exchange with Glenn Greenwald and I get both sides (I also get that if it had been Clinton I don’t think we’d be having the same kind of conversation. He was fair to Clinton at first but got as tired as we all did as the primaries went on), but I still don’t think he would have given her the same treatment or I should say pass as he did Obama.

    I am sure I will still watch Countdown. And I am sure I will still like Keith. Time shall tell on that one. I fully expect that he will hold the next administration to the same standards he does this one. I see him as the more mainstream Amy Goodman and if he fucks that up, my viewership will definitely be gone. At that point, it will be ONLY Amy Goodman for me.

  26. Gorn, you’ll just have to come visit to show me. We can discuss picking those nasty nits off your hairy self. 😉

    (Thanks for the tip, though. I’ve only been through Windsor a couple of times but what I saw online I liked alot.)

  27. OMG! Look at those pics! That place is stunningly beautiful! Gorn, thanks!! I could sooooooooooooooooo live there!

    I love mountains but Chicago isn’t known for its mountainous terrain. That would be lovely.

    Hmmm…methinks I need to see what home prices go for.

  28. Honey, when I am home, I often don’t leave my house for days at a time.

    I am perfectly comfortable in the company of my dog. She’s better than many people.

  29. That sounds like the right attitude.

    In the mornings you will be enraptured by the call of the loons as they pass through the lake mists.

    Of course, I hear the call of the loons every time I turn on the TV news, but I digress.

  30. It’s beautiful up here in Regina, Sask. Oddest place I have been to. Provincial capital with nothing around it but farms. It’s like falling off the face of the earth once you reach the end of town.

  31. Stunning. And Gorn, it’s ok…think of yourself as fine wine (works for me…I am not getting older, I am getting better! Swell, I just broke out in a commercial)

  32. I wouldn’t want to disappoint you with a real pic, MsJ.

    Besides, there’s at least one semi-insane person who stalks these boards and I don’t want to provide any more tracking info than necessary. 🙂

  33. Someday I will find some lucky guy who will get to live out a fantasy of being with a different person all the time (ME in different looks). Perfect relationship, no?

  34. I’ve always liked my gray. I’ve been working on sort of a Bride of Frankenstein look, but it started spreading to the top, and that’s it. I’m too young for that shit.

    I had a friend in high school who was going gray. That was strange.

  35. No, Zo, but it’s reaaaaaaallly close. 😉

    Funny you should mention the senior discount. That happened to me today for the first time. I was torn between being offended and being appreciative for the discount. I opted to go with the savings.

    What the heck, I guess to a 20 year old waiter, everyone over 40 looks like a senior citizen.

  36. A little background, my best friend is 66 years old, so I think they think I must be old too. Except that I look quite fabulous for being so old. 😉

  37. It’s always been my one vanity. Maybe because I started going gray so early. I always tell people about it, I can talk about it, but I can’t stand the gray hair.

    Now, pure white? In a heartbeat. I want pure white hair with a big black stripe (yeah, I can be out there sometimes) but mine needs to be more gray to go completely white. My natural hair color is jet black (well, as black as a white woman can have…I used to look like Elvira since I usually have pretty long hair) so in a few more years I can do that white/black thing.

  38. Well, darlin’, I have the young looking face. Still can’t do the hair, though.

    I am going to follow Gorn (oh, baby!) and hit the sack. I am flying home tomorrow.

    Night all…sweetest dreams all around.

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