Trig Paxson Van Palin-Less Than a Day Old and Already a Celebrity

The date is April 18, 2008. Palin’s premature baby is less than one day old.

When you look at the photos below, remember, this baby was born just hours earlier, and is 1 month premature – with Down Syndrome. Where’s the surgical gowns, the masks, the incubator? Does this look like a premature baby born that same day?

By the way, this one-month premature baby was scheduled to be released from the hospital the very next day.

33 thoughts on “Trig Paxson Van Palin-Less Than a Day Old and Already a Celebrity

  1. Hi! I’m just curious, but does anyone know if it’s routine for V.P. candidates for furnish medical records?

    I would think that the health status of those running for the highest offices would need to provide verification of physical fitness, especially one occupying the runner-up position for an old man with a history of cancer.

    Should be interesting, but I’ve yet to see anyone outside the blogosphere mentioning the newest Palin.

  2. Hi spencersmom 🙂 It looks like Palin is going to have to cough up the medical records.

    I’m not sure if it is routine, though. But they under-estimated enquiring minds and the unlimited resources of the internet.

    I hope you are having a good Labor Day Weekend…

  3. HB – you ever hear of circumstantial evidence?

    Here’s the case thus far:

    Palin never looked pregnant. Witness accounts all indicate surprise at her announcement when she was supposedly 7 months pregnant. All photos of Palin from the relevant time frame have been removed from the State website. Photos that have surfaced of Palin when she purportedly was 7 months pregnant do not appear to show a pregnant woman. Flight attendents did not notice her condition, even though she was 8 months pregnant, her water had broken and she was having contractions.

    Palin’s story about staying, giving a speech, then flying 8-9 hours, then driving another hour to a clinic, instead of going to the nearest medical facility equiped to handle premature babies with Down Syndrome is highly improbable at best, and reckless endangerment of her baby at worst. Her doctor’s acquiescence left the doctor wide open to a malpractice suit. Her doctor no longer practices at that clinic.

    The baby in the pictures above does not appear to be an hours-old premature infant. The premie with Down Syndrome was released the day after delivery, again, highly irregular. Mother was back at work the following Monday, again, highly irregular, given that she had just given birth to a premature baby with special medical needs.

    Daughter was out of school for the relevant time frame, allegedly fighting a severe case of mononucleosis. Yet Daughter showed no debilitating effects of the disease after baby was born. Daughter now sports a ring (engagement or wedding?) on her left hand.

    Two conclusions are possible at this time:

    One: Assuming the Official Story is true, Palin exhibited extremely poor judgment and recklessly endangered the life of her unborn child.

    Two: Assuming the Official Story is false, Palin created a myth to cover up the truth while at the same time making her out to look like some sort of SuperMom, able to carry on the duties of her office even while in active labor. She used this baby for political gain.

    Under either of the two possible conclusions, Palin did not exhibit the wise judgment necessary for one who would have to step into the Presidency at a moment’s notice.

  4. I guess we’ll know if that’s true when her 8 lb “premature” child arrives. 😀

    Assuming they are telling the truth — which I never do — that still leaves Gov Palin making horrendous decisions around the birth of her DS child.

    Poor judgment all around. Bad VP pick, wouldn’t you agree, HB?

  5. About 5 months pregnant? Sarah Palin said she was about 7 months pregnant and then a few days later cave birth to an 8 month “premie”. Of course since the baby is over 4 months old the kid could be about 2 or 3 months pregnant and have thought she couldn’t get pregnant right after she gave birth.

  6. I said earlier that in the picture it looked like the shorter daughter in the empire dress was the one without a waist.

    Anyhoo, when Governor Palin furnishes her medical records will know the truth. Especially about the well publicized story that she knew she was carrying a baby with down syndrome.

  7. Ok, here’s the scenario at the acceptance speech:

    Bristol hun, hold your baby brother during the speech, we don’t want everyone seeing that you’re knocked up.


  8. Of course at about 5 months pregnant the baby won’t arrive until after election day. Perhaps the clean up by the McCain camp was as easy as that. With the addition of Karl Roves threats to detain anybody who spoke out about what they know. Now more than ever the MSM should be interviewing people to make sure nobody is getting strong armed.

  9. Shayne and Zooey,

    Grasp at straws much.

    Next Palin will provide medical records, that you will call fraudulent.

    Stop at nothing to perpetuate your agenda, is that it?

  10. I can’t speak for Shayne, HB, but I was being snarky.

    But please, don’t stop allowing yourself to be force-fed rightwing pablum. If they say it, it must be true!

  11. Kinda’ hard to fake a pregnancy, Zooey. You should know that.

    No matter what Palin does to prove the birth of her child (Trig) people will say it is a lie or a cover up. And now that her daughter has stted that she is 5 months pregnant, people run the risk of stepping ofer the line and calling the daughter a liar. Do you really want to go down that road? Questioning the honesty of a MINOR CHILD?

    As for being “force-fed rightwing pablum” and “they say it, it must be true!”:

    You take yours from the left and I will take mine from the right. If we really need to go down the chain of VP lies, let me know or put up a thread about it.

  12. Oh please.

    Throw out the pregnancy issues completely, and she’s STILL got big problems. She’s a woman of questionable character, and has no business being one heartbeat away from the presidency.

    You can get off your high horse now.

  13. OK, throw out the pregnancy issue (btw, topic of the thread)

    All the politicians running have character questions, don’t they?

    She has won more elected positions than Clinton or Obama.

    She has served in elected positions as long as Obama has and longer than Clinton.

    Argue those.

  14. They all have problems so it’s ok, is that it? Give me a fucking break.

    City Council and Mayor of Bumfuck, Alaska are hardly the experience she needs to be VP. She’s been governor to what — two years?

    Merely winning more elections — on any level — does not qualify her. Are you counting her Miss Congeniality as well?

    Obtuse much?

  15. I focus on her politics (like I did Clinton when she was running for Pres) and not get distracted by phantom issues like this one. Or her gender.

    But are you saying that she has character questions so she is unfit, but Obama and Biden have character questions, but those don’t matter.

    If you look at character questions, none of them are fit.

  16. EV,

    I agree she is a dark horse.

    I like the fact that she will turn on her own party.

    I like the fact that she turned down Stevens “bridge to nowhere”.

    I like that she wants her state to get off the federal teet.

  17. Yeah, she’s a “dark horse” like McCain’s a “maverick.”

    Think again on the Bridge to Nowhere. Do a little research, don’t just slurp up what you’re told.

    Get her state off the “federal teet?” Alaska is a state within the United States. So you’re in favor of secession? Nice one, HB.

  18. I’m tired of this off topic discussion. We’re just going around and around in circles with HB. This is all stuff we’ve linked to before. This is stuff we have other posts on.

    Educate yourself, HB. Like we educated ourselves. You don’t like what you find here? Go out and figure it all out for yourself. Good idea? Yeah.

    Knock yourself out.

    If I have anything else to say on topic, I’ll let you know.

    I have stuff to do.

  19. Zooey,

    Why not let her state, one of the most resource rich in the nation, contribute to the nation more instead of taking more from the nation?

    Bridge to nowhere, yep she changed her position. Kind of like John Kerry on Iraq, Joe Biden on Iraq. At least no one died for the BRidge to Nowhere /sarc>.

    If the topic is so tiring, then why does the Zoo keep posting about it?

  20. HB you threw out a bunch of lies about Obama yesterday no problem. If you want to throw that crap around and not get it back you should go to one of the right wing sites. Otherwise, everything we learned about fighting dirty we learned from your side. If you people think we’re going to let you keep smearing people without doing it back forget about it. We’re not that progressive. And if your side thinks they can rig and steal another election and the people will let it happen again, well good luck with that.

  21. In addition there are way more negative things being said about Palin at other sites than there are here. Maybe you should go look around for some of the facts that are coming out of Alaska as told by Republicans.

  22. Shayne,

    Sorry, I thought this place wsa all for taking the higher road. You know, trying to NOT be like the republican sites.

    And nothing I posted yesterday about Obama were lies. In fact, most of those statements were made by either Obama or his camp.

    But I do think you VP nom. has a much longer record of lies than Palin does.

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