Introducing Financial Media Matters

It’s good to know that the folks from Media Matters have now launched a new site: Financial Media Matters.  Hopefully, this site will bring light to the lies that are told not just on CNBC, although it gets the most light, of late, especially since Jim Cramer’s brutal slap-down by Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart, but across the financial talking heads.  If anything is sorely needed right now is some honesty in reporting financial news.

This is one to add to your Favorites.  It is bound to be a keeper.

If you missed the urban legend on Dodd getting a “sweetheart” deal from Countrywide here it is.  This is a good read.

And if you are looking for some good news in the whole financial meltdown, then wait no longer:  Madoff bilked millions from the neoconservative “think tank” Scooter Libby and Douglas Feith work for.

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