Watering Hole – October 11, 2010 – Monday Rant

In 2008, people voted for change. We were tired of watching our jobs get sent overseas, tired of being denied affordable health care, tired of war without end, and tired of being ignored by Washington, D.C.

In order for this change to happen, the populace voted for a 1/2 black and 1/2 white man for President. Within days of Barack Obama’s inauguration, the drug addict, loud mouth leader of the Republican party, Rush Limbaugh, shouted over the airwaves, “I hope he fails.” What that statement really meant is that Rush wanted us to fail and the Republicans bowed to Limbaugh and quickly did his bidding. Soon afterwards, crazy Glenn Beck started his revolution by stirring up hatred and encouraging racism among his followers. During the summer of 2009, the godzilla from Wasilla, Sarah Palin, could no longer tolerate being out of the limelight so she turned her back on Alaskans and quit her job as Governor so that she could travel around the lower 48 and become a money grabbing superstar. The morons responded by behaving poorly at town hall meetings and giving birth to the Tea Party Republicans.

Both domestic and foreign Corporations were pleased with the uprising of the morons because they knew that this is a group of people that can easily be manipulated to vote AGAINST their own best interests. Then a miracle happened. The Supreme Court of the United States of America gave the green light to the Corporations to spend as much money as they liked on elections. Finally, international corporations will become our masters and rule our nation. Oh happy days for the rich and greedy. Oh happy days for foreign interests. Oh happy days for the lords of the land.

This nightmare doesn’t have to happen. We still have time to take our country back.


(h/t to cryptodiro at DailyKos for the video)

Here’s something else you can do.

This is our Open Thread so Speak Up!

(This rant is the opinion of Cats r Flyfishn and unless stated in the comments, doesn’t represent the opinion of The Zoo)

Vote As If Your Life Depends On It, Because It Does

It’s no secret that we Critters are pretty liberal. And while it is our official policy to not endorse any particular candidate, it’s not hard to guess who we would like to see win. (It may surprise you to learn that some of us, for our own reasons, may not vote for him.) Still, we do want every eligible voter to vote in this election. Remember that every seat in the House of Representatives is up for re-election (as they are every two years), and about one third of the Senate is up for grabs. Even if neither of the major party candidates impresses you enough to go out and vote next Tuesday, consider the other issues that need to be decided by you, the voter. Many states have ballot referendums that require your input. In my own home state, we’re voting to amend our state constitution, which is never something to be taken lightly. It’s important that matters like this be decided by the widest number of people possible, instead of just a few who vote regularly. Below are links to each state’s election information. Check your state to see what else you need to vote on.

And remember, if you are eligible, it is your civic duty to vote. So be proud of the fact that you can vote, as there are many people in the world who cannot have any say in their government’s makeup. The issues are too important to dismiss. The future is too imperiled to ignore. Your life, and the lives of your children, may depend on the decisions we as a nation make on November 4th. So vote as if your life depends on it, because it does. Thank you for voting.

Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

NOTE: If you discover that any of these links do not work, please leave a comment specifying the state (or District), and I will try to find a good link. Thank you. And VOTE!

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