The Watering Hole, Monday, August 4th, 2014: Peculiar Podiatric Political “Humor”

At our office, the content of our ‘Sales’ emailbox is usually comprised of orders, queries, requests for catalogs, etc. Occasionally we still get offers for misspelled Cialis, Viagra, etc., as well as the internet version of the letter from a Nigerian prince. Once in a while, for reasons beyond my comprehension, we get anti-government rants from a group called (I believe) The American Land Rights Association. But last week we got a very unusual (and pretty weird) political email. Here it is in its entirety:

From: Martin Marks []
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 9:01 AM


Taxed Enough Already

We AIM to PLEASE ……….

GRID LOCK – gov’t waste

If you like your ……..

ILL Eagle - The  Barak Stops Here 01

While none of these made any sense or fell into the category of “humor” such as we understand it, the editor of the Virginia News Source (which touts itself as “Tidewater Virginia’s ONLY source of reality based news. We are professional muckrakers, politically incorrect, and equal opportunity offenders”) absolutely loves them. Here’s an excerpt (I recreated the misspellings, etc.) from the editor’s July 25th blurb about Dr. Footsie:

“I love ‘whack jobs and I connected with him and stuck up a a great relationship nstantly. My kind of person. Of sound mind. Off-beat humorous.

Dr. Footsie has enough of a whacky outlook, and the creative, artistic ability to articulate the wrongs of the world in a delightfully humorous way. That’s not to say that his cartoons aren’t biting. They are. They are effective. In one upcoming cartoon, he depicts Obama in a cartoon entitled “a black eye on America”, combining all that wrong about Obama’s failed presidency. Subtle meanings are hidden throughout his work.”

Well, they certainly fit in with the crap on the Virginia News Source website. They are NOT, however, either “delightful”, nor “subtle”, nor “humorous”, at least in MY opinion. Don’t quit your day job, “Dr. Footsie.”

This is our daily open thread–what’s on your mind today?

OPEN THREAD: Guns don’t kill people, pressure cookers kill people.

All cartoons are posted with the artists’ express permission to TPZoo.
Paul Jamiol
Jamiol’s World

Good morning, Zoosters.

This is the open thread of the day, until a better one comes around.

So, have a cup of your favorite brew, sit down and unload whatever comes to mind.

Watering Hole – Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sequestration only becomes a problem for Congress when it inconveniences them.

This is a last minute attempt to put up an Open Thread.  Speak Up!

Posted by Cats r Flyfishn.  Now, I have to get back to my packing.

All cartoons are posted with the artists’ express permission to TPZoo.
Paul Jamiol
Jamiol’s World

In a nutshell….

All cartoons are posted with the artists’ express permission to TPZoo.
Paul Jamiol
Jamiol’s World


Although the sequester is litterally killing Americans by depriving them of much needed healthcare, Congress did take swift action to alleviate one major inconvenience to the leisure class by restoring air traffic controllers.

Thus it is as it has been, poor people die so that rich people won’t be inconvenienced.

The Watering Hole: April 11 — A Corpse Flower by any other name…

All cartoons are posted with the artists’ express permission to TPZoo.
Paul Jamiol
Jamiol’s World

Really, is the GOP fooling anyone?

What am I saying?  Of course, they’re fooling the fools who continually and foolishly vote for those fools.

It literally does not matter what the GOP says or does, as long as there is an “R” behind the name, the drones will vote for it — usually against their own needs and interests.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m done with trying to enlighten this type of fool.  I won’t even correct their stupid spewings.  Why waste my time and raise my blood pressure?

Like my Mom used to say, “They’d complain if they were hanged with a new rope.”  *spit*

This is our daily open thread — Rant away.